The "spam" ACL condition code contained a sscanf() call with a %s
[users/heiko/exim.git] / doc / doc-txt / OptionLists.txt
1 $Cambridge: exim/doc/doc-txt/OptionLists.txt,v 1.32 2007/04/11 15:26:10 ph10 Exp $
4 ---------------------
6 This file contains complete lists of four kinds of Exim option:
8   1. Those that can appear in the run time configuration file;
9   2. Those that can be used on the command line;
10   3. Those that can appear in the build time configuration (Local/Makefile);
11   4. Those that can appear in the build time configuration for the Exim monitor
12      (Local/eximon.conf).
14 This file was last updated for Exim release 4.67.
18 -------------------
20 As Exim has developed, new options have been added at each major release. For
21 the most part, backwards compatibility has been maintained, and obsolete
22 options continue to be recognized. However, incompatible changes took place at
23 releases 3.00, and 4.00. In both cases, several groups of options were
24 amalgamated into new, extended options, and obsolete options were removed.
26 The table below contains a complete list of all Exim's current options, along
27 with their types, default values, and where they can be used. String options
28 that are expanded before use are marked with *. Host lists, domain lists, and
29 address lists are always expanded. In some cases the defaults are not fixed
30 values, or not short enough to fit in the table. These are indicated by +. Some
31 other default values are determined when the Exim binary is compiled; these are
32 indicated by ++.
34 For options that are specific to a particular driver, the fourth column
35 contains the driver name, for example, appendfile. Otherwise, it contains
37  . `main' for options that appear in the main section of Exim's configuration
38     file;
40  . `authenticators' for generic options that apply to any authenticator;
42  . `routers' for generic options that apply to any router;
44  . `transports' for generic options that apply to any transport.
46 The fifth column contains the version of Exim in which the option was added, or
47 substantially changed. Where no number is given, the option has been in Exim
48 since the very early releases. The routers were completely reorganised for
49 release 4.00, and so no router options are shown as earlier than 4.00, though
50 in fact some of them were inherited from earlier versions.
52 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 accept_8bitmime                      boolean         false         main              1.60
54 acl_not_smtp                         string*         unset         main              4.11
55 acl_not_smtp_mime                    string*         unset         main              4.51 with content scan
56 acl_smtp_auth                        string*         unset         main              4.00
57 acl_smtp_connect                     string*         unset         main              4.11
58 acl_smtp_data                        string*         unset         main              4.00
59 acl_smtp_etrn                        string*         unset         main              4.00
60 acl_smtp_expn                        string*         unset         main              4.00
61 acl_smtp_helo                        string*         unset         main              4.20
62 acl_smtp_mail                        string*         unset         main              4.11
63 acl_smtp_mailauth                    string*         unset         main              4.21
64 acl_smtp_mime                        string*         unset         main              4.50 with content scan
65 acl_smtp_predata                     string*         unset         main              4.43
66 acl_smtp_quit                        string*         unset         main              4.43
67 acl_smtp_rcpt                        string*         unset         main              4.00
68 acl_smtp_starttls                    string*         unset         main              4.11
69 acl_smtp_vrfy                        string*         unset         main              4.00
70 address_data                         string*         unset         routers           4.00
71 address_retry_include_sender         boolean         true          smtp              4.64
72 address_test                         boolean         true          routers           4.14
73 admin_groups                         string list     unset         main              3.02
74 allow_domain_literals                boolean         false         main              4.00 replacing forbid_domain_literals
75 allow_commands                       string list*    unset         pipe              1.89
76 allow_defer                          boolean         false         redirect          4.00
77 allow_fail                           boolean         false         redirect          4.00
78 allow_filter                         boolean         false         redirect          4.00
79 allow_freeze                         boolean         false         redirect          4.00
80 allow_fifo                           boolean         false         appendfile        3.13
81 allow_localhost                      boolean         false         smtp              1.73
82 allow_mx_to_ip                       boolean         false         main              3.14
83 allow_symlink                        boolean         false         appendfile
84 allow_utf8_domains                   boolean         false         main              4.14
85 auth_advertise_hosts                 host list       "*"           main              4.00
86 authenticated_sender                 string*         unset         smtp              4.14
87 authenticated_sender_force           boolean         false         smtp              4.61
88 authenticate_hosts                   host list       unset         smtp              3.13
89 auto_thaw                            time            0s            main
90 av_scanner                           string*         +             main              4.50 with content scan
91 batch_id                             string          unset         appendfile        4.00
92                                                      unset         lmtp              4.00
93                                                      unset         pipe              4.00
94 batch_max                            integer         100           appendfile
95                                                      100           lmtp              3.20
96                                                      100           pipe
97 bcc                                  string*         unset         autoreply
98 bi_command                           string          unset         main
99 body_only                            boolean         false         transports        2.05
100 bounce_message_file                  string          unset         main              4.00
101 bounce_message_text                  string          unset         main              4.00
102 bounce_return_body                   boolean         true          main              4.23
103 bounce_return_message                boolean         true          main              4.00
104 bounce_return_size_limit             int             100K          main              4.23 better name for return_size_limit
105 bounce_sender_authentication         string          unset         main              4.00
106 callout_domain_negative_expire       time            3h            main              4.11
107 callout_domain_positive_expire       time            7d            main              4.11
108 callout_negative_expire              time            2h            main              4.11
109 callout_positive_expire              time            24h           main              4.11
110 callout_random_local_part            string*         +             main              4.11
111 cannot_route_message                 string*         unset         routers           4.11
112 caseful_local_part                   boolean         false         routers           4.00
113 cc                                   string*         unset         autoreply
114 check_ancestor                       boolean         false         redirect          4.00
115 check_group                          boolean         false         appendfile
116                                                      +             redirect          4.00
117 check_local_user                     boolean         false         routers           4.00
118 check_log_inodes                     integer         0             main
119 check_log_space                      integer         0             main
120 check_owner                          boolean         true          appendfile        3.14
121                                                      +             redirect          4.00
122 check_rfc2047_length                 boolean         true          main              4.60
123 check_secondary_mx                   boolean         false         dnslookup         4.00
124 check_spool_inodes                   integer         0             main
125 check_spool_space                    integer         0             main
126 check_string                         string          "From "       appendfile        3.03
127                                                      unset         pipe              3.03
128 check_srv                            string*         unset         dnslookup         4.31
129 client_ignore_invalid_base64         boolean         false         plaintext         4.61
130 client_name                          string*         +             cram_md5          3.10
131 client_secret                        string*         unset         cram_md5          3.10
132 client_send                          string*         unset         plaintext         3.10
133 command                              string*         unset         lmtp              3.20
134                                                      unset         pipe
135                                                      unset         queryprogram      4.00
136 command_group                        string          unset         queryprogram      4.00
137 command_timeout                      time            5m            smtp
138 command_user                         string          unset         queryprogram      4.00
139 condition                            string*         unset         routers           4.00
140 connect_timeout                      time            0s            smtp              1.60
141 connection_max_messages              integer         500           smtp              4.00 replaces batch_max
142 create_directory                     boolean         true          appendfile
143 create_file                          string          "anywhere"    appendfile
144 current_directory                    string          unset         transports        4.00
145                                                      unset         queryprogram      4.00
146 daemon_smtp_ports                    string          unset         main              1.75  pluralised in 4.21
147 daemon_startup_retries               int             9             main              4.52
148 daemon_startup_sleep                 time            30s           main              4.52
149 data                                 string          unset         redirect          4.00
150 data_timeout                         time            5m            smtp
151 debug_print                          string*         unset         authenticators    4.00
152                                                      unset         routers           4.00
153                                                      unset         transports        2.00
154 delay_after_cutoff                   boolean         true          smtp
155 delay_warning                        time list       24h           main
156 delay_warning_condition              string*         +             main              1.73
157 deliver_drop_privilege               boolean         false         main              4.00
158 deliver_queue_load_max               fixed-point     unset         main              1.70
159 delivery_date_add                    boolean         false         transports
160 delivery_date_remove                 boolean         true          main
161 directory                            string*         unset         appendfile
162 directory_file                       string*         +             appendfile
163 directory_mode                       octal-integer   0700          appendfile
164 directory_transport                  string*         unset         redirect          4.00
165 disable_ipv6                         boolean         false         main              4.61
166 disable_logging                      boolean         false         routers           4.11
167                                                      false         transports        4.11
168 dns_again_means_nonexist             domain list     unset         main              1.89
169 dns_check_names_pattern              string          +             main              2.11
170 dns_csa_search_limit                 integer         5             main              4.60
171 dns_csa_use_reverse                  boolean         true          main              4.60
172 dns_ipv4_lookup                      boolean         false         main              3.20
173 dns_qualify_single                   boolean         true          smtp
174 dns_retrans                          time            0s            main              1.60
175 dns_retry                            integer         0             main              1.60
176 dns_search_parents                   boolean         false         smtp
177 domains                              domain list     unset         routers           4.00
178 driver                               string          unset         authenticators
179                                                      unset         routers           4.00
180                                                      unset         transports
181 drop_cr                              boolean         false         main              4.00 became a no-op in 4.21
182 dsn_from                             string*         +             main              4.67
183 envelope_to_add                      boolean         false         transports
184 envelope_to_remove                   boolean         true          main
185 environment                          string*         unset         pipe              2.95
186 errors_copy                          string list*    unset         main
187 errors_reply_to                      string          unset         main
188 errors_to                            string*         unset         routers           4.00
189 escape_string                        string          ">From "      appendfile        3.03
190                                                      unset         pipe              3.03
191 exim_group                           string          ++            main
192 exim_path                            string          ++            main
193 exim_user                            string          ++            main
194 expn                                 boolean         true          routers
195 extra_local_interfaces               string          unset         main              4.21
196 extract_addresses_remove_arguments   boolean         true          main              1.92
197 fail_verify                          boolean         false         routers
198 fail_verify_recipient                boolean         false         routers           4.00
199 fail_verify_sender                   boolean         false         routers           4.00
200 fallback_hosts                       string list     unset         routers           4.00
201                                                      unset         smtp
202 file                                 string*         unset         appendfile
203                                                      unset         autoreply
204                                                      unset         redirect          4.00
205 file_expand                          boolean         false         autoreply
206 file_format                          string          unset         appendfile        3.03
207 file_must_exist                      boolean         false         appendfile
208 file_optional                        boolean         false         autoreply
209 file_transport                       string*         unset         redirect          4.00
210 filter_prepend_home                  boolean         true          redirect          4.63
211 final_timeout                        time            10m           smtp
212 finduser_retries                     integer         0             main
213 forbid_blackhole                     boolean         false         redirect          4.00
214 forbid_exim_filter                   boolean         false         redirect          4.44
215 forbid_fail                          boolean         false         redirect          4.00
216 forbid_file                          boolean         false         redirect          4.00
217 forbid_filter_existstest             boolean         false         redirect          4.00
218 forbid_filter_logwrite               boolean         false         redirect          4.00
219 forbid_filter_lookup                 boolean         false         redirect          4.00
220 forbid_filter_perl                   boolean         false         redirect          4.00
221 forbid_filter_readfile               boolean         false         redirect          4.00
222 forbid_filter_readsocket             boolean         false         redirect          4.11
223 forbid_filter_reply                  boolean         false         redirect          4.00
224 forbid_filter_run                    boolean         false         redirect          4.00
225 forbid_include                       boolean         false         redirect          4.00
226 forbid_pipe                          boolean         false         redirect          4.00
227 forbid_sieve_filter                  boolean         false         redirect          4.44
228 forbid_smtp_code                     boolean         false         redirect          4.63
229 freeze_exec_fail                     boolean         false         pipe              1.89
230 freeze_tell                          boolean         false         main              4.00 replaces freeze_tell_mailmaster
231 from                                 string*         unset         autoreply
232 gecos_name                           string*         unset         main
233 gecos_pattern                        string          unset         main
234 gethostbyname                        boolean         false         smtp
235 gnutls_require_kx                    string*         unset         main              4.67
236                                      string*         unset         smtp              4.67
237 gnutls_require_mac                   string*         unset         main              4.67
238                                      string*         unset         smtp              4.67
239 gnutls_require_protocols             string*         unset         main              4.67
240                                      string*         unset         smtp              4.67
241 group                                string          +             routers           4.00
242                                                      unset         transports        4.00 replaces local option in some transports
243 header_line_maxsize                  integer         0 (unset)     main              4.14
244 header_maxsize                       integer         1M            main              4.14
245 headers                              string*         unset         autoreply
246 headers_add                          string*         unset         routers           4.00
247                                                      unset         transports
248 headers_charset                      string          ++            main              4.21
249 headers_only                         boolean         false         transports        2.05
250 headers_remove                       string*         unset         routers           4.00
251                                                      unset         transports
252 headers_rewrite                      string          unset         transports        3.20
253 helo_accept_junk_hosts               host list       unset         main              3.00
254 helo_allow_chars                     string          ""            main              4.02
255 helo_lookup_domains                  domain list     unset         main              4.00
256 helo_data                            string*   "$primary_hostname" smtp              3.21
257 helo_try_verify_hosts                host list       unset         main              4.00
258 helo_verify_hosts                    host list       unset         main              1.73
259 hide_child_in_errmsg                                 false         redirect          4.00
260 hold_domains                         domain list     unset         main              1.70
261 home_directory                       string*         unset         transports        4.00 replaces individual options
262 host_all_ignored                     string          "defer"       manualroute       4.67
263 host_find_failed                     string          "freeze"      manualroute       4.00
264 host_lookup                          host list       unset         main              3.00
265 host_lookup_order                    string list  "bydns:byaddr"   main              4.30
266 host_reject_connection               host list       unset         main              4.00
267 hosts                                string          unset         iplookup          4.00
268                                      string list*    unset         smtp
269 hosts_avoid_esmtp                    host list       unset         smtp              4.21
270 hosts_avoid_pipelining               host list       unset         smtp              4.67
271 hosts_avoid_tls                      host list       unset         smtp              3.20
272 hosts_connection_nolog               host list       unset         main              4.43
273 hosts_max_try                        integer         5             smtp              3.20
274 hosts_max_try_hardlimit              integer         50            smtp              4.50
275 hosts_nopass_tls                     host list       unset         smtp              4.00
276 hosts_override                       boolean         false         smtp              2.11
277 hosts_randomize                      boolean         false         manualroute       4.00
278                                                      false         smtp              3.14
279 hosts_require_auth                   host list       unset         smtp              4.00
280 hosts_require_tls                    host list       unset         smtp              3.20
281 hosts_treat_as_local                 domain list     unset         main              1.95
282 hosts_try_auth                       host list       unset         smtp              4.00
283 ignore_bounce_errors_after           time            0s            main              4.00
284 ignore_eacces                        boolean         false         redirect          4.00
285 ignore_enotdir                       boolean         false         redirect          4.00
286 ignore_fromline_hosts                host list       unset         main
287 ignore_fromline_local                boolean         false         main              2.05
288 ignore_status                        boolean         false         pipe
289 ignore_target_hosts                  host list       unset         routers           4.00
290 include_directory                    string          unset         redirect          4.00
291 initgroups                                           false         routers           4.00
292 interface                            string list     unset         smtp              1.70
293 keep_malformed                       time            4d            main
294 keepalive                            boolean         true          smtp              2.05
295 ldap_default_servers                 string list     unset         main              3.02
296 ldap_version                         int             2 or 3        main              4.14
297 local_from_check                     boolean         true          main              3.14
298 local_from_prefix                    string          unset         main              3.14
299 local_from_suffix                    string          unset         main              3.14
300 local_interfaces                     string list     unset         main              1.60
301 local_part_prefix                    string          unset         routers           4.00 replaces prefix
302 local_part_prefix_optional           boolean         unset         routers           4.00 replaces prefix_optional
303 local_part_suffix                    string          unset         routers           4.00 replaces suffix
304 local_part_suffix_optional           boolean         unset         routers           4.00 replaces suffix_optional
305 local_parts                          string list*    unset         routers           4.00
306 local_scan_timeout                   time            5m            main              4.03
307 local_sender_retain                  boolean         false         main              4.00
308 localhost_number                     string          unset         main
309 lock_fcntl_timeout                   time            0s            appendfile        3.14
310 lock_flock_timeout                   time            0s            appendfile        4.11
311 lock_interval                        time            3s            appendfile
312 lock_retries                         integer         10            appendfile
313 lockfile_mode                        octal-integer   0600          appendfile
314 lockfile_timeout                     time            30m           appendfile
315 log                                  string*         unset         autoreply
316 log_as_local                         boolean         +             routers           4.00
317 log_file_path                        string list     ++            main
318 log_defer_output                     boolean         false         pipe              1.89
319 log_fail_output                      boolean         false         pipe              1.60
320 log_output                           boolean         false         pipe              1.60
321 log_selector                         string          unset         main              4.00
322 log_timezone                         boolean         false         main              4.11
323 lookup_open_max                      integer         25            main              2.05
324 mailbox_filecount                    string*         unset         appendfile        4.43
325 mailbox_size                         string*         unset         appendfile        4.43
326 maildir_format                       boolean         false         appendfile        1.70
327 maildir_retries                      integer         10            appendfile        1.70
328 maildir_tag                          string*         unset         appendfile        1.92
329 maildir_use_size_file                boolean         false         appendfile        4.30
330 maildirfolder_create_regex           string          unset         appendfile        4.62
331 mailstore_format                     boolean         false         appendfile        2.00
332 mailstore_prefix                     string*         unset         appendfile        2.00
333 mailstore_suffix                     string*         unset         appendfile        2.00
334 match_directory                      string*         unset         localuser
335 max_output                           integer         20K           pipe
336 max_rcpt                             integer         100           smtp              1.60
337 max_user_name_length                 integer         0             main
338 mbx_format                           boolean         false         appendfile        2.10
339 message_body_visible                 integer         500           main
340 message_id_header_domain             string*         unset         main              4.11
341 message_id_header_text               string*         unset         main
342 message_logs                         boolean         true          main              4.10
343 message_prefix                       string*         +             appendfile        4.00 replaces prefix
344                                      string*         unset         pipe              4.00 replaces prefix
345 message_size_limit                   integer         50M           main
346                                                      0             transports        2.05
347 message_suffix                       string*         +             appendfile        4.00 replaces suffix
348                                      string*         unset         pipe              4.00 replaces suffix
349 mode                                 octal-integer   0600          appendfile
350                                                      0600          autoreply
351 mode_fail_narrower                   boolean         true          appendfile        1.70
352 modemask                             octal-integer   022           redirect          4.00
353 more                                 boolean         true          routers           4.00
354 move_frozen_messages                 boolean         false         main              3.09
355 multi_domain                         boolean         true          smtp
356 mx_domains                           domain list     unset         dnslookup         4.00
357 mx_fail_domains                      domain list     unset         dnslookup         4.43
358 mysql_servers                        string list     unset         main              3.03
359 never_users                          string list     unset         main
360 notify_comsat                        boolean         false         appendfile
361 once                                 string*         unset         autoreply
362 once_file_size                       integer         0             autoreply         3.20
363 once_repeat                          time            0s            autoreply         2.95
364 one_time                             boolean         false         redirect          4.00
365 optional                             boolean         false         iplookup          4.00
366 oracle_servers                       string          unset         main              4.00
367 owners                               string list     unset         redirect          4.00
368 owngroups                            string list     unset         redirect          4.00
369 pass_on_timeout                      boolean         false         routers           4.00
370 pass_router                          string          unset         routers           4.00
371 path                                 string          "/usr/bin"    pipe
372 percent_hack_domains                 domain list     unset         main
373 perl_at_start                        boolean         false         main              2.10
374 perl_startup                         string          unset         main              2.10
375 pgsql_servers                        string list     unset         main              3.14
376 pid_file_path                        string          ++            main
377 pipe_as_creator                      boolean         false         pipe
378 pipe_transport                       string*         unset         redirect          4.00
379 pipelining_advertise_hosts           host list       "*"           main              4.14
380 port                                 integer         0             iplookup          4.00
381                                      string          "smtp"        smtp
382 preserve_message_logs                boolean         false         main
383 primary_hostname                     string          +             main
384 print_topbitchars                    boolean         false         main              1.89
385 process_log_path                     string          unset         main              4.21
386 prod_requires_admin                  boolean         true          main              1.70
387 protocol                             string          "udp"         iplookup          4.00
388                                      string          "smtp"        smtp              3.20
389 public_name                          string          unset         authenticators    3.10
390 qualify_domain                       string          +             main
391                                      string*         unset         redirect          4.31
392 qualify_preserve_domain              boolean         false         redirect          4.00
393 qualify_recipient                    string          +             main
394 qualify_single                       boolean         true          dnslookup         4.00
395 query                                string*         +             iplookup          4.00
396 queue_domains                        domain list     unset         main              4.00
397 queue_list_requires_admin            boolean         true          main              1.95
398 queue_only                           boolean         false         main
399 queue_only_file                      string          unset         main              2.05
400 queue_only_load                      fixed-point     unset         main
401 queue_only_override                  boolean         true          main              4.21
402 queue_run_in_order                   boolean         false         main              1.70
403 queue_run_max                        integer         5             main
404 queue_smtp_domains                   domain list     unset         main
405 quota                                string*         unset         appendfile        1.60
406 quota_directory                      string*         unset         appendfile        4.11
407 quota_filecount                      integer         0             appendfile        2.05
408 quota_is_inclusive                   boolean         true          appendfile        3.20
409 quota_size_regex                     string          unset         appendfile        3.14
410 quota_warn_message                   string*         +             appendfile        2.10
411 quota_warn_threshold                 string*         0             appendfile        2.10
412 rcpt_include_affixes                 boolean         false         transports        4.21
413 receive_timeout                      time            0s            main              4.00 replacing accept_timeout
414 received_header_text                 string*         +             main
415 received_headers_max                 integer         30            main
416 recipient_unqualified_hosts          host list       unset         main              4.00 replacing receiver_unqualified_hosts
417 recipients_max                       integer         0             main              1.60
418 recipients_max_reject                boolean         false         main              1.70
419 redirect_router                      string          unset         routers           4.00
420 remote_max_parallel                  integer         1             main
421 remote_sort_domains                  domain list     unset         main              4.00 replacing remote_sort
422 repeat_use                           boolean         true          redirect          4.00
423 reply_to                             string*         unset         autoreply         2.05
424 reply_transport                      string*         unset         redirect          4.00
425 require_files                        string list*    unset         routers           4.00
426 reroute                              string*         unset         iplookup          4.00
427 response_pattern                     string          unset         iplookup          4.00
428 restrict_to_path                     boolean         false         pipe
429 retry_data_expire                    time            7d            main              3.03
430 retry_include_ip_address             boolean         true          smtp              1.92
431 retry_interval_max                   time            24h           main
432 retry_use_local_part                 boolean         +             routers           4.00
433                                                      +             transports        4.00 replacing individual options
434 return_fail_output                   boolean         false         pipe              1.60
435 return_message                       boolean         false         autoreply
436 return_output                        boolean         false         pipe
437 return_path                          string*         unset         transports        2.05
438 return_path_add                      boolean         false         transports
439 return_path_remove                   boolean         true          main
440 return_size_limit                    integer         100K          main                   renamed bounce_return_size_limit in 4.23
441 rewrite                              boolean         true          redirect          4.00
442 rewrite_headers                      boolean         true          dnslookup         4.00
443 rfc1413_hosts                        host list       *             main
444 rfc1413_query_timeout                time            5s            main
445 router_home_directory                string*         unset         routers           4.11
446 route_data                           string*         unset         manualroute       4.00
447 route_list                           string list     unset         manualroute       4.00
448 same_domain_copy_routing             boolean         false         dnslookup         4.00
449 search_parents                       boolean         false         dnslookup         4.00
450 self                                 string          "freeze"      routers           4.00
451 sender_unqualified_hosts             host list       unset         main
452 senders                              address list    unset         routers           4.00
453 serialize_hosts                      host list       unset         smtp              1.60
454 server_advertise_condition           string*         unset         authenticators    4.14
455 server_condition                     string*         unset         authenticators    3.10 (plaintext) 4.64 (others)
456 server_hostname                      string*   "$primary_hostname" cyrus_sasl        4.43
457 server_mail_auth_condition           string*         unset         authenticators    3.22
458 server_mech                          string          public_name   cyrus_sasl        4.43
459 server_prompts                       string*         unset         plaintext         3.10
460 server_realm                         string          unset         cyrus_sasl        4.43
461 server_secret                        string*         unset         cram_md5          3.10
462 server_service                       string          "smtp"        cyrus_sasl        4.43
463 server_set_id                        string*         unset         authenticators    3.10
464 shadow_condition                     string*         unset         transports
465 shadow_transport                     string          unset         transports
466 size_addition                        integer         1024          smtp              1.91
467 skip_syntax_errors                   boolean         false         redirect          4.00
468 smtp_accept_keepalive                boolean         true          main
469 smtp_accept_max                      integer         20            main
470 smtp_accept_max_nonmail              integer         10            main              4.11
471 smtp_accept_max_nonmail_hosts        host list       *             main              4.14
472 smtp_accept_max_per_connection       integer         1000          main              4.00
473 smtp_accept_max_per_host             integer         0             main              2.05
474 smtp_accept_queue                    integer         0             main
475 smtp_accept_queue_per_connection     integer         10            main              2.03
476 smtp_accept_reserve                  integer         0             main
477 smtp_active_hostname                 string*         unset         main              4.33
478 smtp_banner                          string*         +             main
479 smtp_check_spool_space               boolean         true          main              2.10
480 smtp_connect_backlog                 integer         5             main
481 smtp_enforce_sync                    boolean         true          main              4.00
482 smtp_etrn_command                    string*         unset         main              1.92
483 smtp_etrn_serialize                  boolean         true          main              1.89
484 smtp_load_reserve                    fixed-point     unset         main
485 smtp_max_synprot_errors              integer         3             main              4.30
486 smtp_max_unknown_commands            integer         3             main              4.14
487 smtp_ratelimit_hosts                 host list       unset         main              4.00
488 smtp_ratelimit_mail                  string          unset         main              4.00
489 smtp_ratelimit_rcpt                  string          unset         main              4.00
490 smtp_receive_timeout                 time            5m            main
491 smtp_reserve_hosts                   host list       unset         main
492 smtp_return_error_details            boolean         false         main              4.11
493 socket                               string*         unset         lmtp              4.11
494 spamd_address                        string          +             main              4.50 with content scan
495 split_spool_directory                boolean         false         main              1.70
496 spool_directory                      string          ++            main
497 sqlite_lock_timeout                  time            5s            main              4.53
498 strict_acl_vars                      boolean         false         main              4.64
499 srv_fail_domains                     domain list     unset         dnslookup         4.43
500 strip_excess_angle_brackets          boolean         false         main
501 strip_trailing_dot                   boolean         false         main
502 subject                              string*         unset         autoreply
503 syntax_errors_text                   string*         unset         redirect          4.00
504 syntax_errors_to                     string          unset         redirect          4.00
505 syslog_duplication                   boolean         true          main              4.21
506 syslog_facility                      string          unset         main              4.20
507 syslog_processname                   string          "exim"        main              4.20
508 syslog_timestamp                     boolean         true          main              4.00
509 system_filter                        string          unset         main              4.00 replacing message_filter
510 system_filter_directory_transport    string          unset         main              4.00 replacing message_filter
511 system_filter_file_transport         string          unset         main              4.00 replacing message_filter
512 system_filter_group                  string          unset         main              4.00 replacing message_filter
513 system_filter_pipe_transport         string          unset         main              4.00 replacing message_filter
514 system_filter_reply_transport        string          unset         main              4.00 replacing message_filter
515 system_filter_user                   string          unset         main              4.00 replacing message_filter
516 tcp_nodelay                          boolean         true          main              4.23
517                                                      true          smtp              4.23
518 temp_errors                          string list     +             pipe              1.95
519 text                                 string*         unset         autoreply
520 timeout                              time            5m            lmtp              3.20
521                                                      1h            pipe
522                                                      1h            queryprogram      4.00
523                                                      5s            iplookup          4.00
524 timeout_defer                        boolean         false         pipe              4.51
525 timeout_frozen_after                 time            0s            main              3.20
526 timezone                             string          +             main              3.15
527 tls_advertise_hosts                  host list       *             main              3.20
528 tls_certificate                      string*         unset         main              3.20
529                                                      unset         smtp              3.20
530 tls_dhparam                          string*         unset         main              3.20
531 tls_on_connect_ports                 string          unset         main              4.43
532 tls_privatekey                       string*         unset         main              3.20
533                                                      unset         smtp              3.20
534 tls_remember_emstp                   boolean         false         main              4.21
535 tls_require_ciphers                  string*         unset         smtp              4.00 replaces tls_verify_ciphers
536                                      string*         unset         main              4.33
537 tls_tempfail_tryclear                boolean         true          smtp              4.05
538 tls_try_verify_hosts                 host list       unset         main              4.00
539 tls_verify_certificates              string*         unset         main              3.20
540                                                      unset         smtp              3.20
541 tls_verify_hosts                     host list       unset         main              3.20
542 to                                   string*         unset         autoreply
543 translate_ip_address                 string          unset         routers           4.00
544 transport                            string*         unset         routers           4.00
545 transport_current_directory          string          unset         routers           4.00
546 transport_home_directory             string          unset         routers           4.00
547 transport_filter                     string          unset         transports
548 transport_filter_timeout             time            5m            transports        4.30
549 trusted_groups                       string list     unset         main
550 trusted_users                        string list     unset         main
551 umask                                octal-integer   022           pipe
552 unknown_login                        string          unset         main
553 unknown_username                     string          unset         main
554 unseen                               boolean         false         routers           4.00
555 untrusted_set_sender                 boolean         false         main              3.20
556 use_bsmtp                            boolean         false         appendfile        4.00
557                                                      false         pipe              4.00
558 use_crlf                             boolean         false         appendfile        1.89
559                                                      false         pipe              1.89
560 use_fcntl_lock                       boolean         +             appendfile        1.70
561 use_flock_lock                       boolean         +             appendfile        4.11
562 use_lockfile                         boolean         +             appendfile
563 use_mbx_lock                         boolean         +             appendfile        2.10
564 use_shell                            boolean         false         pipe              1.70
565 user                                 string          +             routers           4.00
566                                                      unset         transports        4.00 replaces individual options
567 uucp_from_pattern                    string          +             main              1.75
568 uucp_from_sender                     string*         "$1"          main              1.75
569 verify                               boolean         true          routers           4.00
570 verify_only                          boolean         false         routers           4.00
571 verify_recipient                     boolean         true          routers           4.00
572 verify_sender                        boolean         true          routers           4.00
573 warn_message_file                    string          unset         main              4.00
574 widen_domains                        string list     unset         dnslookup         4.00
575 write_rejectlog                      boolean         true          main              4.31
580 -----------------------
582 The table below contains a complete list of all Exim's command line options.
583 Those marked with # are available only to trusted users, those marked with +
584 are available only to admin users, and those marked with * exist only to
585 provide compatibility with Sendmail.
587 --               Terminate options
588 --help           Give a little help (not a lot)
589 -B             * Ignored
590 -bd            + Start daemon
591 -bdf           + Start daemon and run it in the foreground
592 -be              Test string expansion
593 -bem             Test string expansion, read test message first
594 -bF              Test system filter file
595 -bf              Test user filter file
596 -bfd             Set domain for filter testing
597 -bfl             Set local part for filter testing
598 -bfp             Set local part prefix for filter testing
599 -bfs             Set local part suffix for filter testing
600 -bh              Test incoming SMTP call, omitting callouts
601 -bhc             Test incoming SMTP call, with callouts
602 -bi            * Run <command>bi_command</command>
603 -bm              Accept message on standard input
604 -bnq             Don't qualify addresses in locally submitted messages
605 -bP              Show configuration option settings
606 -bp            + List the queue
607 -bpa           + ... with generated addresses as well
608 -bpc           + ... but just show a count of messages
609 -bpr           + ... do not sort
610 -bpra          + ... with generated addresses, unsorted
611 -bpru          + ... only undelivered addresses, unsorted
612 -bpu           + ... only undelivered addresses
613 -brt             Test retry rules
614 -brw             Test rewriting rules
615 -bS              Read batch SMTP on standard input
616 -bs              Run SMTP on standard input and output
617 -bt              Test address directing and routing
618 -bV              Verify version number
619 -bv              Test recipient address verification
620 -bvs             Test sender address verification
621 -C             + Use alternate configuration file
622 -D             + Define macro for configuration file
623 -d             + Turn on debugging output
624 -dd            + Ditto, but if a daemon, not for subprocesses
625 -dropcr          Remove CR character in input: became a no-op in 4.21
626 -E               Internal use only
627 -ex            * Synonym for -oex (for several different x)
628 -F               Set calling user name
629 -f             # Set calling user address
630 -G             * Ignored
631 -h             * Ignored
632 -i               Dot does not terminate message
633 -M             + Force deliver specific message
634 -Mar           + Add recipient to message
635 -MC              Internal use only
636 -MCA             Internal use only
637 -MCP             Internal use only
638 -MCQ             Internal use only
639 -MCS             Internal use only
640 -MCT             Internal use only
641 -Mc            + Deliver specific message
642 -Mes           + Edit message sender
643 -Mf            + Freeze message(s)
644 -Mg            + Give up (bounce) message(s)
645 -Mmad          + Mark all recipients delivered
646 -Mmd           + Mark one recipient delivered
647 -Mrm           + Remove message(s) (no bounce)
648 -Mset          + Load message's variables when testing with -be
649 -Mt            + Thaw message(s)
650 -Mvb           + View message body
651 -Mvh           + View message header
652 -Mvl           + View message log
653 -m             * Ignored
654 -N             + Deliver without transporting
655 -n             * Ignored
656 -O             * Ignored
657 -oA            * Supply argument for <option>-bi</option>
658 -oB              Set max messages down one connection
659 -odb             Background delivery
660 -odf             Foreground delivery
661 -odi             Foreground delivery
662 -odq             Queue message; do not deliver
663 -odqs            ... do not do SMTP deliveries
664 -oee             Error sent by mail; zero return code
665 -oem             Error sent by mail; non-zero return code
666 -oep             Error written to standard error stream
667 -oeq           * Error written to standard error stream
668 -oew           * Error sent by mail; non-zero return code
669 -oi              Dot does not terminate message
670 -oitrue        * Dot does not terminate message
671 -oMa           # Supply host address
672 -oMaa          # Supply authenticator name
673 -oMai          # Supply authenticated id
674 -oMas          # Supply authenticated sender
675 -oMi           # Supply interface address
676 -oMr           # Supply protocol name
677 -oMs           # Supply host name
678 -oMt           # Supply ident string
679 -om            * Ignored
680 -oo            * Ignored
681 -oP            * Specify path for daemon's pid file
682 -or              Timeout non-SMTP messages
683 -os              Timeout for SMTP messages
684 -ov            * Verbose; same as -v
685 -oX              Alternative port for daemon
686 -pd              Delay Perl interpreter start
687 -ps              Do not delay Perl interpreter start
688 -p<r>:<s>      * Same as -oMr <r> -oMs <s>
689 -q             + Run the queue                    )
690 -qf            + ... force delivery               ) Other combinations are
691 -qff           + ... and include frozen messages  ) possible. The syntax is
692 -qi            + ... initial deliveries only      )
693 -ql            + ... local deliveries only        )   -q[q][f][f][i|l][time]
694 -qq            + Two-stage queue run              )
695 -qR            * Same as -R
696 -qS            * Same as -S
697 -R               Select by recipient in queue run
698 -Rf              ... with forcing
699 -Rff             ... and frozen messages
700 -Rr              ... using regular expression
701 -Rrf             ... with forcing
702 -Rrff            ... and frozen messages
703 -r             * Synonym for -f
704 -S               Select by sender in queue run
705 -Sf              ... with forcing
706 -Sff             ... and frozen messages
707 -Sr              ... using regular expression
708 -Srf             ... with forcing
709 -Srff            ... and frozen messages
710 -Tqt           * Used by Exim test suite; not recognized in normal use
711 -t               Take recipients from header lines
712 -ti            * Same as -t -i
713 -tls-on-connect  Do TLS on startup (for legacy clients)
714 -U             * Ignored
715 -v               Verbose - shows SMTP dialogue and other delivery info
716 -x               Ignored (AIX compatibility)
720 ------------------------------
722 The table below contains a complete list of options that can be set in
723 Local/Makefile when building Exim. More information about individual options
724 can be found in src/EDITME and OS/Makefile-Default.
726 The second column below gives the type of option:
728  . `system' means the option is concerned with the operating system;
730  . `driver' means the option selects a driver to be included in the binary;
732  . `lookup' means the option selects a lookuptype to be included in the binary;
734  . `mandatory' means the option is required to be supplied;
736  . `recommended' means the option is recommended to be supplied;
738  . `optional' means what it says;
740 Those marked with * are specialized and are unlikely to be required in most
741 installations. Those that are marked with ** are commonly set in OS-specific
742 Makefiles. If you use any of these in your Local/Makefile, you may need to
743 reproduce some of the OS-specific settings. For example, in the Makefile for
744 Solaris (which is actually called OS/Makefile-SunOS5), there is
746   LIBS=-lsocket -lnsl -lkstat
748 If you use LIBS to add extra libraries, you must also include the OS ones in
749 your setting. It is better, in this particular case, to use EXTRALIBS, which is
750 empty by default, and is provided for just this reason. Of course, if you do
751 actually want to modify a setting from the OS-specific file, there is nothing
752 to stop you overriding it in your Local/Makefile.
754 Option                       Type         Description
755 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
757 ALT_CONFIG_PREFIX            optional     restricts location of -C files
758 ALT_CONFIG_ROOT_ONLY         optional*    privileged -C needs root (not exim)
759 APPENDFILE_MODE              optional*
762 AR                           system       command to build a library
763 AUTH_CRAM_MD5                driver       include cram_md5 authenticator
764 AUTH_CYRUS_SASL              driver       include Cyrus SASL authenticator
765 AUTH_PLAINTEXT               driver       include plaintext authenticator
766 AUTH_SPA                     driver       include SPA (NTLM) authenticator
767 AUTH_VARS=3                  optional*    number of $auth variables
768 BASENAME_COMMAND             system**     path to basename
769 BASE_62=62                   optional*    not normally changed for Unix
770 BIN_DIRECTORY                mandatory    Exim binary directory
771 CC                           system**     C compiler
772 CFLAGS                       system**     flags for C compiler
773 CHGRP_COMMAND                system**     path to chgrp
774 CHOWN_COMMAND                system**     path to chown
775 COMPRESS_COMMAND             system       path to a compress command
776 COMPRESS_SUFFIX              system       suffix added to compressed files
777 CONFIGURE_FILE               mandatory    Exim runtime configuration file
778 CONFIGURE_FILE_USE_EUID      optional*
779 CONFIGURE_FILE_USE_NODE      optional*
780 CONFIGURE_GROUP              optional*    alternate group for configuration file
781 CONFIGURE_OWNER              optional*    alternate owner for configuration file
782 CYRUS_PWCHECK_SOCKET         optional     socket for pwcheck daemon
783 DBMLIB                       optional**   location of DBM library
784 DB_DIRECTORY_MODE            optional*    mode for hints directory
785 DB_LOCKFILE_MODE             optional*    mode for hints lock files
786 DB_LOCK_TIMEOUT              optional*    timeout for hints lock files
787 DB_MODE                      optional*    mode for hints files
788 DEFAULT_CRYPT                optional     default crypt() function
789 DELIVER_IN_BUFFER_SIZE       optional*
790 DELIVER_OUT_BUFFER_SIZE      optional*
791 DISABLE_D_OPTION             optional     disables -D option
792 ERRNO_QUOTA                  optional*    error code for system quota failures
793 EXICYCLOG_MAX                optional     number of old log files to keep
794 EXIMDB_DIRECTORY_MODE        optional*    for hints database directory
795 EXIMDB_LOCKFILE_MODE         optional*    for hints lock files
796 EXIMDB_MODE                  optional*    mode for hints files
797 EXIMON_TEXTPOP               system**
798 EXIM_CHMOD                   optional*
799 EXIM_GROUP                   mandatory    group to use for Exim
800 EXIM_MONITOR                 optional     set to eximon.bin to compile
801 EXIM_PERL                    optional
802 EXIM_USER                    mandatory    user to use for Exim
803 EXIWHAT_EGREP_ARG            system**     to find Exim processes from ps
804 EXIWHAT_KILL_SIGNAL          system**     -SIGUSER1 or numerical equivalent
805 EXIWHAT_MULTIKILL_CMD        system**
806 EXIWHAT_MULTIKILL_ARG        system**
807 EXIWHAT_PS_ARG               system**     to list all processes
808 EXIWHAT_PS_CMD               system**     path to ps command
809 EXTRALIBS                    system       additional libraries
810 EXTRALIBS_EXIM               system       additional libraries for Exim only
811 EXTRALIBS_EXIMON             system       additional libraries for the monitor
812 FIXED_NEVER_USERS            optional     can't override at runtime
813 HAVE_ICONV                   system       the iconv() function is available
814 HAVE_IPV6                    system       include IPv6 support
815 HEADERS_CHARSET              optional     charset for decoded header lines
816 HEADER_ADD_BUFFER_SIZE       optional*    buffer for header_add()
817 HEADER_MAXSIZE               optional*    max memory for message header
818 HOSTNAME_COMMAND             system**     path to hostname command
819 INCLUDE                      system       path to include files
820 INFO_DIRECTORY               optional     directory for Info documentation
821 INPUT_DIRECTORY_MODE         optional     mode for input directory
822 IPV6_INCLUDE                 system       additional includes for IPv6
823 IPV6_LIBS                    system       additional libraries for IPv6
824 LDAP_LIB_TYPE                optional     type of LDAP library
825 LFLAGS                       system**     link editor flags
826 LIBIDENTCFLAGS               system       C flags when compiling libident
827 LIBIDENTNAME                 system       name for libident library
828 LIBRESOLV                    system**     library for DNS resolver
829 LIBS                         system**     additional libraries
830 LIBS_EXIM                    system**     additional libraries for Exim ony
831 LIBS_EXIMON                  system**     additional libraries for monitor
832 LOCAL_SCAN_SOURCE            optional     location of local_scan() source
833 LOG_DIRECTORY_MODE           optional     mode for log directory
834 LOG_FILE_PATH                optional     path to log files
835 LOG_MODE                     optional     mode for log files
836 LOOKUP_CDB                   lookup       include cdb lookup
837 LOOKUP_DBM                   lookup       include dbm lookup
838 LOOKUP_DNSDB                 lookup       include dnsdb lookup
839 LOOKUP_DSEARCH               lookup       include dsearch lookup
840 LOOKUP_INCLUDE               lookup       include files for lookups
841 LOOKUP_LDAP                  lookup       include ldap lookup
842 LOOKUP_LIBS                  lookup       include libraries for lookups
843 LOOKUP_LSEARCH               lookup       include all lsearch lookups
844 LOOKUP_MYSQL                 lookup       include mysql lookup
845 LOOKUP_NIS                   lookup       include nis lookup
846 LOOKUP_NISPLUS               lookup       include nisplus lookup
847 LOOKUP_ORACLE                lookup       include oracle lookup
848 LOOKUP_PGSQL                 lookup       include pgsql lookup
849 LOOKUP_TESTDB                lookup*
850 LOOKUP_WHOSON                lookup       include whoson lookup
851 MAKE_SHELL                   optional*    shell to use for make
852 MAX_FILTER_SIZE              optional*    max file size for filter files
853 MAX_INCLUDE_SIZE             optional*    max file size for :include: files
854 MAX_LOCALHOST_NUMBER=256     optional*    for when localhost_number is set
855 MAX_NAMED_LIST               optional*    max named lists of a given type
856 MAX_INTERFACES               system       maximum network interfaces
857 MSGLOG_DIRECTORY_MODE        optional*    mode for message log directory
858 MV_COMMAND                   system       path to mv command
859 NO_SYMLINK                   optional     install doesn't make 'exim" symlink
860 PCRE_CFLAGS                  system       compile flags for PCRE library
861 PERL_CC                      system*      compiler for Perl interface code
862 PERL_CCOPTS                  system*      flags for same
863 PERL_COMMAND                 system       path to Perl
864 PERL_LIBS                    system*      library for compiling Perl interface
865 PID_FILE_PATH                optional     path to daemon's pid file
866 RADIUS_CONFIG_FILE           optional     path to Radius config file
867 RADIUS_LIB_TYPE              optional     type of RADIUS library
868 RANLIB                       system**     path to ranlib command
869 RM_COMMAND                   system       path to rm command
870 ROUTER_ACCEPT                driver       include accept router
871 ROUTER_DNSLOOKUP             driver       include dnslookup router
872 ROUTER_MANUALROUTE           driver       include manualroute router
873 ROUTER_IPLITERAL             driver       include ipliteral router
874 ROUTER_IPLOOKUP              driver       include iplookup router
875 ROUTER_REDIRECT              driver       include redirect router
876 ROUTER_QUERYPROGRAM          driver       include queryprogram router
877 SPOOL_DIRECTORY              recommended  path to spool directory
878 SPOOL_DIRECTORY_MODE         optional     mode of spool directory
879 SPOOL_MODE                   optional     mode of spool files
880 STRING_SPRINTF_BUFFER_SIZE   optional*    buffer for string_sprintf()
881 STRIP_COMMAND                optional*    can be used to strp binaries
882 SUPPORT_A6                   optional*    support A6 DNS records
883 SUPPORT_CRYPTEQ              optional     support crypteq (if no auths)
884 SUPPORT_MAILDIR              optional     support for maildir delivery
885 SUPPORT_MAILSTORE            optional     support for mailstore delivery
886 SUPPORT_MBX                  optional     support for MBX delivery
887 SUPPORT_MOVE_FROZEN_MESSAGES optional*    support for frozen message moving
888 SUPPORT_PAM                  optional     support for PAM authentication
889 SUPPORT_TLS                  optional     support for TLS encryption over SMTP
890 SUPPORT_TRANSLATE_IP_ADDRESS optional*    support for address translation
891 SYSLOG_LOG_PID               optional     add pid to syslog lines
892 SYSLOG_LONG_LINES            optional     do not split long syslog lines
893 SYSTEM_ALIASES_FILE          optional     defaults to /etc/aliases
894 TIMEZONE_DEFAULT             optional     default for timezone option
895 TLS_INCLUDE                  optional     path to include files for TLS
896 TLS_LIBS                     optional     additional libraries for TLS
897 TMPDIR                       system       value for TMPDIR environment variable
898 TRANSPORT_APPENDFILE         driver       include appendfile transport
899 TRANSPORT_AUTOREPLY          driver       include autoreply transport
900 TRANSPORT_LMTP               driver       include lmtp transport
901 TRANSPORT_PIPE               driver       include pipe transport
902 TRANSPORT_SMTP               driver       include smtp transport
903 USE_DB                       system**     use native DB interface
904 USE_GNUTLS                   optional     use GnuTLS instead of OpenSSL
905 USE_READLINE                 optional     try to load libreadline for -be
906 USE_TCP_WRAPPERS             system       link with tcpwrappers
907 USE_TDB                      optional     use the tdb DB interface
908 X11                          system**     X11 base directory
909 X11_LD_LIB                   system**     X11 link library
910 XINCLUDE                     system**     X11 include directory
911 XLFLAGS                      system**     X11 link time flags
912 ZCAT_COMMAND                 system       path to zcat command
916 --------------------------------
918 The table below contains a complete list of options that can be set in
919 Local/eximon.conf when building the Exim monitor. Where the default is shown as
920 ** it means that the text string is too long to fit in the table and is instead
921 given below. A blank default means that there is no default value.
923 ACTION_OUTPUT=no                          show output for every action
924 ACTION_QUEUE_UPDATE=yes                   update queue display after actions
925 BODY_MAX=20000                            maximum body display
926 DOMAIN=                                   domain to strip from window title
927 LOG_BUFFER=20K                            buffer for log tail
928 LOG_DEPTH=300                             depth of log subwindow
929 LOG_FONT=**                               font for log display
930 LOG_STRIPCHARTS=**                        patterns for stripcharts
931 LOG_WIDTH=950                             width of log subwindow
932 MENU_EVENT='Shift<Btn1Down>'              keypress for menu
933 MIN_HEIGHT=162                            minimum window height
934 MIN_WIDTH=103                             minimum window width
935 QUALIFY_DOMAIN=                           local domain to strip from addresses
936 QUEUE_DEPTH=200                           depth of queue subwindow
937 QUEUE_FONT=$LOG_FONT                      font for queue display
938 QUEUE_INTERVAL=300                        queue refresh interval
939 QUEUE_MAX_ADDRESSES=10                    max addresses to show in queue
940 QUEUE_STRIPCHART_NAME=queue               name for queue stripchart
941 QUEUE_WIDTH=950                           width of queue subwindow
942 SIZE_STRIPCHART=                          request partition size stripchart
943 SIZE_STRIPCHART_NAME=space                name for size stripchart
944 START_SMALL=no                            if yes, start with small window
945 STRIPCHART_INTERVAL=60                    stripchart refresh interval
946 TEXT_DEPTH=200                            depth of text windows
947 WINDOW_TITLE="${hostname} eximon"         window title
949 The default for LOG_FONT is
951   LOG_FONT=-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-14-140-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
953 and the default for LOG_STRIPCHARTS is
955   LOG_STRIPCHARTS='/ <= /in/
956                    / => /out/
957                    / => .+ R=local/local/
958                    / => .+ T=[^ ]*smtp/smtp/'
960 That is, there are four stripcharts, named in, out, local, and smtp. The first
961 counts message arrivals, the second counts all deliveries, the third counts
962 deliveries where the router's name starts with "local", and the fourth counts
963 deliveries where the transport name contains "smtp".
965 **** End of OptionLists ****