-p1238 Process p1238 is handling incoming connection from []
-p1238 Process p1238 is ready for new message
-p1238 using ACL "delay4_accept"
-p1238 processing "accept" (TESTSUITE/test-config 24)
-p1238 check delay = 4s
-p1238 delay modifier requests 4-second delay
-p1238 delay cancelled by peer close
-p1238 accept: condition test succeeded in ACL "delay4_accept"
-p1238 end of ACL "delay4_accept": ACCEPT
-p1238 LOG: lost_incoming_connection MAIN
-p1238 unexpected disconnection while reading SMTP command from (test) [] D=qqs
-p1238 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=p1238 (daemon-accept) terminating with rc=1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
-p1236 SMTP accept process running
+p1236 Process p1236 is handling incoming connection from []
+p1236 Process p1236 is ready for new message
+p1236 using ACL "delay4_accept"
+p1236 processing "accept" (TESTSUITE/test-config 24)
+p1236 check delay = 4s
+p1236 delay modifier requests 4-second delay
+p1236 delay cancelled by peer close
+p1236 accept: condition test succeeded in ACL "delay4_accept"
+p1236 end of ACL "delay4_accept": ACCEPT
+p1236 LOG: lost_incoming_connection MAIN
+p1236 unexpected disconnection while reading SMTP command from (test) [] D=qqs
+p1236 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=p1236 (daemon-accept) terminating with rc=1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
+1 SMTP accept process running