use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use FindBin qw'$RealBin';
+use File::Copy;
use lib "$RealBin/lib";
use Exim::Runtest;
if (-s $mf)
my $sf = /^u/i ? $sf_current : $sf_flavour;
- tests_exit(-1, "Failed to cp $mf $sf") if system("cp '$mf' '$sf'") != 0;
+ copy($mf, $sf) or tests_exit(-1, "Failed to copy $mf $sf");
$prcmd =~ s/; /;\n>> /;
print ">> $prcmd\n";
($parm_exim_dir) = $parm_exim =~ m?^(.*)/exim?;
$dbm_build_deleted = 0;
-if (defined $parm_lookups{dbm} &&
- system("cp $parm_exim_dir/exim_dbmbuild eximdir") != 0)
+if (defined $parm_lookups{dbm} && not copy("$parm_exim_dir/exim_dbmbuild", "eximdir"))
delete $parm_lookups{dbm};
$dbm_build_deleted = 1;
-if (system("cp $parm_exim_dir/exim_dumpdb eximdir") != 0)
- {
- tests_exit(-1, "Failed to make a copy of exim_dumpdb: $!");
- }
-if (system("cp $parm_exim_dir/exim_lock eximdir") != 0)
- {
- tests_exit(-1, "Failed to make a copy of exim_lock: $!");
- }
-if (system("cp $parm_exim_dir/exinext eximdir") != 0)
- {
- tests_exit(-1, "Failed to make a copy of exinext: $!");
- }
-if (system("cp $parm_exim_dir/exigrep eximdir") != 0)
- {
- tests_exit(-1, "Failed to make a copy of exigrep: $!");
- }
-if (system("cp $parm_exim_dir/eximstats eximdir") != 0)
- {
- tests_exit(-1, "Failed to make a copy of eximstats: $!");
- }
+foreach my $tool (qw(exim_dumpdb exim_lock exinext exigrep eximstats)) {
+ copy("$parm_exim_dir/$tool" => "eximdir/")
+ or tests_exit(-1, "Failed to make a copy of $tool: $!");
+ chmod((stat "$parm_exim_dir/$tool")[2]&07777, "eximdir/$tool")
+ or tests_exit(-1, "Failed to chmod $tool: $!\n");
# Collect some version information
print '-' x 78, "\n";
+my $failures = 0;
foreach $test (@test_list)
state $lasttestdir = '';
# the test-mail directory for appendfile deliveries.
system "sudo /bin/rm -rf spool test-*";
- system "mkdir test-mail 2>/dev/null";
+ mkdir "test-mail";
# A privileged Exim will normally make its own spool directory, but some of
# the tests run in unprivileged modes that don't always work if the spool
# directory isn't already there. What is more, we want anybody to be able
# to read it in order to find the daemon's pid.
- system "mkdir spool; " .
- "sudo chown $parm_eximuser:$parm_eximgroup spool; " .
+ mkdir "spool";
+ system "sudo chown $parm_eximuser:$parm_eximgroup spool; " .
"sudo chmod 0755 spool";
# Empty the cache that keeps track of things like message id mappings, and
print "\nshow stdErr, show stdOut, Retry, Continue (without file comparison), or Quit? [Q] ";
$_ = $force_continue ? "c" : <T>;
tests_exit(1) if /^q?$/i;
- if (/^c$/ && $force_continue) {
- log_failure($log_failed_filename, $testno, "exit code unexpected");
- log_test($log_summary_filename, $testno, 'F')
- }
+ if (/^c$/ && $force_continue)
+ {
+ log_failure($log_failed_filename, $testno, "exit code unexpected");
+ log_test($log_summary_filename, $testno, 'F');
+ $failures++;
+ }
if ($force_continue)
print "\nstdout tail:\n";
if (($? & 0xff) == 0)
{ printf("Server return code %d for test %d starting line %d", $?/256,
- $testno, $subtest_startline); }
+ $testno, $subtest_startline); }
elsif (($? & 0xff00) == 0)
{ printf("Server killed by signal %d", $? & 255); }
print "\nShow server stdout, Retry, Continue, or Quit? [Q] ";
$_ = $force_continue ? "c" : <T>;
tests_exit(1) if /^q?$/i;
- if (/^c$/ && $force_continue) {
- log_failure($log_failed_filename, $testno, "exit code unexpected");
- log_test($log_summary_filename, $testno, 'F')
- }
+ if (/^c$/ && $force_continue)
+ {
+ log_failure($log_failed_filename, $testno, "exit code unexpected");
+ log_test($log_summary_filename, $testno, 'F');
+ $failures++;
+ }
print "... continue forced\n" if $force_continue;
last if /^[rc]$/i;
sleep 1 if $slow;
my $rc = check_output($TEST_STATE->{munge});
- log_test($log_summary_filename, $testno, 'P') if ($rc == 0);
+ if ($rc == 0)
+ {
+ log_test($log_summary_filename, $testno, 'P');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $failures++;
+ }
if ($rc < 2)
print (" Script completed\n");
tests_exit(-1, "No runnable tests selected") if not @test_list;