my ($stage,$changed_this_run,$changed_since_success,$sysinfo,$branch,$scmurl);
my $scm;
my ($git_head_ref, $last_build_git_ref, $last_success_git_ref);
+my ($stage_times, $run_time);
use vars qw($info_row);
select operating_system, os_version,
compiler, compiler_version,
- replace(owner_email,'\@',' [ a t ] ') as owner_email,
+ replace(owner_email,E'\@',' [ a t ] ') as owner_email,
sys_notes_ts::date AS sys_notes_date, sys_notes
from buildsystems
where status = 'approved'
$info_row->{compiler_version} = $latest_personality->[1];
+ my $stage_times_query = q{
+ select log_stage, stage_duration
+ from build_status_log
+ where sysname = ? and snapshot = ?
+ };
+ $stage_times =
+ $db->selectall_hashref($stage_times_query,'log_stage',undef,
+ $system,$logdate);
+ $stage_times_query = q{
+ select sum(stage_duration)
+ from build_status_log
+ where sysname = ? and snapshot = ?
+ };
+ ($run_time) = $db->selectrow_array($stage_times_query,undef,
+ $system,$logdate);
system => $system,
branch => $branch,
stage => $stage,
+ stage_times => $stage_times,
+ run_time => $run_time,
urldt => $logdate,
log_file_names => \@log_file_names,
conf => $conf,
[% PERL %]
use POSIX qw(ceil);
- my $lrfactor = 6;
+ my $lrfactor = 4;
$stash->set(lrfactor => $lrfactor);
my $rows = $stash->get('log_file_names');
my $logrows = ceil(scalar(@$rows)/$lrfactor);
[% END %]
[% cell = 0; FOREACH logstage IN log_file_names ; striplog = logstage.replace('\.log$','') ; cell = loop.count %]
[% IF loop.first %]
- <br /> <table><tr><th class='head' rowspan='[% logrows %]'>Stage Logs</th>
+ <br /> <table><tr><th class='head' rowspan='[% logrows %]'>Stage Logs<br /><br />Total run time<br />[% run_time %]</th>
[% END %]
[% IF loop.count > 1 and loop.count % lrfactor == 1 %]<tr>[% END %]
- <td><a href='[% system %]&dt=[% urldt | uri %]&stg=[% striplog %]'>[% striplog %]</a></td>
+ <td><a href='[% system %]&dt=[% urldt | uri %]&stg=[% striplog %]'>[% striplog %]</a> ([% stage_times.$logstage.stage_duration %])</td>
[% IF loop.count % lrfactor == 0 %]</tr>[% END %]
[% END %]