- s/\b(pid=|PID: )\d+/$1pppp/;
+ s/\b(pid=|pid |PID: )\d+/$1pppp/;
s/set_process_info:\s+\d+/set_process_info: pppp/;
- s/queue run pid \d+/queue run pid ppppp/;
s/process \d+ running as transport filter/process pppp running as transport filter/;
s/process \d+ writing to transport filter/process pppp writing to transport filter/;
s/reading pipe for subprocess \d+/reading pipe for subprocess pppp/;
next if /\w+ in keep_environment\? (yes|no)/;
# Sizes vary with test hostname
- s/^cmd buf flush \d+ bytes$/cmd buf flush ddd bytes/;
+ s/^cmd buf flush \d+ bytes/cmd buf flush ddd bytes/;
# Spool filesystem free space changes on different systems.
s/^((?:spool|log) directory space =) -?\d+K (inodes =)\s*-?\d+/$1 nnnnnK $2 nnnnn/;
# Platform differences in errno strings
s/Arg list too long/Argument list too long/;
+ # OpenSSL vs. GnuTLS
+ s/session: \K\((SSL_connect|gnutls_handshake)\): timed out/(tls lib connect fn): timed out/;
+ s/TLS error on connection from .*\K\((SSL_accept|gnutls_handshake)\): timed out/(tls lib accept fn): timed out/;
+ s/TLS error on connection from .*\K(SSL_accept: TCP connection closed by peer|\(gnutls_handshake\): The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)/(tls lib accept fn): TCP connection closed by peer/;
# ======== mail ========
open(TCL, $parm_trusted_config_list) or die "Can't open $parm_trusted_config_list: $!\n";
my $test_config = getcwd() . '/test-config';
die "Can't find '$test_config' in TRUSTED_CONFIG_LIST $parm_trusted_config_list."
- if not grep { /^\Q$test_config\E$/ } <TCL>;
+ if not grep { /^\Q$test_config\E$/ } <TCL>;