s/(could not connect to .*: Connection) reset by peer$/$1 refused/;
# ======== TLS certificate algorithms ========
+ #
+ # In Received: headers, convert RFC 8314 style ciphersuite to
+ # the older (comment) style, keeping only the Auth element
+ # (discarding kex, cipher, mac). For TLS 1.3 there is no kex
+ # element (and no _WITH); insert a spurious "RSA".
+ s/^\s+by .+ with .+ \K tls TLS_.*?([^_]+)_WITH.+$/(TLS1.x:ke-\1-AES256-SHAnnn:xxx)/;
+ s/^\s+by .+ with .+ \K tls TLS_.+$/(TLS1.x:ke-RSA-AES256-SHAnnn:xxx)/;
# Test machines might have various different TLS library versions supporting
# different protocols; can't rely upon TLS 1.2's AES256-GCM-SHA384, so we
# treat the standard algorithms the same.
s! DN="[^,"]*\K,!/!;
'rejectlog' => 's/ X=TLS\S+ / X=TLS_proto_and_cipher /',
- 'mail' => 's/ \(TLS[^)]*\)/ (TLS_proto_and_cipher)/',
+ 'mail' => 's/^\s+by .+ with .+ \K tls TLS_.+$/(TLS_proto_and_cipher)/;
+ s/ \(TLS[^)]*\)/ (TLS_proto_and_cipher)/;
+ ',
'debug_pid' =>