group => '0',
make_cmd => 'make', # for 'make'ing the docs
+ sizes => 1,
compressors => {
gzip => 1,
bzip2 => 1,
qw(workspace|tmp=s website_base|webgen_base=s tar_cmd|tar-cmd=s make_cmd|make-cmd=s
- docs|build-docs! web|build-web!
+ docs|build-docs! web|build-web! sizes!
delete! cleanup! quick|quick-release! minimal),
'sign!' => \$context->{gpg}{sign},
'key=s' => \$context->{gpg}{key},
Sign the created archive files (and the sizes.txt). (default: sign)
+=item B<--[no]sizes>
+Write the sizes information to F<sizes.txt>. (default: write sizes)
=item B<--tar-cmd> I<cmd>
Use to override the path to the C<tar> command. Need GNU tar in case