# rc|quick => RC4 | 27-gabcdef
# }
+ #
+ # v => {
+ # release => 4.92-RC4 | 4.92-27-gabcdef-dirty
+ # target_release|last_tag => 4.92 | 4.92
+ #
+ # major => 4
+ # minor => 92
+ # security =>
+ # fixes =>
+ #
+ # rc|quick => RC4 | 27-gabcdef-dirty
+ # }
if ($context->{quick}) {
# Try to find suitable version description
chomp(my $describe = do { # we wrap it into a open() to avoid hassle with
chdir $docdir or die "$ME: Can't chdir to $docdir: $!\n";
system('./OS-Fixups') == 0 or exit $?;
exec $context->{make_cmd},
- "EXIM_VER=$context->{v}{target_release}" .
- ($context->{v}{rc} ? "-$context->{v}{rc}"
- : $context->{v}{quick} ? "-$context->{v}{quick}"
- : ''),
- 'everything';
- die "$ME: [$cwd] Cannot exec $context->{make_cmd}: $!\n";
+ "EXIM_VER=$context->{v}{release}", 'everything'
+ or die "$ME: [$cwd] Cannot exec $context->{make_cmd}: $!\n";
else {
waitpid($pid, 0);
) if qx/tar --help 2>&1/ =~ /^\s*--owner=/m;
# See also environment variables set in main, tuning compression levels
- gzip => { extension => 'gz', flags => '--gzip' },
- bzip2 => { extension => 'bz2', flags => '--bzip2' },
- lzip => { extension => 'lz', flags => '--lzip' },
- xz => { extension => 'xz', flags => '--xz' },
- );
my (%size, %sha256);
foreach my $dir ( glob( catdir( $pkg_trees, ( 'exim*-' . $context->{v}{release} ) ) ) ) {
my $dirname = ( splitdir($dir) )[-1];
- foreach my $comp (keys %COMPRESSION) {
- next unless $context->{compressors}{$comp};
+ foreach my $comp (keys %{$context->{compressors}}) {
+ my %compressor = %{$context->{compressors}{$comp}};
+ next unless $compressor{use};
- my $basename = "$dirname.tar.$COMPRESSION{$comp}{extension}";
+ my $basename = "$dirname.tar.$compressor{extension}";
my $outfile = catfile $pkg_tars, $basename;
print "Creating: $outfile\n" if $verbose || $debug;
0 == system($tar,
cf => $outfile,
- $COMPRESSION{$comp}{flags},
+ $compressor{flags},
@ownership, -C => $pkg_trees, $dirname)
or exit $? >> 8;
make_cmd => 'make', # for 'make'ing the docs
sizes => 1,
compressors => {
- gzip => 1,
- bzip2 => 1,
- xz => 1,
- lzip => 0,
+ gzip => { use => 1, extension => 'gz', flags => '--gzip' },
+ bzip2 => { use => 1, extension => 'bz2', flags => '--bzip2' },
+ xz => { use => 1, extension => 'xz', flags => '--xz' },
+ lzip => { use => 0, extension => 'lz', flags => '--lzip' },
docs => 1,
web => 1,
delete! cleanup! quick|quick-release! minimal),
'sign!' => \$context->{gpg}{sign},
'key=s' => \$context->{gpg}{key},
- 'lzip!' => \$context->{compressors}{lzip},
'verbose!' => \$verbose,
+ 'compressors=s@' => sub {
+ die "$0: can't parse compressors string `$_[1]'\n" unless $_[1] =~ /^[+=-]?\w+(?:[+=-]\w+)*$/;
+ while ($_[1] =~ /(?<act>[+=-])?(?<name>\w+)\b/g) {
+ die "$0: Unknown compressor $+{name}"
+ unless $context->{compressors}{$+{name}};
+ if (not defined $+{act} or $+{act} eq '=') {
+ $_->{use} = 0
+ for values %{$context->{compressors}};
+ $context->{compressors}{$+{name}}{use}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($+{act} eq '+') { $context->{compressors}{$+{name}}{use}++; }
+ elsif ($+{act} eq '-') { $context->{compressors}{$+{name}}{use}--; }
+ }
+ },
'debug:s' => \$debug,
'quick' => sub { $context->{web}--; $context->{quick} = 1 },
'help|?' => sub { pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -exit => 0) },
Do (or do not) cleanup the tmp directory at exit (default: do cleanup)
+=item B<--compressors> [I<action>]I<compressor[I<action>$<compressor>]...
+A list of compressors to use. Currently the default list is
+B<gzip>, B<xz>, and B<bzip2>, with B<lzip> optionally to be enabled.
+I<action> can be "+" (add), "-" (remove), and "=" (set).
=item B<--debug[=I<item>]>
Forces debug mode. If (default: no debug info)
-=item B<--[no]lzip>
-Control the creation of B<lzip> tarballs. (default: do not use lzip)
=item B<--make-cmd> I<cmd>
Force the use of a specific C<make> command. This may be necessary if C<make> is not