# This handles "connection from" and the like, when the port is given
if (!/listening for SMTP on/ && !/Connecting to/ && !/=>/ && !/->/
- && !/\*>/ && !/Connection refused/)
+ && !/\*>/&& !/==/ && !/\*\*/ && !/Connection refused/ && !/in response to/)
# SRS timestamps and signatures vary by hostname and from run to run
- s/SRS0=....=..=[^=]+=[^@]+\@test.ex/SRS0=ZZZZ=YY=the.local.host.name=CALLER\@test.ex/;
+ s/(?i)SRS0=....=.[^=]?=([^=]+)=([^@]+)\@([^ ]+)/SRS0=ZZZZ=YY=$1=$2\@$3/g;
# ======== Output from the "fd" program about open descriptors ========
- # ========= Exim lookups ==================
- # Lookups have a char which depends on the number of lookup types compiled in,
- # in stderr output. Replace with a "0". Recognising this while avoiding
- # other output is fragile; perhaps the debug output should be revised instead.
- s%(?<!sqlite)(?<!lsearch\*@)(?<!lsearch\*)(?<!lsearch)[0-?]TESTSUITE/aux-fixed/%0TESTSUITE/aux-fixed/%g;
# ==========================================================
# MIME boundaries in RFC3461 DSN messages
+ # Extra lookups done when ipv6 is supported
+ next if /^host_fake_gethostbyname\(af=inet6\) returned 1 \(HOST_NOT_FOUND\)$/;
# we don't care what TZ enviroment the testhost was running
next if /^Reset TZ to/;
+ # ========= Exim lookups ==================
+ # Lookups have a char which depends on the number of lookup types compiled in,
+ # in stderr output. Replace with a "0". Recognising this while avoiding
+ # other output is fragile; perhaps the debug output should be revised instead.
+ s%^\s+(:?closing )?\K[0-?]TESTSUITE/aux-fixed/%0TESTSUITE/aux-fixed/%g;
# drop gnutls version strings
next if /GnuTLS compile-time version: \d+[\.\d]+$/;
next if /GnuTLS runtime version: \d+[\.\d]+$/;
# this is timing-dependent
next if /^OpenSSL: creating STEK$/;
+ next if /^selfsign cert rotate$/;
+ # TLS preload
+ # only OpenSSL speaks of these
+ next if /^TLS: (preloading (DH params|ECDH curve|CA bundle) for server|generating selfsigned server cert)/;
+ next if /^Diffie-Hellman initialized from default/;
+ next if /^ECDH OpenSSL (< )?[\d.+]+: temp key parameter settings:/;
+ next if /^ECDH: .*'prime256v1'/;
+ next if /^tls_verify_certificates: system$/;
+ next if /^tls_set_watch: .*\/cert.pem/;
+ next if /^Generating 2048 bit RSA key/;
+ # TLS preload
+ # only GnuTLS speaks of these
+ next if /^GnuTLS global init required$/;
+ next if /^TLS: basic cred init, server/;
+ next if /^TLS: preloading cipher list for server: NULL$/;
+ s/^GnuTLS using default session cipher\/priority "NORMAL"$/TLS: not preloading cipher list for server/;
+ next if /^GnuTLS<2>: added \d+ protocols, \d+ ciphersuites, \d+ sig algos and \d+ groups into priority list$/;
+ next if /^GnuTLS<2>: (Disabling X.509 extensions|signing structure using RSA-SHA256)/;
+ next if /^GnuTLS.*(wrap_nettle_mpi_print|gnutls_subject_alt_names_get|get_alt_name)/;
+ # only kevent platforms (FreeBSD, OpenBSD) say this
+ next if /^watch dir/;
+ next if /^watch file .*\/usr\/local/;
+ next if /^watch file .*\/etc\/ssl/;
+ # TLS preload
+ # there happen in different orders for OpenSSL/GnuTLS/noTLS
+ next if /^TLS: generating selfsigned server cert/;
+ next if /^TLS: not preloading (CA bundle|cipher list) for server$/;
+ next if /^TLS: not preloading server certs$/;
# drop lookups
next if /^Lookups \(built-in\):/;
s/^(\s*\d+|ppppp) \@?(.*exim_daemon_notify)$/ppppp $2/;
next if /unlinking notifier socket/;
+ # daemon notifier socket
+ # Timing variance over runs. Collapse repeated memssages.
+ if (/notify triggered queue run/)
+ {
+ my $line = $_;
+ while (/notify triggered queue run/) { $_ = <IN>; }
+ $_ = $line . $_;
+ }
next if /in hosts_requ(est|ire)_ocsp\? (no|yes)/;
next if /\w+ in keep_environment\? (yes|no)/;
# Sizes vary with test hostname
- s/^cmd buf flush \d+ bytes$/cmd buf flush ddd bytes/;
+ s/^cmd buf flush \d+ bytes/cmd buf flush ddd bytes/;
# Spool filesystem free space changes on different systems.
s/^((?:spool|log) directory space =) -?\d+K (inodes =)\s*-?\d+/$1 nnnnnK $2 nnnnn/;
# Platform differences in errno strings
s/Arg list too long/Argument list too long/;
+ # OpenSSL vs. GnuTLS
+ s/session: \K\((SSL_connect|gnutls_handshake)\): timed out/(tls lib connect fn): timed out/;
+ s/TLS error on connection from .*\K\((SSL_accept|gnutls_handshake)\): timed out/(tls lib accept fn): timed out/;
+ s/TLS error on connection from .*\K(SSL_accept: TCP connection closed by peer|\(gnutls_handshake\): The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)/(tls lib accept fn): TCP connection closed by peer/;
# ======== mail ========
# Run the command, with stdin connected to a pipe, and write the stdin data
-# to it, with appropriate substitutions. If a line ends with \NONL\, chop off
-# the terminating newline (and the \NONL\). If the command contains
+# to it, with appropriate substitutions. If a starts with '>>> ', process it
+# via Perl's string eval().
+# If the command contains
# -DSERVER=server add "-server" to the command, where it will adjoin the name
# for the stderr file. See comment above about the use of -DSERVER.
open CMD, "|${cmd}${stderrsuffix}" || tests_exit(1, "Failed to run $cmd");
-while (<SCRIPT>)
+LINE: while (<SCRIPT>)
last if /^\*{4}\s*$/;
- if (/^(.*)\\NONL\\\s*$/) { print CMD $1; } else { print CMD; }
+ if (my ($cmd, $line) = /^(:\S+?:)(.*)/) {
+ $_ = $line;
+ {
+ $cmd eq ':eval:' and do {
+ $_ = eval "\"$_\"";
+ last;
+ };
+ $cmd eq ':noeol:' and do {
+ s/[\r\n]*$//;
+ last;
+ };
+ $cmd eq ':sleep:' and do {
+ sleep $_;
+ next LINE;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ print CMD;
# For timeout tests, wait before closing the pipe; we expect a
open(TCL, $parm_trusted_config_list) or die "Can't open $parm_trusted_config_list: $!\n";
my $test_config = getcwd() . '/test-config';
die "Can't find '$test_config' in TRUSTED_CONFIG_LIST $parm_trusted_config_list."
- if not grep { /^\Q$test_config\E$/ } <TCL>;
+ if not grep { /^\Q$test_config\E$/ } <TCL>;