-/* $Cambridge: exim/src/src/tree.c,v 1.2 2005/01/04 10:00:42 ph10 Exp $ */
* Exim - an Internet mail transport agent *
-/* Copyright (c) University of Cambridge 1995 - 2005 */
+/* Copyright (c) University of Cambridge 1995 - 2015 */
/* See the file NOTICE for conditions of use and distribution. */
/* Functions for maintaining binary balanced trees and some associated
tree_node *
-tree_search(tree_node *p, uschar *name)
+tree_search(tree_node *p, const uschar *name)
while (p != NULL)
+* Walk tree recursively and execute function *
+ p root of the tree
+ f function to execute for each name-value-pair
+ ctx context data for f
+tree_walk(tree_node *p, void (*f)(uschar*, uschar*, void*), void *ctx)
+if (p == NULL) return;
+f(p->name, p->data.ptr, ctx);
+if (p->left != NULL) tree_walk(p->left, f, ctx);
+if (p->right != NULL) tree_walk(p->right, f, ctx);
/* End of tree.c */