#! /usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Cambridge: exim/doc/doc-scripts/fc2k,v 1.1 2004/10/07 15:04:35 ph10 Exp $
# Script to read the HTML table of contents for the Exim FAQ and create an
# HTML KWIC index out of it.
$ignore_list = "
-a ability able about address addresses addressed affect affected
-after against all allow allowed allows already also although always am an and
-and/or any anybody anyone anything anywhere are aren't arrange arrive as at
+a ability able about absence access according actual address addresses addressed
+affect affected after against aka all allow allowed allows along already also
+although always am amount an ancient and and/or annoying another any anybody
+anyone anything anywhere apparent apparently are aren't around arrange arrive
+arrives as at
back bad based basically be because been behave behaviour being best between
-bob both bug build builds built busy but by
+bob both box bug build builds built busy but by
call called calls can can't cannot causes causing central certain code comes
coming command commands complain complaining complains configure configured
day days defined deliver delivers delivered delivery deliveries did do does
doesn't doing don't down during
-e-mail e-mails each easy else email emails entirely entries entry especially
-etc even ever every example exim exim's experiencing
+e-mail e-mails each easy either else email emails entirely entries entry
+especially etc even ever every example exim exim's experiencing
-far few file files find fine fly following for form found from fully
+far few file files find finds fine fix fixed fly following for form found from
-get gets getting given gives giving go goes going got
+generate generated get gets getting given gives giving go goes going got
handle handles handled handling happen happens has have haven't having helpful
him host hosts how however
like line lines look looked looking lot
-machine machines machine's mail mails main make me mean means message messages
-might more must my myself
+m machine machines machine's mail mails main make me mean means message messages
+might more much must my myself
near need neither no nor not now
raised rather really reason rid right round run runs
-same say saying see seeing seem seems seen sees set setting she should so some
-somehow something sometimes stand state statement still strange such supposed
-system systems
+same say saying see seeing seem seems seen sees set setting she should simply
+sit so some somehow something sometimes stand state statement still strange such
+supposed system systems
-take takes than that the their them then there these they things think this
-those to try though to/for told too tried tries trying
+take takes tell than that the their them then there these they things think this
+those thought to try though to/for told too tried tries trying
under until up use uses used using usually