my(@msglist) = ();
while (<QLIST>) { push (@msglist, $1) if /^\s*\d+[smhdw]\s+\S+\s+(\S+)/; }
+ # We need the message ids sorted in ascending order.
+ # Message id is: <timestamp>-<pid>-<fractional-time>. On some systems (*BSD) the
+ # PIDs are randomized, so sorting just the whole PID doesn't work.
+ # We do the Schartz' transformation here (sort on
+ # <timestamp><fractional-time>). Thanks to Kirill Miazine
+ @msglist = map { $_->[0] }
+ sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }
+ map { [$_, join '', (split '-', $_)[0,2]] } @msglist;
# Done backwards just in case there are more than 9