+set -e
+set -x
+clica --help >/dev/null 2>&1
echo Ensure time is set to 2012/11/01 12:34
echo use - date -u 110112342012
echo hit return when ready
read junk
for tld in com org net
- clica -D example.$tld -p password -B 1024 -I -N example.$tld -F \
- -C http://crl.example.$tld/latest.crl -O http://oscp/example.$tld/
+ idir="example.$tld"
+ rm -fr "$idir"
+ clica -D "$idir" -p password -B 1024 -I -N example.$tld -F \
+ -C http://crl.example.$tld/latest.crl -O http://oscp.example.$tld/
clica -D example.$tld -p password -s 101 -S server1.example.$tld \
- -8 alternatename.server1.example.$tld,alternatename2.server1.example.$tld
+ -8 alternatename.server1.example.$tld,alternatename2.server1.example.$tld,*.test.ex
clica -D example.$tld -p password -s 102 -S revoked1.example.$tld
clica -D example.$tld -p password -s 103 -S expired1.example.$tld -m 1
clica -D example.$tld -p password -s 201 -S server2.example.$tld
# cannot then use (the key applies to the first cert in the file?).
# Generate a shuffled one.
cd example.$tld/server1.example.$tld
- openssl pkcs12 -in server1.example.com.p12 -passin file:pwdfile -cacerts -out cacerts.pem -nokeys
- cat server1.example.com.pem cacerts.pem > fullchain.pem
+ openssl pkcs12 -in server1.example.$tld.p12 -passin file:pwdfile -cacerts -out cacerts.pem -nokeys
+ cat server1.example.$tld.pem cacerts.pem > fullchain.pem
rm cacerts.pem
cd ../..
pk12util -o $CADIR/OCSP.p12 -n 'OCSP Signer' -d $CADIR -K password -W password
openssl pkcs12 -in $CADIR/OCSP.p12 -passin pass:password -passout pass:password -nodes -nocerts -out $CADIR/OCSP.key
+ # also need variation from Signer
+ pk12util -o $CADIR/Signer.p12 -n 'Signing Cert' -d $CADIR -K password -W password
+ openssl pkcs12 -in $CADIR/Signer.p12 -passin pass:password -passout pass:password -nodes -nocerts -out $CADIR/Signer.key
# create some index files for the ocsp responder to work with
+# tab-sep
+# 0: Revoked/Expired/Valid letter
+# 1: Expiry date (ASN1_UTCTIME)
+# 2: Revocation date
+# 3: Serial no. (unique)
+# 4: file
+# 5: DN, index
cat >$CADIR/index.valid.txt <<EOF
V 130110200751Z 65 unknown CN=server1.example.$tld
V 130110200751Z 66 unknown CN=revoked1.example.$tld
# Now create all the ocsp requests and responses
- OGENCOMMON="-rsigner $CADIR/OCSP.pem -rkey $CADIR/OCSP.key -CA $CADIR/Signer.pem -noverify"
for server in server1 revoked1 expired1 server2 revoked2 expired2
- openssl ocsp -issuer $CADIR/Signer.pem -cert $SPFX.pem -reqout $SPFX.ocsp.req
- openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.valid.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 3652 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.good.resp
- openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.valid.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 30 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.dated.resp
- openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.revoked.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 3652 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.revoked.resp
+ openssl ocsp -issuer $CADIR/Signer.pem -cert $SPFX.pem -no_nonce -sha256 -reqout $SPFX.ocsp.req
+ OGENCOMMON="-rsigner $CADIR/OCSP.pem -rkey $CADIR/OCSP.key -CA $CADIR/Signer.pem -noverify"
+ openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.valid.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 3652 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.good.resp
+ openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.valid.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 30 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.dated.resp
+ openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.revoked.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 3652 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.revoked.resp
+ OGENCOMMON="-rsigner $CADIR/Signer.pem -rkey $CADIR/Signer.key -CA $CADIR/Signer.pem -noverify"
+ openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.valid.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 3652 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.signer.good.resp
+ openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.valid.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 30 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.signer.dated.resp
+ openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.revoked.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 3652 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.signer.revoked.resp
+ OGENCOMMON="-rsigner $CADIR/Signer.pem -rkey $CADIR/Signer.key -CA $CADIR/Signer.pem -resp_no_certs -noverify"
+ openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.valid.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 3652 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.signernocert.good.resp
+ openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.valid.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 30 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.signernocert.dated.resp
+ openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.revoked.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 3652 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.signernocert.revoked.resp
echo Please to reset date to now.
-echo service ntpdate start
+echo 'service ntpdate start (not on a systemd though...)'
echo Then hit return
read junk
# Finally, a single certificate-directory
cd example.com/server1.example.com
-mkdir -f certdir
+mkdir -p certdir
cd certdir
h=`openssl x509 -hash -noout -in $f`
+rm -f $h.0
ln -s $f $h.0
h=`openssl x509 -hash -noout -in $f`
+rm -f $h.0
ln -s $f $h.0
-cd ../..
+cd ../../..
+ls -l
find example.* -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755
find example.* -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644