- # create OCSP reqs & resps
- CADIR=$idir/CA
- #give ourselves an OSCP key to work with
- pk12util -o $CADIR/OCSP.p12 -n 'OCSP Signer ec' -d $CADIR -K password -W password
- openssl pkcs12 -in $CADIR/OCSP.p12 -passin pass:password -passout pass:password -nodes -nocerts -out $CADIR/OCSP.key
- # create some index files for the ocsp responder to work with
-# tab-sep
-# 0: Revoked/Expired/Valid letter
-# 1: Expiry date (ASN1_UTCTIME)
-# 2: Revocation date
-# 3: Serial no. (unique)
-# 4: file
-# 5: DN, index
- cat >$CADIR/index.valid.txt <<EOF
-V 130110200751Z 65 unknown CN=server1.$iname
- # Now create all the ocsp requests and responses
- IVALID="-index $CADIR/index.valid.txt"
- for server in server1
- do
- SPFX=$idir/$server.$iname/$server.$iname
- openssl ocsp -issuer $CADIR/Signer.pem -sha256 -cert $SPFX.pem -no_nonce -reqout $SPFX.ocsp.req
- REQIN="-reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req"
- OGENCOMMON="-rsigner $CADIR/OCSP.pem -rkey $CADIR/OCSP.key -CA $CADIR/Signer.pem -noverify"
- openssl ocsp $IVALID $OGENCOMMON -ndays 3652 $REQIN -respout $SPFX.ocsp.good.resp
- done