+ /* "f-protd" scanner type ----------------------------------------------- */
+ if (strcmpic(scanner_name, US"f-protd") == 0) {
+ uschar *fp_options, *fp_scan_option;
+ uschar fp_scan_option_buffer[1024];
+ uschar fp_options_buffer[1024];
+ uschar fp_options_default[] = "localhost 10200-10204";
+ uschar hostname[256];
+ unsigned int port, portlow, porthigh, connect_ok=0, detected=0, par_count = 0;
+ struct hostent *he;
+ struct in_addr in;
+ int sock;
+ uschar scanrequest[2048], buf[32768], *strhelper, *strhelper2;
+ if ((fp_options = string_nextinlist(&av_scanner_work, &sep,
+ fp_options_buffer, sizeof(fp_options_buffer))) == NULL) {
+ /* no options supplied, use default options */
+ fp_options = fp_options_default;
+ };
+ /* extract host and port part */
+ if ( sscanf(CS fp_options, "%s %u-%u", hostname, &portlow, &porthigh) != 3 ) {
+ if ( sscanf(CS fp_options, "%s %u", hostname, &portlow) != 2 ) {
+ log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC,
+ "malware acl condition: f-protd: invalid socket '%s'", fp_options);
+ return DEFER;
+ }
+ porthigh = portlow;
+ }
+ /* Lookup the host */
+ if((he = gethostbyname(CS hostname)) == 0) {
+ log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC,
+ "malware acl condition: f-protd: failed to lookup host '%s'", hostname);
+ return DEFER;
+ }
+ in = *(struct in_addr *) he->h_addr_list[0];
+ port = portlow;
+ /* Open the f-protd TCP socket */
+ if ( (sock = ip_socket(SOCK_STREAM, AF_INET)) < 0) {
+ log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC,
+ "malware acl condition: f-protd: unable to acquire socket (%s)",
+ strerror(errno));
+ return DEFER;
+ }
+ /* Try to connect to all portslow-high until connection is established */
+ for (port = portlow; !connect_ok && port < porthigh; port++) {
+ if (ip_connect(sock, AF_INET, (uschar*)inet_ntoa(in), port, 5) >= 0) {
+ connect_ok = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !connect_ok ) {
+ log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC,
+ "malware acl condition: f-protd: connection to %s, port %u-%u failed (%s)",
+ inet_ntoa(in), portlow, porthigh, strerror(errno));
+ (void)close(sock);
+ return DEFER;
+ }
+ DEBUG(D_acl) debug_printf("Malware scan: issuing %s GET\n", scanner_name);
+ (void)string_format(scanrequest, 1024, CS"GET %s", eml_filename);
+ while ((fp_scan_option = string_nextinlist(&av_scanner_work, &sep,
+ fp_scan_option_buffer, sizeof(fp_scan_option_buffer))) != NULL) {
+ if ( par_count ) {
+ Ustrcat(scanrequest, "%20");
+ } else {
+ Ustrcat(scanrequest, "?");
+ }
+ Ustrcat(scanrequest, fp_scan_option);
+ par_count++;
+ }
+ Ustrcat(scanrequest, " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
+ /* send scan request */
+ if (send(sock, &scanrequest, Ustrlen(scanrequest)+1, 0) < 0) {
+ (void)close(sock);
+ log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC,
+ "malware acl condition: f-protd: unable to send command to socket (%s)", scanrequest);
+ return DEFER;
+ }
+ /* We get a lot of empty lines, so we need this hack to check for any data at all */
+ while( recv(sock, buf, 1, MSG_PEEK) > 0 ) {
+ if ( recv_line(sock, buf, 32768) > 0) {
+ if ( Ustrstr(buf, US"<detected type=\"") != NULL ) {
+ detected = 1;
+ } else if ( detected && (strhelper = Ustrstr(buf, US"<name>")) ) {
+ if ((strhelper2 = Ustrstr(buf, US"</name>")) != NULL) {
+ *strhelper2 = '\0';
+ Ustrcpy(malware_name_buffer, strhelper + 6);
+ }
+ } else if ( Ustrstr(buf, US"<summary code=\"") ) {
+ if ( Ustrstr(buf, US"<summary code=\"11\">") ) {
+ malware_name = malware_name_buffer;
+ } else {
+ malware_name = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ (void)close(sock);
+ }