-# bin/client is the SMTP script-driven client, without TLS support
-# bin/client-ssl is with OpenSSL support
-# there isn't yet a version with GnuTLS support
-# bin/checkaccess tests whether the exim uid/gid can access the files
-# bin/iefbr14 a program that does nothing and returns 0
-# bin/loaded is a dynamically loaded test module
-# bin/server is the SMTP script-driven server (no TLS support)
-bin/cf: src/cf.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o bin/cf src/cf.c
+# bin/cf a "compare" program
+# bin/checkaccess tests whether the exim uid/gid can access the files
+# bin/client an SMTP script-driven client, without TLS support
+# bin/client-gnutls ditto, with GnuTLS support
+# bin/client-ssl ditto, with OpenSSL support
+# bin/fakens a fake namserver
+# bin/fd output details of open file descriptors
+# bin/iefbr14 a program that does nothing and returns 0
+# bin/loaded a dynamically loaded test module
+# bin/mtpscript an LMTP/SMTP "server" that works on stdin/stdout
+# bin/server an SMTP (socket) script-driven server (no TLS support)
+# bin/showids output current uid, gid, euid, egid
+bin/cf: $(SRC)/cf.c Makefile
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o bin/cf $(SRC)/cf.c