use Time::Local;
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
+use if $ENV{DEBUG} && $ENV{DEBUG} =~ /\bruntest\b/ => ('Smart::Comments' => '####');
# Start by initializing some global variables
my($yield) = 0;
my(@saved) = ();
+local $_;
open(IN, "$file") || tests_exit(-1, "Failed to open $file: $!");
my($is_log) = $file =~ /log/;
s/^\s+host\s(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ host $1 $2/;
s/^\s+(host\s\S+\s\S+)\s+(port=.*)/ host $1 $2/;
s/^\s+(host\s\S+\s\S+)\s+(?=MX=)/ $1 /;
+ s/^\s+host\s.*?\K\s+(ad=\S+)/ $1/;
s/host\s\Q$parm_ipv4\E\s\[\Q$parm_ipv4\E\]/host ipv4.ipv4.ipv4.ipv4 [ipv4.ipv4.ipv4.ipv4]/;
s/host\s\Q$parm_ipv6\E\s\[\Q$parm_ipv6\E\]/host ip6:ip6:ip6:ip6:ip6:ip6:ip6:ip6 [ip6:ip6:ip6:ip6:ip6:ip6:ip6:ip6]/;
# Arguments: [0] the prompt string
# [1] if there is a U in the prompt and $force_update is true
# [2] if there is a C in the prompt and $force_continue is true
-# Returns: nothing (it sets $_)
+# Returns: returns the answer
sub interact{
print $_[0];
+#### $_
# Control reaches here if either (a) there is a saved file ($sf), or (b) there
# was a request to create a saved file. First, create the munged file from any
# data that does exist.
'scanfile_size' =>
{ 'stdout' => 's/(Content-length:) \d\d\d/$1 ddd/' },
+ 'delay_1500' =>
+ { 'stderr' => 's/(1[5-9]|23\d)\d\d msec/ssss msec/' },