+subtest 'exim_binary' => sub {
+ my @argv1 = qw(/bin/sh a b);
+ my @argv2 = qw(t/samples/foo a b);
+ chomp(my $cwd = `pwd`); # don't use Cwd, as we use Cwd in the tested module already
+ is_deeply [exim_binary(@argv1)], \@argv1 => 'got the binary as abs path from argv';
+ is_deeply [exim_binary(@argv2)], ["$cwd/t/samples/foo", @argv2[1,$#argv2]] => 'got the binary as rel path from argv';
+subtest 'flavour' => sub {
+ is flavour('t/samples/debian8+os-release/etc'), 'debian8' => 'got flavour debian8 from os-release';
+ is flavour('t/samples/debian8+debian-version/etc'), 'debian8' => 'got flavour debian8 from debian_version';
+ is flavour('t/samples/debian.sid/etc'), 'debian' => 'got flavour debian from debian sid w/o VERSION_ID';
+ is flavour('t/samples/fedora24/etc'), 'fedora24' => 'got flavour fedora24 from os-release';
+ is flavour('t/samples/empty'), undef() => 'got empty flavour (undef)';
+ # we do not have flavours anymore (2017-03-18)
+ # is_deeply [flavours()], ['debian8'] => 'got available flavours';