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- $(window).bind('hashchange',function(e){
- if( jump( document.location.href.replace(/^.*#(.+)$/,'$1') ) ) e.preventDefault();
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+ if (jump(document.location.href.replace(/^.*#(.+)$/, '$1'))) e.preventDefault();
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\ No newline at end of file
// Sidebar table of contents
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- var click_func = function(e){
- if( $('#toc').data('opened') ){
- $('#toc > *').animate({ left: '-=' + $('#toc > ul').width() + 'px' },'fast');
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- } else {
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- }
- };
+(function ($) {
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- function( xml ){
+ var click_func = function (e) {
+ if ($('#toc').data('opened')) {
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- $(xml).find('c').each(function(){
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- var chapter_url = $(this).children('u').text();
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+ $.get(type === 'spec' ? 'index_toc.xml' : 'filter_toc.xml', function (xml) {
- var chapter_li = $('<li/>').append(
- $('<a/>').attr({
- href: chapter_url,
- title: chapter_title
- }).text( chapter_id + '. ' + chapter_title ),
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+ var $ul = $('#toc > ul').remove();
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- $('#toc a').click(function(e){e.stopPropagation()});
- });
- }
- );
- })( jQuery );
+ // Traverse chapters
+ var chapter_id = 0;
+ $(xml).find('c').each(function () {
+ ++chapter_id;
+ var chapter_title = $(this).children('t').text();
+ var chapter_url = $(this).children('u').text();
+ var chapter_li = $('<li/>').append(
+ $('<a/>').attr({
+ href: chapter_url,
+ title: chapter_title
+ }).text(chapter_id + '. ' + chapter_title), $('<ul/>').hide()).appendTo($ul);
+ });
+ $('#toc img').fadeIn('slow', function () {
+ // Add the main list back to the DOM
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+ $('#toc > ul').click(click_func);
+ $('#toc a').click(function (e) {
+ e.stopPropagation()
+ });
+ });
+ });
\ No newline at end of file