DNS lookup of ten-1 (MX) gave NO_DATA
returning DNS_NODATA
writing neg-cache entry for ten-1-MX-xxxx, ttl 3000
DNS lookup of ten-1 (MX) gave NO_DATA
returning DNS_NODATA
writing neg-cache entry for ten-1-MX-xxxx, ttl 3000
DNS lookup of ten-1 (A) using fakens
DNS lookup of ten-1 (A) succeeded
fully qualified name = ten-1.test.ex
DNS lookup of ten-1 (A) using fakens
DNS lookup of ten-1 (A) succeeded
fully qualified name = ten-1.test.ex
DNS lookup of ten-1.test.ex (MX) gave NO_DATA
returning DNS_NODATA
writing neg-cache entry for ten-1.test.ex-MX-xxxx, ttl 3000
DNS lookup of ten-1.test.ex (MX) gave NO_DATA
returning DNS_NODATA
writing neg-cache entry for ten-1.test.ex-MX-xxxx, ttl 3000
DNS lookup of ten-1.test.ex (A) using fakens
DNS lookup of ten-1.test.ex (A) succeeded
fully qualified name = ten-1.test.ex
DNS lookup of ten-1.test.ex (A) using fakens
DNS lookup of ten-1.test.ex (A) succeeded
fully qualified name = ten-1.test.ex