use strict;
use warnings;
+use 5.010;
use Fcntl qw(:flock :seek);
-use EximBuild::Options;
use File::Basename;
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+use Cwd;
+use lib $RealBin;
+use EximBuild::Options;
+sub branch_last_sort;
+# Complain on old-style use (.pl extension), but only if a
+# terminal is available.
if ($0 =~ /(.*)\.pl$/) {
die "$0: Please use `@{[join ' ' => $1, @ARGV]}' instead.\n"
if -t;
exec $1, @ARGV;
-my %branch_last;
-sub branch_last_sort;
+# Most of the client code assumes that our working directory
+# is the client code directory.
+chdir $RealBin or die "$0: Can't chdir to '$RealBin': $!\n";
+say "Changed working directory to '$RealBin'" if -t;
-my $run_build;
-($run_build = $0) =~ s/run_branches/run_build/;
+my %branch_last;
+my $run_build = './run_build';
my($run_all, $run_one);
my %extra_options =(
die("$0: non-option arguments not permitted")
if @ARGV;
-die "only one of --run-all and --run-one permitted"
+die "$0: only one of --run-all and --run-one permitted"
if ($run_all && $run_one);
-die "need one of --run-all and --run-one"
+die "$0: need one of --run-all and --run-one"
unless ($run_all || $run_one);
# common mistake
-die "need group searchable homedir"
+die "$0: need group searchable homedir"
unless (stat($ENV{HOME}) & 0550 == 0550);
# set up a "branch" variable for processing the config file
# i.e. specially *not* the MinGW SDK perl that is invoked for the
# build script, which means we need to put the path back the way it was
# when we're done
- my $save_path = $ENV{PATH};
- $ENV{PATH} = $EximBuild::conf{build_env}->{PATH}
+ local $ENV{PATH} = $EximBuild::conf{build_env}->{PATH}
if ($EximBuild::conf{build_env}->{PATH});
(my $url = $EximBuild::conf{target}) =~s/cgi-bin.*/branches_of_interest.txt/;
my $branches_of_interest = `perl -MLWP::Simple -e "getprint(q{$url})"`;
die "getting branches of interest" unless $branches_of_interest;
- $ENV{PATH} = $save_path;
push(@branches,$_)foreach (split(/\s+/,$branches_of_interest));
# if $EximBuild::conf{branches_to_build} eq 'HEAD_PLUS_LATEST';
-use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = 'REL_0.1';
+our $VERSION = 'REL_0.1';
use strict;
use warnings;
exec $1, @ARGV;
+die "$0: please use an umask of 022\n"
+ if umask > 022;
my %module_hooks;
my $orig_dir = getcwd();
# process config file
require $buildconf;
+#use Data::Dumper;
+#die Dumper \%EximBuild::conf;
+# some basic checks
+die "$0: need read/write permissions on '$EximBuild::conf{global_lock_dir}': $!\n"
+ if not -r -w $EximBuild::conf{global_lock_dir};
+# Does not seem to be necessary
+#die "$0: permissions on '$EximBuild::conf{build_root}' should be >= 0775\n"
+# if -d $EximBuild::conf{build_root}
+# and ((stat $EximBuild::conf{build_root})[2] & 0775) != 0775;
# get the config data into some local variables
my (
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use 5.010;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-chdir $Bin or die "$0: Can't chdir '$Bin': $!\n";
-# check if we've git available and if we've a cloned
-# client installation. FIXME: What to do, if we have
-# a 'detached' .git?
-if (-d '.git') {
- die "$0: found .git dir, but git is not available\n"
- if not grep { -x } map { "$_/git" } split /:/, $ENV{PATH};
- system('git pull >/dev/null') == 0 or die $? >> 8;
-# the process building the documentation seems to break
-# if PERL_UNICODE is set.
-exec './run_branches', @ARGV;
-# vim:ts=8 et sw=4 ai si: