-You will need to submit an [Exim BuildFarm Application](http://buildfarm.exim.org/cgi-bin/register-form.pl) and the BuildFarm administration has sent you an email with your machine alias (aka _animal_) and secret password, which you will enter in step 9 below. If you just want to run the build farm client and never submit the results, you call simply run everything with the --test option and it will go through all defined build/test steps without saving the state anywhere. In that case, if you accidentally run it without --test, the build process will still work, but the build state will be locally recorded, and when the stated is submitted to the server, it will reject the feedback because it's from an unknown _animal_.
+You will need to submit an [Exim BuildFarm Application](https://buildfarm.exim.org/cgi-bin/register-form.pl) and the BuildFarm administration has sent you an email with your machine alias (aka _animal_) and secret password, which you will enter in step 9 below. If you just want to run the build farm client and never submit the results, you call simply run everything with the --test option and it will go through all defined build/test steps without saving the state anywhere. In that case, if you accidentally run it without --test, the build process will still work, but the build state will be locally recorded, and when the stated is submitted to the server, it will reject the feedback because it's from an unknown _animal_.