+ ./Pre-xml -html <filter.xml >filter-html.xml
+filter-txt.xml: filter.xml Pre-xml
+ ./Pre-xml -ascii -html -quoteliteral <filter.xml >filter-txt.xml
+filter-info.xml: filter.xml Pre-xml
+ ./Pre-xml -ascii -html <filter.xml >filter-info.xml
+filter.fo: filter-pr.xml MyStyle-filter-fo.xsl MyStyle-fo.xsl MyStyle.xsl
+ /bin/rm -rf filter.fo filter-pr.fo
+ xmlto -x MyStyle-filter-fo.xsl fo filter-pr.xml
+ /bin/mv -f filter-pr.fo filter.fo
+# Do not use pdf2ps from the PDF version; better PS is generated directly.
+### PS/PDF generation using fop
+fop-filter.ps: filter.fo
+ fop filter.fo -ps filter-tmp.ps
+ mv filter-tmp.ps filter.ps
+# Do not use ps2pdf from the PS version; better PDF is generated directly. It
+# contains cross links etc.
+fop-filter.pdf: filter.fo PageLabelPDF
+ fop filter.fo -pdf filter-tmp.pdf
+ ./PageLabelPDF 2 <filter-tmp.pdf >filter.pdf
+### PS/PDF generation using SDoP
+sdop-filter.ps: filter-pr.xml
+ sdop -o filter.ps filter-pr.xml