# Operators
+acl: ${acl
+acl: ${acl}
+acl: ${acl {a_nosuch}}
+acl: ${acl {a_ret}}
+acl: ${acl {a_ret}{person@dom.ain}}
+acl: ${acl {a_ret}{firstarg}{secondarg}}
+acl: ${acl {a_ret}{arg with spaces}}
+acl: ${acl {a_none}}
+acl: ${acl {a_none}{person@dom.ain}}
+acl: ${acl {a_deny}}
+acl: ${acl {a_deny}{person@dom.ain}}
+acl: ${acl {a_defer}}
+acl: ${acl {a_sub}{top_arg_1}{top_arg_2}{top_arg_3}}
+acl: ${reduce {1:2:3:4} {} {$value ${acl {a_ret}{$item}}}}
addrss: ${address:local-part@dom.ain}
addrss: ${address:Exim Person <local-part@dom.ain> (that's me)}
domain: ${domain:local-part@dom.ain}
queue_running after or: ${if or{{eq {0}{0}}{queue_running}}{y}{n}}
first_delivery after or: ${if or{{eq {0}{0}}{first_delivery}}{y}{n}}
+# acl expansion condition
+acl if: ${if acl {{a_ret}} {Y:$value}{N:$value}}
+acl if: ${if acl {{a_ret}{argY}} {Y:$value}{N:$value}}
+acl if: ${if acl {{a_deny}{argN}{arg2}} {Y:$value}{N:$value}}
+acl if: ${if acl {{a_defer}{argN}{arg2}} {Y:$value}{N:$value}}
# Default values for both if strings
\${if eq{1}{1}} >${if eq{1}{1}}<
match_ip: 15 ${if match_ip{}{1.2.3}}
match_ip: 16 ${if match_ip{}{}}
+# Operation of inlist and negated inlist
+exim -be
+${if inlist{aa}{aa} {in list}{not in list}}
+${if !inlist{aa}{aa} {not in list}{in list}}