/Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:44:33 +0000/gx;
# Date/time in logs and in one instance of a filter test
- s/^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d(\s[+-]\d\d\d\d)?/1999-03-02 09:44:33/gx;
+ s/^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d(\s[+-]\d\d\d\d)?\s/1999-03-02 09:44:33 /gx;
+ s/^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d{3}(\s[+-]\d\d\d\d)?\s/2017-07-30 18:51:05.712 /gx;
s/^Logwrite\s"\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/Logwrite "1999-03-02 09:44:33/gx;
+ s/((D|[QD]T)=)\d+s/$1qqs/g;
+ s/((D|[QD]T)=)\d\.\d{3}s/$1q.qqqs/g;
# Date/time in message separators
/Tue Mar 02 09:44:33 1999/gx;
# Date/time in exim -bV output
s/\d\d-[A-Z][a-z]{2}-\d{4}\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/07-Mar-2000 12:21:52/g;
- # Time on queue tolerance
- s/(QT|D)=1s/$1=0s/;
# Eximstats heading
\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/Exim statistics from <time> to <time>/x;
next if /^SSL info:/;
next if /SSL verify error: depth=0 error=certificate not trusted/;
- s/^\d+:error:\d+(:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:[^:]+:).*(:SSL alert number \d\d)$/pppp:error:dddddddd$1\[...\]$2/;
+ s/CONNECT_CR_FINISHED/ssl3_read_bytes/i;
+ s/^\d+:error:\d+(?:E\d+)?(:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:[^:]+:).*(:SSL alert number \d\d)$/pppp:error:dddddddd$1\[...\]$2/;
# gnutls version variances
next if /^Error in the pull function./;
# optional IDN2 variant conversions. Accept either IDN1 or IDN2
s/conversion strasse.de/conversion xn--strae-oqa.de/;
s/conversion: german.xn--strae-oqa.de/conversion: german.straße.de/;
+ # subsecond timstamp info in reported header-files
+ s/^(-received_time_usec \.)\d{6}$/$1uuuuuu/;
# ======== stderr ========
if (s/(with \$received_protocol)\}\} \$\{if def:tls_cipher \{\(\$tls_cipher\)\n$/$1/)
$_ .= <IN>;
- s/\s+\}\}(?=\(Exim )/\}\} /;
+ s/[ ╎]+\}\}(?=\(Exim )/\}\} /;
if (/^ condition: def:tls_cipher$/)
# Not all platforms build with DKIM enabled
next if /^PDKIM >> Body data for hash, canonicalized/;
+ # Not all platforms have sendfile support
+ next if /^cannot use sendfile for body: no support$/;
# Parts of DKIM-specific debug output depend on the time/date
next if /^date:\w+,\{SP\}/;
next if /^PDKIM \[[^[]+\] (Header hash|b) computed:/;
next if /^(ppppp )?setsockopt FASTOPEN: Protocol not available$/;
+ # Specific pointer values reported for DB operations change from run to run
+ s/^(returned from EXIM_DBOPEN: 0x)[0-9a-f]+/$1AAAAAAAA/;
+ s/^(EXIM_DBCLOSE.0x)[0-9a-f]+/$1AAAAAAAA/;
# When Exim is checking the size of directories for maildir, it uses
# the check_dir_size() function to scan directories. Of course, the order
# of the files that are obtained using readdir() varies from system to
# Berkeley DB version differences
next if / Berkeley DB error: /;
+ # CHUNKING: exact sizes depend on hostnames in headers
+ s/(=>.* K C="250- \d)\d+ (byte chunk, total \d)\d+/$1nn $2nn/;
+ # openssl version variances
+ s/(TLS error on connection .*: error:)[0-9A-F]{8}(:system library):func\(4095\):(No such file or
+ directory)$/$1xxxxxxxx$2:fopen:$3/;
# ======== All files other than stderr ========
'optional_config' =>
{ 'stdout' => '/^(
- dkim_(canon|domain|private_key|selector|sign_headers|strict)
+ dkim_(canon|domain|private_key|selector|sign_headers|strict|hash|identity)
- |hosts_(avoid|nopass|require|verify_avoid)_tls
+ |hosts_(avoid|nopass|noproxy|require|verify_avoid)_tls
|tls_[^ ]*
- )($|[ ]=)/x' },
+ )($|[ ]=)/x'
+ },
'sys_bindir' =>
{ 'mainlog' => 's%/(usr/(local/)?)?bin/%SYSBINDIR/%' },
'timeout_errno' => # actual errno differs Solaris vs. Linux
{ 'mainlog' => 's/(host deferral .* errno) <\d+> /$1 <EEE> /' },
+ 'peer_terminated_conn' => # actual error differs FreedBSD vs. Linux
+ { 'stderr' => 's/^( SMTP\()Connection reset by peer(\)<<)$/$1closed$2/' },
+ 'perl_variants' => # result of hash-in-scalar-context changed from bucket-fill to keycount
+ { 'stdout' => 's%^> X/X$%> X%' },
open(TCL, $parm_trusted_config_list) or die "Can't open $parm_trusted_config_list: $!\n";
my $test_config = getcwd() . '/test-config';
die "Can't find '$test_config' in TRUSTED_CONFIG_LIST $parm_trusted_config_list."
- if not grep { /^$test_config$/ } <TCL>;
+ if not grep { /^\Q$test_config\E$/ } <TCL>;
if ($force_continue)
- print "\nstderr tail:\n";
+ print "\nstdout tail:\n";
+ print "==================>\n";
+ system("tail -20 test-stdout");
print "===================\n";
+ print "stderr tail:\n";
+ print "==================>\n";
system("tail -20 test-stderr");
print "===================\n";
print "... continue forced\n";