+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+use Config::Any;
+use Data::Dump;
+use File::Slurp;
+use FindBin;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Git::Repository;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
+use WWW::Bugzilla;
+my $verbose;
+my $debug;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub update_bugzilla {
+ my $cfg = shift;
+ my $info = shift;
+ my $set = shift;
+ my $bz = WWW::Bugzilla->new(
+ server => $cfg->{bugzilla}{server},
+ email => $cfg->{bugzilla}{user},
+ password => $cfg->{bugzilla}{pass},
+ bug_number => $set->{bug}
+ ) || croak "Cannot open bz - $!";
+ my $header = sprintf( "Git commit: %s/commitdiff/%s\n", $cfg->{gitweb}, $info->{rev} );
+ if ( scalar( @{ $info->{diff} } ) > 50 ) {
+ # big diff - we skip the diff
+ $bz->additional_comments(
+ join( "\n", $header, @{ $info->{info} }, '', @{ $info->{log} }, '----', @{ $info->{diffstat} } ) );
+ }
+ else {
+ # otherwise we do the whole thing
+ $bz->additional_comments( join( "\n", $header, @{ $info->{all} } ) );
+ }
+ $bz->change_status("fixed") if ( $set->{action} eq 'fixes' );
+ $bz->change_status("closed") if ( $set->{action} eq 'closes' );
+ $bz->commit;
+ printf( "[%d] %s %s [%s]\n", $set->{bug}, $info->{rev}, $info->{log}[0], $set->{action} );
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub find_bugzilla_references {
+ my $info = shift;
+ my $cfg = shift;
+ my @results;
+ my $action = '';
+ my $bugid;
+ foreach my $line ( @{ $info->{log} } ) {
+ $line = lc($line);
+ if ( $line =~ /(closes|fixes|references):?\s*(?:bug(?:zilla)?)?\s*\#?(\d+)/ ) {
+ $action = $1;
+ $bugid = $2;
+ }
+ elsif ( $line =~ /\b(?:bug(?:zilla)?)\s*\#?(\d+)/ ) {
+ $action = 'references';
+ $bugid = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ next;
+ }
+ # remap actions
+ $action = 'closes' if ( $action =~ /^fix/ );
+ push( @results, { bug => $bugid, action => $action } );
+ ##printf( "%s\n\taction = %s bugid = %s\n", $info->{rev}, $action, $bugid );
+ }
+ return @results;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub git_commit_info {
+ my $git = shift;
+ my $rev = shift;
+ my @lines = $git->run( 'show', '-M', '-C', '--patch-with-stat', '--pretty=fuller', $rev );
+ my $info = {
+ rev => $rev,
+ info => [],
+ log => [],
+ diffstat => [],
+ diff => [],
+ all => [@lines], # deliberate copy
+ };
+ while ( my $line = shift @lines ) {
+ last if ( $line =~ /^$/ );
+ push( @{ $info->{info} }, $line );
+ }
+ while ( my $line = shift @lines ) {
+ last if ( $line =~ /^---\s*$/ );
+ push( @{ $info->{log} }, $line );
+ }
+ while ( my $line = shift @lines ) {
+ last if ( $line =~ /^$/ );
+ push( @{ $info->{diffstat} }, $line );
+ }
+ # all the rest
+ $info->{diff} = \@lines;
+ return $info;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub walk_git_commits {
+ my $git = shift;
+ my $cfg = shift;
+ my $lastrev = $git->run( 'rev-parse', $cfg->{lastref} );
+ my $headrev = $git->run( 'rev-parse', $cfg->{branch_head} );
+ return if ( $lastrev eq $headrev );
+ my @revs = $git->run( 'rev-list', '--topo-order', '--no-merges', ( $lastrev . '..' . $headrev ) );
+ foreach my $rev ( reverse(@revs) ) {
+ my $info = git_commit_info( $git, $rev );
+ #ddx($info);
+ #dd( $info->{info}, $info->{log}[0] );
+ my @sets = find_bugzilla_references( $info, $cfg );
+ foreach my $set (@sets) {
+ update_bugzilla( $cfg, $info, $set );
+ }
+ }
+ return $headrev;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# main
+ my $config;
+ GetOptions(
+ 'config=s' => \$config,
+ 'debug!' => \$debug,
+ 'verbose!' => \$verbose,
+ ) or die "Incorrect options";
+ die "No config file given\n" unless ( $config and -f $config );
+ my $cfg = ( values( %{ Config::Any->load_files( { files => [$config], use_ext => 1 } )->[0] } ) )[0];
+ die "No git_dir specified\n" unless ( $cfg->{git_dir} );
+ $cfg->{lasttag} ||= $cfg->{git_dir} . '/refs/tags/BugzillaDone';
+ $cfg->{branch_head} ||= 'HEAD';
+ $cfg->{lastref} = -f $cfg->{lasttag} ? read_file( $cfg->{lasttag} ) : 'HEAD';
+ chomp( $cfg->{lastref} );
+ my $git = Git::Repository->new( git_dir => $cfg->{git_dir} ) || die "No valid git repo\n";
+ my $newlast = walk_git_commits( $git, $cfg );
+ if ($newlast) {
+ write_file( $cfg->{lasttag}, $newlast );
+ }