# Some fixed variables
exim_path: $exim_path
+exim_version: $exim_version
+config_dir: $config_dir
+config_file: $config_file
primary_hostname: $primary_hostname
primary_hostname: ${primary_hostname}
qualify_domain: $qualify_domain
bounce_return_size_limit: ${bounce_return_size_limit}
spool_directory: $spool_directory
+queue_name: $queue_name
unknown: ${unknown}
h_subject: $h_subject:(should be empty)
h_subject:$h_subject (should be empty)
listcount: ${listcount:<;a;b;c}
listcount: ${listcount:${listnamed:dlist}}
+listextract: ${listextract{ 2}{a:b:c:d}}
+listextract: ${listextract{-2}{<,a,b,c,d}{X${value}X}}
+listextract: ${listextract{ 5}{a:b:c:d}}
+listextract: ${listextract{-5}{a:b:c:d}}
+listextract: ${listextract{ 5}{a:b:c:d}{}{fail}}
+listextract: ${listextract{ 5}{a:b:c:d}{}fail}
+sort: ${sort{3:2:1:4}{<}{$item}}
+sort: ${sort {<, 3,2,1,4}{>}{$item}}
+sort: ${sort{c:B:a:aa}{lti}{$item}}
+sort: ${sort{666 r99.ex.com:10 smtp.ex.com:100 r2.ex.com}{<}{${sg {$item}{([0-9]*).*\$}{\$1}}}}
+sort: ${sort{666,r99.ex.com:10,smtp.ex.com:100,r2.ex.com}{<}{${listextract{1}{<,$item}}}}
+sort: "${sort{}{<}{$item}}"
# Tests with iscntrl() and illegal separators
map: ${map{<\n a\n\nb\nc}{'$item'}}
# Operators
+acl: ${acl
+acl: ${acl}
+acl: ${acl {a_nosuch}}
+acl: ${acl {a_ret}}
+acl: ${acl {a_ret}{person@dom.ain}}
+acl: ${acl {a_ret}{firstarg}{secondarg}}
+acl: ${acl {a_ret}{arg with spaces}}
+acl: ${acl {a_none}}
+acl: ${acl {a_none}{person@dom.ain}}
+acl: ${acl {a_deny}}
+acl: ${acl {a_deny}{person@dom.ain}}
+acl: ${acl {a_defer}}
+acl: ${acl {a_sub}{top_arg_1}{top_arg_2}{top_arg_3}}
+acl: ${reduce {1:2:3:4} {} {$value ${acl {a_ret}{$item}}}}
addrss: ${address:local-part@dom.ain}
addrss: ${address:Exim Person <local-part@dom.ain> (that's me)}
domain: ${domain:local-part@dom.ain}
hex2b64:${hex2b64:${md5:the quick brown fox}}
hex2b64:${hex2b64:${sha1:the quick brown fox}}
+base32: 0 <${base32:0}>
+base32: 1 <${base32:1}>
+base32: 31 <${base32:31}>
+base32: 32 <${base32:32}>
+base32: 42 <${base32:42}>
+base32 error: 0x1 ${base32:0x1}
+base32d: 0 ${base32d:${base32:0}}
+base32d: 1 ${base32d:${base32:1}}
+base32d: 31 ${base32d:${base32:31}}
+base32d: 32 ${base32d:${base32:32}}
+base32d: 42 ${base32d:${base32:42}}
+base32d error: ABC ${base32d:ABC}
The base62 operator is actually a base36 operator in the Darwin and Cygwin
environments. Write cunning tests that produce the same output in both cases,
while doing a reasonable check.
mask: ${mask:}
mask: ${mask:}
mask: ${mask:a.b.c.d}
+ipv6denorm: ${ipv6denorm:::1}
+ipv6denorm: ${ipv6denorm:fe00::1}
+ipv6denorm: ${ipv6denorm:}
+ipv6denorm: ${ipv6denorm:fe80::}
+ipv6norm: ${ipv6norm:0:0:0::1}
+ipv6norm: ${ipv6norm:2a00::0}
+ipv6norm: ${ipv6norm:2a00::1}
+ipv6norm: ${ipv6norm:2a00:eadf:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001:0000}
+ipv6norm: ${ipv6norm:2a00:eadf:0000:0001:0000:0000:0000:0000}
+ipv6norm: ${ipv6norm:2a00:0:0:0::}
+ipv6norm: ${ipv6norm:2a00:2:3:4:5:6:7:8}
nhash: ${nhash_24:monty} ${nhash_8_63:monty python}
lc/uc: ${lc:The Quick} ${uc: Brown Fox}
length: ${length_10:The quick brown fox} ${l_10:abc}
quote_local_part: ${quote_local_part:ab\cd"ef}
quote_local_part: ${quote_local_part:}
rxquote:${rxquote:aZ09_,-Q} ${rxquote:ab*cd} ${rxquote:ab\cd"ef}
+hexquote: ${hexquote:\
+ \001\002\003\004\005\006\007 \010\011\012\013\014\015\016\017 \
+\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027 \030\031\032\033\034\035\036\037 \
+\040\041\042\043\044\045\046\047 \050\051\052\053\054\055\056\057 \
+\060\061\062\063\064\065\066\067 \070\071\072\073\074\075\076\077 \
+\100\101\102\103\104\105\106\107 \110\111\112\113\114\115\116\117 \
+\120\121\122\123\124\125\126\127 \130\131\132\133\134\135\136\137 \
+\140\141\142\143\144\145\146\147 \150\151\152\153\154\155\156\157 \
+\160\161\162\163\164\165\166\167 \170\171\172\173\174\175\176\177}
substr: ${substr_3_2:rhubarb} ${s_-5_2:1234567} ${s_-5_2:12} ${s_-3_2:12}
substr: ${s_3:rhubarb} ${s_-2:rhubarb}
substr: ${s_1:}
substr: ${substr_10:abc}
str2b64:${str2b64:The quick brown \n fox}
+base64: ${base64:abcd}
+base64: ${base64:The quick brown \n fox}
strlen: ${strlen:}
strlen: ${strlen:a}
strlen: ${strlen:abcdefgh}
# Numeric overflow
# >32b should work, >64b not
-4096M ${if >{1}{4096M}{y}{n}}
-4096000000 ${if >{1}{4096000000}{y}{n}}
-4611686018427387904 ${if >{1}{4611686018427387904} {y}{n}}
-46116860184273879040 ${if >{1}{46116860184273879040}{y}{n}}
+1 > 2047M ${if >{1}{2047M}{y}{n}}
+1 > 2048M ${if >{1}{2048M}{y}{n}}
+1 > 4096000000 ${if >{1}{4096000000}{y}{n}}
+1 > 4096M ${if >{1}{4096M}{y}{n}}
+1 > 4611686018427387904 ${if >{1}{4611686018427387904} {y}{n}}
+1 > 46116860184273879040 ${if >{1}{46116860184273879040}{y}{n}}
# Conditions
5>3m: ${if >{5 } {3m }{y}{n}}
5>3z: ${if >{5 } {3z }{y}{n}}
5>a: ${if >{ 5 } {a}{y}{n}}
+5>bad: ${if >{5 } {${lookup{trick}lsearch{DIR/aux-fixed/0002.lsearch}}} {y}{n}}
>0: ${if > {}{0}{y}{n}}
=: ${if = {}{}{y}{n}}
queue_running after or: ${if or{{eq {0}{0}}{queue_running}}{y}{n}}
first_delivery after or: ${if or{{eq {0}{0}}{first_delivery}}{y}{n}}
+# acl expansion condition
+acl if: ${if acl {{a_ret}} {Y:$value}{N:$value}}
+acl if: ${if acl {{a_ret}{argY}} {Y:$value}{N:$value}}
+acl if: ${if acl {{a_deny}{argN}{arg2}} {Y:$value}{N:$value}}
+acl if: ${if acl {{a_defer}{argN}{arg2}} {Y:$value}{N:$value}}
# Default values for both if strings
\${if eq{1}{1}} >${if eq{1}{1}}<
${extract{ }{X=3}}
${extract{ 2 }{ }{a b c}}
# Translation
abcdea aaa xyz ${tr{abcdea}{aaa}{xyz}}
" yes" ${if bool{ yes}{true}{false}} EXPECT: true
" no" ${if bool{ no}{true}{false}} EXPECT: false
"yes " ${if bool{yes }{true}{false}} EXPECT: true
-"-1" ${if bool{-1}{true}{false}} EXPECT: error
+"-1" ${if bool{-1}{true}{false}} EXPECT: true
"0" ${if bool{0}{true}{false}} EXPECT: false
"1" ${if bool{1}{true}{false}} EXPECT: true
" 0 " ${if bool{ 0 }{true}{false}} EXPECT: false
" " ${if bool{ }{true}{false}} EXPECT: false
"text" ${if bool{text}{true}{false}} EXPECT: error
" text" ${if bool{ text}{true}{false}} EXPECT: error
+"-text" ${if bool{-text}{true}{false}} EXPECT: error
"text " ${if bool{text }{true}{false}} EXPECT: error
" text " ${if bool{ text }{true}{false}} EXPECT: error
"00" ${if bool{00}{true}{false}} EXPECT: false
${if ={1}{1} {true}{${if ={1}{1} {true}{${if ={1}{1}{true}fail}}}}}
+# Environment access
+${env {USER}}
+${env {NO_SUCH_VARIABLE} {oops, success} {correct}}
# Test "escape" with print_topbitchars
exim -be -DPTBC=print_topbitchars
# Sender host name and address etc, all unset
exim -be
+-be Sender host name and address etc, all unset
-oMa sender_host_address = $sender_host_address
sender_host_port = $sender_host_port
-oMaa sender_host_authenticated = $sender_host_authenticated
# Sender host name and address etc, all set except host name.
exim -d-all+expand -be -oMa V4NET. -oMaa AAA -oMai philip -oMas xx@yy.zz -oMi -oMr special -oMt me
+-be Sender host name and address etc, all set except host name.
-oMa sender_host_address = $sender_host_address
sender_host_port = $sender_host_port
-oMaa sender_host_authenticated = $sender_host_authenticated
# Sender host name explicitly set
exim -be -oMa V4NET. -oMs my.host.name
+-be Sender host name explicitly set
-oMa sender_host_address = $sender_host_address
sender_host_port = $sender_host_port
-oMs sender_host_name = $sender_host_name
# Sender host name lookup fails (V4NET.11.12.13 is not reverse registered)
exim -be -oMa V4NET.11.12.13
+be Sender host name lookup fails (V4NET.11.12.13 is not reverse registered)
-oMs sender_host_name = $sender_host_name
host_lookup_failed = $host_lookup_failed
# Sender host name and protocol set by Sendmail-compatible option
exim -be -pspecial:host.name
+-be Sender host name and protocol set by Sendmail-compatible option
-p received_protocol = $received_protocol
-p sender_host_name = $sender_host_name
# we are skipping. The debug output for this test will show when
# the lookup occurs.
exim -d-all+host_lookup+expand -be -oMa V4NET. -oMaa AAA -oMai philip -oMas xx@yy.zz -oMi -oMr special -oMt me
+-be Sender host name and address etc, all set except host name
-oMa sender_host_address = $sender_host_address
sender_host_port = $sender_host_port
-oMaa sender_host_authenticated = $sender_host_authenticated
match_ip: 15 ${if match_ip{}{1.2.3}}
match_ip: 16 ${if match_ip{}{}}
+# Operation of inlist and negated inlist
+exim -be
+${if inlist{aa}{aa} {in list}{not in list}}
+${if !inlist{aa}{aa} {not in list}{in list}}