#use strict;
use v5.10.1;
use warnings;
-use if $^V >= v5.19.11, experimental => 'smartmatch';
use Errno;
use FileHandle;
sub new_value {
my($oldid, $base, $sequence) = @_;
my($newid) = $cache{$oldid};
+print ">> replace $oldid -> $newid\n" if ($debug && defined $newid);
if (! defined $newid)
$newid = sprintf($base, $$sequence++);
+ print ">> new $oldid -> $newid\n" if $debug;
$cache{$oldid} = $newid;
return $newid;
# into the same standard values throughout the data from a single test.
# Message ids get this treatment (can't be made reliable for times), and
# times in dumped retry databases are also handled in a special way, as are
-# incoming port numbers.
+# incoming port numbers and PIDs.
# On entry to the subroutine, the file to write to is already opened with the
# name MUNGED. The input file name is the only argument to the subroutine.
LINE: while(<IN>)
+ if ($munge_skip)
+ {
+ # Munging is a no-op, except for exim_msgdate specials.
+ # Useful when testing exim_msgdate so that
+ # we compare unmunged dates and message-ids.
+ s%^localhost \d+ from message-id != given number \d+ at \K/.+(?=/test/eximdir/exim_msgdate line 387.$)%DIR%;
+ print MUNGED;
+ next;
+ }
# Custom munges
if ($extra)
next if $extra =~ m%^/% && eval $extra;
eval $extra if $extra =~ m/^s/;
+ eval substr($extra, 1) if $extra =~ m/^R/;
# Check for "*** truncated ***"
# patchexim should have fixed this for us
#s/Exim \K\d+[._]\d+[\w_-]*/x.yz/i;
- # Replace Exim message ids by a unique series
+ # Replace Exim message ids by a unique series.
+ # Both old and new formats, with separate replace series, for now.
- /new_value($1, "10Hm%s-0005vi-00", \$next_msgid)/egx;
+ /new_value($1, "10Hm%s-0005vi-00", \$next_msgid_old)/egx;
+ s/(\d[^\W_]{5}-[^\W_]{11}-[^\W_]{4})
+ /new_value($1, "10Hm%s-000000005vi-0000", \$next_msgid)/egx;
# The names of lock files appear in some error and debug messages
# There are differences in error messages between OpenSSL versions
+ s/error=\Kauthority and subject key identifier mismatch/self signed certificate/;
+ s/error=\Kself-signed certificate/self signed certificate/;
# One error test in expansions mentions base 62 or 36
s/is not a base (36|62) number/is not a base 36\/62 number/;
s/T:(\S+)\s-22\s(\S+)\s/T:$1 -22 xxxx /;
# port numbers in dumpdb output
- s/T:([a-z.]+(:[0-9.]+)?):$parm_port_n /T:$1:PORT_N /;
+ s/T:([a-z0-9.]+(:[0-9.]+|:\[[^]]+])?):$parm_port_n /T:$1:PORT_N /;
+ s/T:([a-z0-9.[\]]+(:[0-9.]+|:\[[^]]+])?):$parm_port_s /T:$1:PORT_S /;
+ # and exinext
+ s/Transport: (?:[a-z0-9.]+|\[[^\]]+]) (?:[0-9.]+|\[[^\]]+]):\K$parm_port_s /PORT_S /;
# port numbers in stderr
s/^set_process_info: .*\]:\K$parm_port_d /PORT_D /;
# time used was fixed when I first started running automatic Exim tests.
# Date/time in header lines and SMTP responses
- s/[A-Z][a-z]{2},\s\d\d?\s[A-Z][a-z]{2}\s\d{4}\s\d\d\:\d\d:\d\d\s[-+]\d{4}
- /Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:44:33 +0000/gx;
+ s/[A-Z][a-z]{2},
+ (\s|\xE2\x96\x91)
+ \d\d?
+ (\s|\xE2\x96\x91)
+ [A-Z][a-z]{2}
+ (\s|\xE2\x96\x91)
+ \d{4}
+ (\s|\xE2\x96\x91)
+ \d\d\:\d\d:\d\d
+ (\s|\xE2\x96\x91)
+ [-+]\d{4}
+ /Tue,${1}2${2}Mar${3}1999${4}09:44:33${5}+0000/gx;
# and in a French locale
/dim., 10 f\xE9vr 2019 20:05:49 +0000/gx;
# Date/time in logs and in one instance of a filter test
s/^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d(\s[+-]\d\d\d\d)?\s/1999-03-02 09:44:33 /gx;
- s/^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d{3}(\s[+-]\d\d\d\d)?\s/2017-07-30 18:51:05.712 /gx;
+ s/^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d{3}(?:\s(?:[+-]\d\d\d\d|[A-Z]{2}T))?\s/2017-07-30 18:51:05.712 /gx;
s/^Logwrite\s"\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/Logwrite "1999-03-02 09:44:33/gx;
# Date/time in syslog test
s/^SYSLOG:\s\'\K\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\s/2017-07-30 18:51:05 /gx;
# Date/time in message separators
- s/(?:[A-Z][a-z]{2}\s){2}\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\s\d\d\d\d
- /Tue Mar 02 09:44:33 1999/gx;
+ s/(?:[A-Z][a-z]{2}
+ (\s|\xE2\x96\x91)
+ ){2}\d\d
+ (\s|\xE2\x96\x91)
+ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d
+ (\s|\xE2\x96\x91)
+ \d\d\d\d
+ /Tue${1}Mar${1}02${2}09:44:33${3}1999/gx;
# Date of message arrival in spool file as shown by -Mvh
s/^\d{9,10}\s0$/ddddddddd 0/;
- s/\b(pid=|pid |PID: )\d+/$1pppp/;
+ s/\b(?:pid=|pid\s|PID:\s|Process\s|child\s)\K(\d+)/new_value($1, "p%s", \$next_pid)/gxe;
+ s/ Ci=\K(\d+)/new_value($1, "p%s", \$next_pid)/gxe;
s/set_process_info:\s+\d+/set_process_info: pppp/;
# This handles "connection from" and the like, when the port is given
if (!/listening for SMTP on/ && !/Connecting to/ && !/=>/ && !/->/
- && !/\*>/&& !/==/ && !/\*\*/ && !/Connection refused/ && !/in response to/)
+ && !/\*>/&& !/==/ && !/\*\*/ && !/Connection refused/ && !/in response to/
+ && !/T(?:ransport)?:/)
# Port in host address in spool file output from -Mvh
- s/^(--?host_address) (.*)\.\d+/$1 $2.9999/;
+ s/^(--?host_address) (.*[:.])\d+$/$1 ${2}9999/;
if ($dynamic_socket and $dynamic_socket->opened and my $port = $dynamic_socket->sockport) {
s/^Connecting to 127\.0\.0\.1 port \K$port/<dynamic port>/;
# ======== IP error numbers and messages ========
# These vary between operating systems
- s/Can(no|')t assign requested address/Network Error/;
+ s/(?:Can(?:no|')t assign requested address|Address not available)/Netwk addr not available/;
s/Operation timed out/Connection timed out/;
s/Address family not supported by protocol family/Network Error/;
- s/Network( is)? unreachable/Network Error/;
+ s/Network(?: is)? unreachable/Network Error/;
s/Invalid argument/Network Error/;
s/\(\d+\): Network/(dd): Network/;
- s/^(\s*\d+m\s+)\d+(\s+[a-z0-9-]{16} <)/$1sss$2/i if $is_stdout;
+ s/^(\s*\d+[mhd]\s+)\d+(\s+(?:[a-z0-9-]{23}|[a-z0-9-]{18}) <)/TTT sss$2/i if $is_stdout;
s/\sSIZE=\d+\b/ SIZE=ssss/;
s/\ssize=\d+\b/ size=sss/ if $is_stderr;
s/old size = \d+\b/old size = sssss/;
# numbers, or handle specific bad conditions in different ways, leading to
# different wording in the error messages, so we cannot compare them.
-#XXX This loses any trailing "deliving unencypted to" which is unfortunate
+#XXX This loses any trailing "delivering unencypted to" which is unfortunate
# but I can't work out how to deal with that.
s/(TLS session: \(SSL_\w+\): error:)(.*)(?!: delivering)/$1 <<detail omitted>>/;
+ s/TLS error on connection from .*\K\(SSL_accept\): error:.*:unexpected eof while reading$/(tls lib accept fn): TCP connection closed by peer/;
s/(TLS error on connection from .* \(SSL_\w+\): error:)(.*)/$1 <<detail omitted>>/;
next if /SSL verify error: depth=0 error=certificate not trusted/;
# OpenSSL 3.0.0
s/TLS error \(D-H param setting .* error:\K.*dh key too small/xxxxxxxx:SSL routines::dh key too small/;
+ # OpenSSL 1.1.1
+ s/error:\K0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key(?=:key values mismatch$)/05800074:x509 certificate routines:/;
+ s/error:\K02001002:system library:fopen(?=:No such file or directory$)/80000002:system library:/;
+ s/error:\K0909006C:PEM routines:get_name(?=:no start line$)/0480006C:PEM routines:/;
# ======== Maildir things ========
# timestamp output in maildir processing
s/(timestamp=|\(timestamp_only\): )\d+/$1ddddddd/g;
# MIME boundaries in RFC3461 DSN messages
+ # Cyrus SASL library version differences (rejectlog)
+ s/Cyrus SASL permanent failure: \Kuser not found$/generic failure/;
# ==========================================================
# Some munging is specific to the specific file types
next if /SSL verify error: depth=0 error=certificate not trusted/;
- s/^\d+:error:\d+(?:E\d+)?(:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:[^:]+:).*(:SSL alert number \d\d)$/pppp:error:dddddddd$1\[...\]$2/;
- s/^error:[^:]*:(SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:(tls|ssl)v\d+ alert)/error:dddddddd:$1/;
+ s/^[[:xdigit:]]+:error:[[:xdigit:]]+(?:E[[:xdigit:]]+)?(:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:[^:]+:).*(:SSL alert number \d\d)$/pppp:error:dddddddd$1\[...\]$2/;
+ s/^error:\K[^:]*:(SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:(tls|ssl)v\d+ alert)/dddddddd:$1/;
+ s/^error:\K[[:xdigit:]]+:SSL routines::(tlsv13 alert certificate required)$/dddddddd:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:$1/;
+ s/^error:\K[[:xdigit:]]+:SSL routines::((tlsv1|sslv3) alert (unknown ca|certificate revoked))$/dddddddd:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:$1/;
# gnutls version variances
next if /^Error in the pull function./;
# DMARC is not always supported by the build
next if /^dmarc_tld_file =/;
+ # timestamp in dmarc history file
+ s/received \K\d{10}$/1692480217/;
# ARC is not always supported by the build
next if /^arc_sign =/;
# LIMITS is not always supported by the build
next if /^limits_advertise_hosts =/;
+ # PRDR
+ next if /^hosts_try_prdr = *$/;
# TLS resumption is not always supported by the build
next if /^tls_resumption_hosts =/;
next if /^-tls_resumption/;
+ next if /^host_name_extract = /;
# gsasl library version may not support some methods
+ # mailq times change with when the run is done, vs. static-source spoolfiles
+ s/\s*\d*[hd](?= 317 (?:[-0-9A-Za-z]{23}|[-0-9A-Za-z]{16}) <nobody\@test.ex>)/DDd/;
+ # mailq sizes change with caller running the test
+ s/\s[01]m [34]\d\d(?= (?:[-0-9A-Za-z]{23}|[-0-9A-Za-z]{16}) <CALLER\@the.local.host.name>)/ 1m 396/;
+ # Not all builds include EXPERIMENTAL_DSN_INFO (1 of 2)
+ if (/^X-Exim-Diagnostic:/)
+ {
+ while (<IN>) {
+ last if (/^$/ || !/^\s/);
+ }
+ }
# ======== stderr ========
elsif ($is_stderr)
# The very first line of debugging output will vary
s/^Exim version .*/Exim version x.yz ..../;
- # Debugging lines for Exim terminations and process-generation
+ # Skip some lines that Exim puts out at the start of debugging output
+ # because they will be different in different binaries.
+ next if /^$time_pid?
+ (?: Berkeley\ DB:\s
+ | Probably\ (?:Berkeley\ DB|ndbm|GDBM)
+ | Using\ tdb
+ | Authenticators:
+ | Lookups(?:\(built-in\))?:
+ | Support\ for:
+ | Routers:
+ | Transports:
+ | Malware:
+ | log\ selectors\ =
+ | cwd=
+ | Fixed\ never_users
+ | Configure\ owner
+ | Size\ of\ off_t:
+ )
+ /x;
+ # Lines with a leading pid. Only handle >= 4-digit PIDs to avoid converting SMTP respose codes
+ s/^\s*(\d{4,})\s(?!(?:previous message|in\s|bytes remain in|SMTP accept process running))/new_value($1, "p%s", \$next_pid) . ' '/e;
- s/(?<=^>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=)\d+(?= terminating)/pppp/;
- s/^(proxy-proc \w{5}-pid) \d+$/$1 pppp/;
- s/^(?:\s*\d+ )(exec .* -oPX)$/pppp $1/;
+ # Debugging lines for Exim terminations and process-generation
next if /(?:postfork: | fork(?:ing|ed) for )/;
# IP address lookups use gethostbyname() when IPv6 is not supported,
# we don't care what TZ enviroment the testhost was running
next if /^Reset TZ to/;
+ # port numbers
+ s/(?:\[[^\]]*\]:|V4NET\.0\.0\.0:|localhost::?|127\.0\.0\.1[.:]:?|port[= ])\K$parm_port_d/PORT_D/;
+ s/(?:\[[^\]]*\]:|V4NET\.0\.0\.0:|localhost::?|127\.0\.0\.1[.:]:?|port[= ])\K$parm_port_d2/PORT_D2/;
+ s/(?:\[[^\]]*\]:|V4NET\.0\.0\.0:|localhost::?|127\.0\.0\.1[.:]:?|port[= ])\K$parm_port_d3/PORT_D3/;
+ s/(?:\[[^\]]*\]:|V4NET\.0\.0\.0:|localhost::?|127\.0\.0\.1[.:]:?|port[= ])\K$parm_port_d4/PORT_D4/;
+ s/(?:\[[^\]]*\]:|V4NET\.0\.0\.0:|localhost::?|127\.0\.0\.1[.:]:?|port[= ])\K$parm_port_s/PORT_S/;
+ s/(?:\[[^\]]*\]:|V4NET\.0\.0\.0:|localhost::?|127\.0\.0\.1[.:]:?|port[= ])\K$parm_port_n/PORT_N/;
# ========= Exim lookups ==================
# Lookups have a char which depends on the number of lookup types compiled in,
# in stderr output. Replace with a "0". Recognising this while avoiding
# drop gnutls version strings
next if /GnuTLS compile-time version: \d+[\.\d]+$/;
next if /GnuTLS runtime version: \d+[\.\d]+$/;
+ # and unwanted debug
+ next if /^GnuTLS<2>: FIPS140-2 (context is not set|operation mode switched from initial to not-approved)$/;
+ next if /^GnuTLS<3>: ASSERT: sign.c\[_gnutls_sign_is_secure2\]:\d+$/;
+ next if /^GnuTLS<3>: ASSERT: \.\.\/\.\.\/lib\/pkcs11.c\[find_multi_objs_cb\]:/;
+ next if /^GnuTLS<3>: ASSERT: \.\.\/\.\.\/lib\/pkcs11.c\[gnutls_pkcs11_obj_list_import_url3\]:/;
# drop openssl version strings
next if /OpenSSL compile-time version: OpenSSL \d+[\.\da-z]+/;
# TLS preload
# only OpenSSL speaks of these
- next if /^TLS: (preloading (DH params|ECDH curve|CA bundle) for server|generating selfsigned server cert)/;
- next if /^Diffie-Hellman initialized from default/;
- next if /^ECDH OpenSSL (< )?[\d.+]+: temp key parameter settings:/;
- next if /^ECDH: .*'prime256v1'/;
+ next if /^TLS: (preloading (DH params \S+|ECDH curve \S+|CA bundle) for server|generating selfsigned server cert)/;
+ next if /^ Diffie-Hellman initialized from default/;
+ next if /^ ECDH OpenSSL (< )?[\d.+]+: temp key parameter settings:/;
+ next if /^ ECDH: .*'prime256v1'/;
next if /^tls_verify_certificates: system$/;
next if /^tls_set_watch: .*\/cert.pem/;
next if /^Generating 2048 bit RSA key/;
next if /^TLS: not preloading (CA bundle|cipher list) for server$/;
next if /^TLS: not preloading server certs$/;
+ # some platforms are missing the standard CA bundle file
+ next if /^tls_set_watch\(\) fail on '\/usr\/lib\/ssl\/cert.pem': No such file or directory$/;
# drop lookups
next if /^$time_pid?(?: Lookups\ \(built-in\):
| Loading\ lookup\ modules\ from
# drop pdkim debugging header
next if /^DKIM( <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+|: no signatures)$/;
- # Some platforms have TIOCOUTome do not
+ # Some platforms have TIOCOUT, some do not
next if /\d+ bytes remain in socket output buffer$/;
# Various other IPv6 lines must be omitted too
# Skip tls_advertise_hosts and hosts_require_tls checks when the options
# are unset, because tls ain't always there.
+ next if /^((>>>)?\s*host)? in tls_advertise_hosts\?$/;
next if /in\s(?:tls_advertise_hosts\?|hosts_require_tls\?)
next if /in\shosts_require_dane\?\sno\s\(option\sunset\)/x;
# daemon notifier socket
- s/^(\s*\d+|ppppp) (creating notifier socket)$/ppppp $2/;
- s/^ \@(.*exim_daemon_notify)$/ $1/;
- s/^(\s*\d+|ppppp) \@?(.*exim_daemon_notify)$/ppppp $2/;
+ s% \@(?=[^ @]+/spool/exim_daemon_notify$)% %;
next if /unlinking notifier socket/;
# daemon notifier socket
# Different builds will have different lookup types included
- s/^search_type \K\d+ \((\w+)\) quoting -1 \(none\)$/NN ($1) quoting -1 (none)/;
+ s/search_type \K\d+ \((\w+)\) quoting -1 \(none\)$/NN ($1) quoting -1 (none)/;
+ # and different numbers of lookup types result in different type-code letters,
+ # so convert them all to "0"
+ s%(?<!lsearch)[^ ](?=TESTSUITE/aux-fixed/(?:0414.list[12]|0464.domains)$)%0%;
+ next if /try option acl_not_smtp_mime$/;
next if /in hosts_requ(est|ire)_ocsp\? (no|yes)/;
next if /host in hosts_proxy\?/;
- next if / in (pipelining_connect_advertise_hosts|hosts_pipe_connect)?\? no /;
+ if ( /^(>>>)?\s*host in pipelining_connect_advertise_hosts\?$/ )
+ {
+ $_ = <IN>;
+ while ( /^(>>>)?\s*list element:/ ) { $_ = <IN>; }
+ }
+ next if / in (?:pipelining_connect_advertise_hosts|hosts_pipe_connect)?\? no /;
# Experimental_International
next if / in smtputf8_advertise_hosts\? no \(option unset\)/;
next if / in tls_advertise_requiretls?\? no \(end of list\)/;
# Experimental_LIMITS
+ if ( /^((>>>)?\s*host)? in limits_advertise_hosts\?$/ )
+ {
+ $_ = <IN>;
+ while ( /^(>>>)?\s*list element: !\*$/ ) { $_ = <IN>; }
+ }
next if / in limits_advertise_hosts?\? no \(matched "!\*"\)/;
+ # Experimental_XCLIENT
+ next if / in hosts_xclient?\? no \(option unset\)/;
# TCP Fast Open
next if /^(ppppp )?setsockopt FASTOPEN: Network Error/;
+ # TLS resumption is not always supported by the build
+ next if /in tls_resumption_hosts\?/;
+ next if /RE '.outlook.com/;
# Environment cleaning
next if /\w+ in keep_environment\? (yes|no)/;
s/^cmd buf flush \d+ bytes/cmd buf flush ddd bytes/;
# Spool filesystem free space changes on different systems.
- s/^((?:spool|log) directory space =) -?\d+K (inodes =)\s*-?\d+/$1 nnnnnK $2 nnnnn/;
+ s/((?:spool|log) directory space =) -?\d+K (inodes =)\s*-?\d+/$1 nnnnnK $2 nnnnn/;
# Non-TLS builds have different expansions for received_header_text
if (s/(with \$received_protocol)\}\} \$\{if def:tls_cipher \{\(\$tls_cipher\)\n$/$1/)
# Not all platforms build with SPF enabled
next if /^(spf_conn_init|SPF_dns_exim_new|spf_compile\.c)/;
+ next if /try option spf_smtp_comment_template$/;
# Not all platforms have sendfile support
next if /^cannot use sendfile for body: no support$/;
s/ \.\.\. >>> / ... /;
if (s/ non-TFO mode connection attempt to, 0 data\b$//) { chomp; $_ .= <IN>; }
s/Address family not supported by protocol family/Network Error/;
- s/Network is unreachable/Network Error/;
+ s/Network(?: is)? unreachable/Network Error/;
- next if /^(ppppp )?setsockopt FASTOPEN: Protocol not available$/;
+ next if /^(ppppp |\d+ )?setsockopt FASTOPEN: Protocol not available$/;
s/^(Connecting to .* \.\.\. sending) \d+ (nonTFO early-data)$/$1 dd $2/;
if (/^([0-9: ]* # possible timestamp
# Postgres version-dependent differences
s/^initdb: warning: (enabling "trust" authentication for local connections)$/\nWARNING: $1/;
+ # Postgre DB server PID
+ s/ \[\d+\] (?=(LOG: redirecting log|HINT: Future log output))/ [pppp] /;
# Not all builds include DMARC
next if /^DMARC: no (dmarc_tld_file|sender_host_address)$/ ;
- # TLS resumption is not always supported by the build
- next if /in tls_resumption_hosts\?/;
# Platform differences in errno strings
s/ SMTP\(Operation timed out\)<</ SMTP(Connection timed out)<</;
s/^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\s+/01:01:01 /mg;
# pid in debug lines
- s/^(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)(\s+\d+\s)/"$1 " . new_value($2, "%s", \$next_pid) . " "/mgxe;
- s/(?<!post-)[Pp]rocess\K(\s\d+ )/new_value($1, "%s", \$next_pid) . " "/gxe;
+ s/^(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\s+)(\d+)/$1 . new_value($2, "p%s", \$next_pid) . " "/mgxe;
+ s/(?<!post-)[Pp]rocess\K(\s\d+ )/new_value($1, "p%s", \$next_pid) . " "/gxe;
+ # Path in environment varies
+ s/ PATH=\K.*$/<munged>/;
# When Exim is checking the size of directories for maildir, it uses
# the check_dir_size() function to scan directories. Of course, the order
@saved = ();
- # Skip some lines that Exim puts out at the start of debugging output
- # because they will be different in different binaries.
- next if /^$time_pid?
- (?: Berkeley\ DB:\s
- | Probably\ (?:Berkeley\ DB|ndbm|GDBM)
- | Authenticators:
- | Lookups(?:\(built-in\))?:
- | Support\ for:
- | Routers:
- | Transports:
- | Malware:
- | log\ selectors\ =
- | cwd=
- | Fixed\ never_users
- | Configure\ owner
- | Size\ of\ off_t:
- )
- /x;
print MUNGED;
next if / Berkeley DB error: /;
# CHUNKING: exact sizes depend on hostnames in headers
- s/(=>.* K C="250- \d)\d+ (byte chunk, total \d)\d+/$1nn $2nn/;
+ s/(=>.* K (?:DKIM=\S+ )?C="250- \d)\d+ (byte chunk, total \d)\d+/$1nn $2nn/;
- # openssl version variances
- s/(TLS error on connection [^:]*: error:)[0-9A-F]{8}(:system library):(?:fopen|func\(4095\)):(No such file or directory)$/$1xxxxxxxx$2:fopen:$3/;
- s/(DANE attempt failed.*error:)[0-9A-F]{8}(:SSL routines:)(?:(?i)ssl3_get_server_certificate|tls_process_server_certificate|CONNECT_CR_CERT)(?=:certificate verify failed$)/$1xxxxxxxx$2ssl3_get_server_certificate/;
+ # OpenSSL version variances
+ s/(TLS error on connection [^:]*: error:)[0-9A-F]{8}(:system library):(?:fopen|func\(4095\)|):(No such file or directory)$/$1xxxxxxxx$2:fopen:$3/;
+ next if /TLS error \(SSL_read\): .*error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading$/ ;
+ s/EVDATA: \K\(SSL_accept\): error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading/SSL_accept: TCP connection closed by peer/;
+ s/(DANE attempt failed.*error:)[0-9A-F]{8}(:SSL routines:)(?:(?i)ssl3_get_server_certificate|tls_process_server_certificate|CONNECT_CR_CERT|)(?=:certificate verify failed$)/$1xxxxxxxx$2ssl3_get_server_certificate/;
s/(DKIM: validation error: )error:[0-9A-F]{8}:rsa routines:(?:(?i)int_rsa_verify|CRYPTO_internal):(?:bad signature|algorithm mismatch)$/$1Public key signature verification has failed./;
s/ARC: AMS signing: privkey PEM-block import: error:\K[0-9A-F]{8}:(PEM routines):get_name:(no start line)/0906D06C:$1:PEM_read_bio:$2/;
- # gnutls version variances
+ # GnuTLS version variances
if (/TLS error on connection \(recv\): .* (Decode error|peer did not send any certificate)/)
my $prev = $_;
{ $_ = $prev; }
- # translate gnutls error into the openssl one
+ # translate GnuTLS error into the OpenSSL one
s/ARC: AMS signing: privkey PEM-block import: \KThe requested data were not available.$/error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line/;
+ # and then both into the OpenSSL 3.x one
+ s/ARC: AMS signing: privkey PEM-block import: error:\K[0-9A-F]{8}:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line$/1E08010C:DECODER routines::unsupported/;
# DKIM timestamps
- if ( /(DKIM: d=.*) t=([0-9]*) x=([0-9]*) / )
+ if ( /(DKIM: d=.*) t=([0-9]*) x=([0-9]*) \[/ )
my ($prefix, $t_diff) = ($1, $3 - $2);
s/DKIM: d=.* t=[0-9]* x=[0-9]* /${prefix} t=T x=T+${t_diff} /;
+ else
+ { s/DKIM: d=.* \Kt=[0-9]* \[/t=T [/; }
# GnuTLS reports a different keysize vs. OpenSSL, for ed25519 keys
s/signer: [^ ]* bits:\K 256/ 253/;
s/public key too short:\K 256 bits/ 253 bits/;
+ # with GnuTLS we cannot log single bad ALPN. So ignore the with-OpenSSL log line.
+ # next if /TLS ALPN (http) rejected$/;
# port numbers
s/(?:\[[^\]]*\]:|port )\K$parm_port_d/PORT_D/;
s/(?:\[[^\]]*\]:|port )\K$parm_port_d2/PORT_D2/;
s/session: \K\((SSL_connect|gnutls_handshake)\): timed out/(tls lib connect fn): timed out/;
s/TLS error on connection from .*\K\((SSL_accept|gnutls_handshake)\): timed out/(tls lib accept fn): timed out/;
s/TLS error on connection from .*\K(SSL_accept: TCP connection closed by peer|\(gnutls_handshake\): The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)/(tls lib accept fn): TCP connection closed by peer/;
- s/TLS session: \K\(gnutls_handshake\): No supported application protocol could be negotiated/(SSL_connect): error: <<detail omitted>>/;
+ s/TLS session: \K\(gnutls_handshake\): rxd alert: No supported application protocol could be negotiated/(SSL_connect): error: <<detail omitted>>/;
s/\(gnutls_handshake\): No common application protocol could be negotiated./(SSL_accept): error: <<detail omitted>>/;
+ elsif ( /^(\s+)t=([0-9]*); b=[A-Za-z0-9+\/]+$/ )
+ {
+ my $indent = $1;
+ s/.*/${indent}t=T; b=bbbb;/;
+ <IN>;
+ <IN>;
+ }
+ # Not all builds include EXPERIMENTAL_DSN_INFO (2 of 2)
+ if (/^X-Exim-Diagnostic:/)
+ {
+ while (<IN>) {
+ last if (/^$/ || !/^\s/);
+ }
+ }
# ======== All files other than stderr ========
for (my $i = 0; $i < @munged; $i++)
- if ($munged[$i] =~ /^[-\d]{10}\s[:\d]{8}\s[-A-Za-z\d]{16}\s[-=*]>/)
+ if ($munged[$i] =~ /^[-\d]{10}\s[:\d]{8}(\.\d{3})?\s[-A-Za-z\d]{23}\s[-=*]>/)
my $j;
for ($j = $i + 1; $j < @munged; $j++)
last if $munged[$j] !~
- /^[-\d]{10}\s[:\d]{8}\s[-A-Za-z\d]{16}\s[-=*]>/;
+ /^[-\d]{10}\s[:\d]{8}(\.\d{3})?\s[-A-Za-z\d]{23}\s[-=*]>/;
@temp = splice(@munged, $i, $j - $i);
@temp = sort(@temp);
# Usable files are:
# paniclog, rejectlog, mainlog, stdout, stderr, msglog, mail
# Search strings starting with 's' do substitutions;
-# with '/' do line-skips.
+# with '/' do line-skips,
+# with 'R' run given code.
# Triggered by a scriptfile line "munge <name>"
$munges =
'rejectlog' => 's/ X=TLS\S+ / X=TLS_proto_and_cipher /',
- 'debug_pid' =>
- { 'stderr' => 's/(^\s{0,4}|(?<=Process )|(?<=child ))\d+/ppppp/g' },
'optional_dsn_info' =>
- { 'mail' => '/^(X-(Remote-MTA-(smtp-greeting|helo-response)|Exim-Diagnostic|(body|message)-linecount):|Remote-MTA: X-ip;)/'
+ { 'mail' => 'Rif (/^(X-(Remote-MTA-(smtp-greeting|helo-response)|Exim-Diagnostic|(body|message)-linecount):|Remote-MTA: X-ip;)/) {
+ while (1) {
+ $_ = <IN>;
+ next if /^ /;
+ }
+ }'
'optional_config' =>
foreach $mail (@mails)
- next if $mail eq "test-mail/oncelog";
+ next if $mail =~ /^test-mail\/oncelog(.(dir|pag|db))?$/;
$saved_mail = substr($mail, 10); # Remove "test-mail/"
$saved_mail =~ s/^$parm_caller(\/|$)/CALLER/; # Convert caller name
foreach $msglog (@msglogs)
next if ($msglog eq "." || $msglog eq ".." || $msglog eq "CVS");
($munged_msglog = $msglog) =~
- /new_value($1, "10Hm%s-0005vi-00", \$next_msgid)/egx;
+ /new_value($1, "10Hm%s-0005vi-00", \$next_msgid_old)/egx;
+ $munged_msglog =~
+ s/([^\W_]{6}-[^\W_]{11}-[^\W_]{4})
+ /new_value($1, "10Hm%s-000000005vi-0000", \$next_msgid)/egx;
$yield = max($yield, check_file("spool/msglog/$msglog", undef,
"test-msglog-munged", "msglog/$testno.$munged_msglog", 0,
# Arguments: the current test number
# reference to the subtest number, holding previous value
# reference to the expected return code value
+# reference to flag for not-expected return value
# reference to where to put the command name (for messages)
# auxiliary information returned from a previous run
sub run_command{
my($testno) = $_[0];
my($subtestref) = $_[1];
-my($commandnameref) = $_[3];
-my($aux_info) = $_[4];
+my($commandnameref) = $_[4];
+my($aux_info) = $_[5];
my($yield) = 1;
our %ENV = map { $_ => $ENV{$_} } grep { /^(?:USER|SHELL|PATH|TERM|EXIM_TEST_.*)$/ } keys %ENV;
-if (/^(\d+)\s*$/) # Handle unusual return code
+if (/^(~)?(\d+)\s*(?:([A-Z]+)=(\S+))?$/) # Handle unusual return code
- my($r) = $_[2];
- $$r = $1 << 8;
+ my($r, $rn) = ($_[2], $_[3]);
+ $$r = $2 << 8;
+ $$rn = 1 if (defined $1);
+ $ENV{$3} = $4 if (defined $3);
$_ = <SCRIPT>;
return 4 if !defined $_; # Missing command
+# The "exiqgrep" command runs exiqgrep on the current spool
+if (/^exiqgrep(\s+.*)?/)
+ {
+ run_system("(./eximdir/exiqgrep -E ./eximdir/exim -C $parm_cwd/test-config" . ($1 || '') . ";" .
+ "echo exiqgrep exit code = \$?)" .
+ ">>test-stdout");
+ return 1;
+ }
# The "eximstats" command runs eximstats on the current mainlog
if (/^eximstats\s+(.*)/)
+# The "exim_id_update" command runs exim_id_update on the current spool
+if (/^exim_id_update(\s+.*)?$/)
+ {
+ run_system("(sudo ./eximdir/exim_id_update" . ($1 || '') . " $parm_cwd/spool/input;" .
+ "echo exim_id_update exit code = \$?)" .
+ ">>test-stdout 2>>test-stderr");
+ return 1;
+ }
# The "gnutls" command makes a copy of saved GnuTLS parameter data in the
# spool directory, to save Exim from re-creating it each time.
# Various Unix management commands are recognized
if (/^(ln|ls|du|mkdir|mkfifo|touch|cp|cat)\s/ ||
- /^sudo\s(rmdir|rm|mv|chown|chmod)\s/)
+ /^sudo\s(mkdir|rmdir|rm|mv|cp|chown|chmod)\s/)
run_system("$_ >>test-stdout 2>>test-stderr");
return 1;
+if (/^cat2\s/)
+ {
+ s/^cat2/cat/;
+ run_system("$_ 2>&1 >test-stderr");
+ return 1;
+ }
if (/^client/ || /^(sudo\s+)?perl\b/)
+ if (defined($tls)) {
+ s/^client-anytls/client-ssl/ if ($tls eq 'openssl');
+ s/^client-anytls/client-gnutls/ if ($tls eq 'gnutls');
+ }
$cmd = "$_ >>test-stdout 2>>test-stderr";
if (defined $queuespec)
- @listcmd = ("$parm_cwd/eximdir/exim", '-bp',
+ @listcmd = ("$parm_cwd/$exim_server", '-bp',
- "-DEXIM_PATH=$parm_cwd/eximdir/exim",
+ "-DEXIM_PATH=$parm_cwd$exim_server",
-C => "$parm_cwd/test-config");
- @listcmd = ("$parm_cwd/eximdir/exim", '-bp',
- "-DEXIM_PATH=$parm_cwd/eximdir/exim",
+ @listcmd = ("$parm_cwd/$exim_server", '-bp',
+ "-DEXIM_PATH=$parm_cwd/$exim_server",
-C => "$parm_cwd/test-config");
print ">> Getting queue list from:\n>> @listcmd\n" if $debug;
my $opt_valgrind = $valgrind ? "valgrind --leak-check=yes --suppressions=$parm_cwd/aux-fixed/valgrind.supp " : '';
- $cmd = "$envset$sudo$opt_valgrind" .
- "$parm_cwd/eximdir/exim$special$optargs " .
- "-DEXIM_PATH=$parm_cwd/eximdir/exim$special " .
- "-C $parm_cwd/test-config $args " .
+ $cmd = "$envset$sudo$opt_valgrind";
+ if ($special ne '') {
+ $cmd .= "$parm_cwd/eximdir/exim$special$optargs " .
+ "-DEXIM_PATH=$parm_cwd/eximdir/exim$special ";
+ }
+ elsif ($args =~ /(^|\s)-DSERVER=server\s/) {
+ $cmd .= "$parm_cwd/$exim_server$optargs " .
+ "-DEXIM_PATH=$parm_cwd/$exim_server ";
+ }
+ else {
+ $cmd .= "$parm_cwd/$exim_client$optargs " .
+ "-DEXIM_PATH=$parm_cwd/$exim_client ";
+ }
+ $cmd .= "-C $parm_cwd/test-config $args " .
">>test-stdout 2>>test-stderr";
# If the command is starting an Exim daemon, we run it in the same
# way as the "server" command above, that is, we don't want to wait
# for the process to finish. That happens when "killdaemon" is obeyed later
+# Check for SpamAssassin and ClamAV #
+# These are crude tests. If they aren't good enough, we'll have to improve
+# them, for example by actually passing a message through spamc or clamscan.
+sub check_running_spamassassin
+my $sock = new FileHandle;
+if (system("spamc -h 2>/dev/null >/dev/null") == 0)
+ {
+ print "The spamc command works:\n";
+ # This test for an active SpamAssassin is courtesy of John Jetmore.
+ # The tests are hard coded to localhost:783, so no point in making
+ # this test flexible like the clamav test until the test scripts are
+ # changed. spamd doesn't have the nice PING/PONG protocol that
+ # clamd does, but it does respond to errors in an informative manner,
+ # so use that.
+ my($sint,$sport) = ('',783);
+ eval
+ {
+ my $sin = sockaddr_in($sport, inet_aton($sint))
+ or die "** Failed packing $sint:$sport\n";
+ socket($sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'))
+ or die "** Unable to open socket $sint:$sport\n";
+ local $SIG{ALRM} =
+ sub { die "** Timeout while connecting to socket $sint:$sport\n"; };
+ alarm(5);
+ connect($sock, $sin)
+ or die "** Unable to connect to socket $sint:$sport\n";
+ alarm(0);
+ select((select($sock), $| = 1)[0]);
+ print $sock "bad command\r\n";
+ $SIG{ALRM} =
+ sub { die "** Timeout while reading from socket $sint:$sport\n"; };
+ alarm(10);
+ my $res = <$sock>;
+ alarm(0);
+ $res =~ m|^SPAMD/|
+ or die "** Did not get SPAMD from socket $sint:$sport. "
+ ."It said: $res\n";
+ };
+ alarm(0);
+ if($@)
+ {
+ print " $@";
+ print " Assume SpamAssassin (spamd) is not running\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $parm_running{SpamAssassin} = ' ';
+ print " SpamAssassin (spamd) seems to be running\n";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ print "The spamc command failed: assume SpamAssassin (spamd) is not running\n";
+ }
+sub check_running_clamav
+my $sock;
+# For ClamAV, we need to find the clamd socket for use in the Exim
+# configuration. Search for the clamd configuration file.
+if (system("clamscan -h 2>/dev/null >/dev/null") == 0)
+ {
+ my($f, $clamconf, $test_prefix);
+ print "The clamscan command works";
+ $test_prefix = $ENV{EXIM_TEST_PREFIX};
+ $test_prefix = '' if !defined $test_prefix;
+ foreach $f ("$test_prefix/etc/clamd.conf",
+ "$test_prefix/usr/local/etc/clamd.conf",
+ "$test_prefix/etc/clamav/clamd.conf", '')
+ {
+ if (-e $f)
+ {
+ $clamconf = $f;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # Read the ClamAV configuration file and find the socket interface.
+ if ($clamconf ne '')
+ {
+ my $socket_domain;
+ open(IN, "$clamconf") || die "\n** Unable to open $clamconf: $!\n";
+ while (<IN>)
+ {
+ if (/^LocalSocket\s+(.*)/)
+ {
+ $parm_clamsocket = $1;
+ $socket_domain = AF_UNIX;
+ last;
+ }
+ if (/^TCPSocket\s+(\d+)/)
+ {
+ if (defined $parm_clamsocket)
+ {
+ $parm_clamsocket .= " $1";
+ $socket_domain = AF_INET;
+ last;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $parm_clamsocket = " $1";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/^TCPAddr\s+(\S+)/)
+ {
+ if (defined $parm_clamsocket)
+ {
+ $parm_clamsocket = $1 . $parm_clamsocket;
+ $socket_domain = AF_INET;
+ last;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $parm_clamsocket = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(IN);
+ if (defined $socket_domain)
+ {
+ print ":\n The clamd socket is $parm_clamsocket\n";
+ # This test for an active ClamAV is courtesy of Daniel Tiefnig.
+ eval
+ {
+ my $socket;
+ if ($socket_domain == AF_UNIX)
+ {
+ $socket = sockaddr_un($parm_clamsocket) or die "** Failed packing '$parm_clamsocket'\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($socket_domain == AF_INET)
+ {
+ my ($ca_host, $ca_port) = split(/\s+/,$parm_clamsocket);
+ my $ca_hostent = gethostbyname($ca_host) or die "** Failed to get raw address for host '$ca_host'\n";
+ $socket = sockaddr_in($ca_port, $ca_hostent) or die "** Failed packing '$parm_clamsocket'\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "** Unknown socket domain '$socket_domain' (should not happen)\n";
+ }
+ socket($sock, $socket_domain, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "** Unable to open socket '$parm_clamsocket'\n";
+ local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "** Timeout while connecting to socket '$parm_clamsocket'\n"; };
+ alarm(5);
+ connect($sock, $socket) or die "** Unable to connect to socket '$parm_clamsocket'\n";
+ alarm(0);
+ my $ofh = select $sock; $| = 1; select $ofh;
+ print $sock "PING\n";
+ $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "** Timeout while reading from socket '$parm_clamsocket'\n"; };
+ alarm(10);
+ my $res = <$sock>;
+ alarm(0);
+ $res =~ /PONG/ or die "** Did not get PONG from socket '$parm_clamsocket'. It said: $res\n";
+ };
+ alarm(0);
+ if($@)
+ {
+ print " $@";
+ print " Assume ClamAV is not running\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $parm_running{ClamAV} = ' ';
+ print " ClamAV seems to be running\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print ", but the socket for clamd could not be determined\n";
+ print "Assume ClamAV is not running\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print ", but I can't find a configuration for clamd\n";
+ print "Assume ClamAV is not running\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub check_running_redis
+if (defined $parm_lookups{redis})
+ {
+ if (system("redis-server -v 2>/dev/null >/dev/null") == 0)
+ {
+ print "The redis-server command works\n";
+ $parm_running{redis} = ' ';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "The redis-server command failed: assume Redis not installed\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub check_running_dovecot
+system('dovecot --version >/dev/null');
+if ($? == 0)
+ {
+ print "Dovecot appears to be available\n";
+ $parm_running{dovecot} = ' ';
+ }
+ {
+ print "Dovecot not found\n";
+ }
'ipv6!' => \$have_ipv6,
'keep' => \$save_output,
'slow' => \$slow,
+ 'tls=s' => \my $tls,
'valgrind' => \$valgrind,
'range=s{2}' => \my @range_wanted,
'test=i@' => \my @tests_wanted,
print "Exim binary is `$parm_exim'\n" if defined $parm_exim;
+my %wanted;
my @wanted = sort numerically uniq
@tests_wanted ? @tests_wanted : (),
@range_wanted ? $range_wanted[0] .. $range_wanted[1] : (),
0+$ARGV[0]..0+$ARGV[1] # add 0 to cope with test numbers starting with zero
: ();
@wanted = 1..TEST_TOP if not @wanted;
+map { $wanted{sprintf("%04d",$_)}= $_; } @wanted;
# Check for sudo access to root #
-# Check for SpamAssassin and ClamAV #
-# These are crude tests. If they aren't good enough, we'll have to improve
-# them, for example by actually passing a message through spamc or clamscan.
if (defined $parm_support{Content_Scanning})
- my $sock = new FileHandle;
- if (system("spamc -h 2>/dev/null >/dev/null") == 0)
- {
- print "The spamc command works:\n";
- # This test for an active SpamAssassin is courtesy of John Jetmore.
- # The tests are hard coded to localhost:783, so no point in making
- # this test flexible like the clamav test until the test scripts are
- # changed. spamd doesn't have the nice PING/PONG protocol that
- # clamd does, but it does respond to errors in an informative manner,
- # so use that.
- my($sint,$sport) = ('',783);
- eval
- {
- my $sin = sockaddr_in($sport, inet_aton($sint))
- or die "** Failed packing $sint:$sport\n";
- socket($sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'))
- or die "** Unable to open socket $sint:$sport\n";
- local $SIG{ALRM} =
- sub { die "** Timeout while connecting to socket $sint:$sport\n"; };
- alarm(5);
- connect($sock, $sin)
- or die "** Unable to connect to socket $sint:$sport\n";
- alarm(0);
- select((select($sock), $| = 1)[0]);
- print $sock "bad command\r\n";
- $SIG{ALRM} =
- sub { die "** Timeout while reading from socket $sint:$sport\n"; };
- alarm(10);
- my $res = <$sock>;
- alarm(0);
- $res =~ m|^SPAMD/|
- or die "** Did not get SPAMD from socket $sint:$sport. "
- ."It said: $res\n";
- };
- alarm(0);
- if($@)
- {
- print " $@";
- print " Assume SpamAssassin (spamd) is not running\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $parm_running{SpamAssassin} = ' ';
- print " SpamAssassin (spamd) seems to be running\n";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print "The spamc command failed: assume SpamAssassin (spamd) is not running\n";
- }
- # For ClamAV, we need to find the clamd socket for use in the Exim
- # configuration. Search for the clamd configuration file.
- if (system("clamscan -h 2>/dev/null >/dev/null") == 0)
- {
- my($f, $clamconf, $test_prefix);
- print "The clamscan command works";
- $test_prefix = $ENV{EXIM_TEST_PREFIX};
- $test_prefix = '' if !defined $test_prefix;
- foreach $f ("$test_prefix/etc/clamd.conf",
- "$test_prefix/usr/local/etc/clamd.conf",
- "$test_prefix/etc/clamav/clamd.conf", '')
- {
- if (-e $f)
- {
- $clamconf = $f;
- last;
- }
- }
- # Read the ClamAV configuration file and find the socket interface.
- if ($clamconf ne '')
- {
- my $socket_domain;
- open(IN, "$clamconf") || die "\n** Unable to open $clamconf: $!\n";
- while (<IN>)
- {
- if (/^LocalSocket\s+(.*)/)
- {
- $parm_clamsocket = $1;
- $socket_domain = AF_UNIX;
- last;
- }
- if (/^TCPSocket\s+(\d+)/)
- {
- if (defined $parm_clamsocket)
- {
- $parm_clamsocket .= " $1";
- $socket_domain = AF_INET;
- last;
- }
- else
- {
- $parm_clamsocket = " $1";
- }
- }
- elsif (/^TCPAddr\s+(\S+)/)
- {
- if (defined $parm_clamsocket)
- {
- $parm_clamsocket = $1 . $parm_clamsocket;
- $socket_domain = AF_INET;
- last;
- }
- else
- {
- $parm_clamsocket = $1;
- }
- }
- }
- close(IN);
- if (defined $socket_domain)
- {
- print ":\n The clamd socket is $parm_clamsocket\n";
- # This test for an active ClamAV is courtesy of Daniel Tiefnig.
- eval
- {
- my $socket;
- if ($socket_domain == AF_UNIX)
- {
- $socket = sockaddr_un($parm_clamsocket) or die "** Failed packing '$parm_clamsocket'\n";
- }
- elsif ($socket_domain == AF_INET)
- {
- my ($ca_host, $ca_port) = split(/\s+/,$parm_clamsocket);
- my $ca_hostent = gethostbyname($ca_host) or die "** Failed to get raw address for host '$ca_host'\n";
- $socket = sockaddr_in($ca_port, $ca_hostent) or die "** Failed packing '$parm_clamsocket'\n";
- }
- else
- {
- die "** Unknown socket domain '$socket_domain' (should not happen)\n";
- }
- socket($sock, $socket_domain, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "** Unable to open socket '$parm_clamsocket'\n";
- local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "** Timeout while connecting to socket '$parm_clamsocket'\n"; };
- alarm(5);
- connect($sock, $socket) or die "** Unable to connect to socket '$parm_clamsocket'\n";
- alarm(0);
- my $ofh = select $sock; $| = 1; select $ofh;
- print $sock "PING\n";
- $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "** Timeout while reading from socket '$parm_clamsocket'\n"; };
- alarm(10);
- my $res = <$sock>;
- alarm(0);
- $res =~ /PONG/ or die "** Did not get PONG from socket '$parm_clamsocket'. It said: $res\n";
- };
- alarm(0);
- if($@)
- {
- print " $@";
- print " Assume ClamAV is not running\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $parm_running{ClamAV} = ' ';
- print " ClamAV seems to be running\n";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print ", but the socket for clamd could not be determined\n";
- print "Assume ClamAV is not running\n";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print ", but I can't find a configuration for clamd\n";
- print "Assume ClamAV is not running\n";
- }
- }
- }
-# Check for redis #
-if (defined $parm_lookups{redis})
- {
- if (system("redis-server -v 2>/dev/null >/dev/null") == 0)
- {
- print "The redis-server command works\n";
- $parm_running{redis} = ' ';
- }
- else
- {
- print "The redis-server command failed: assume Redis not installed\n";
- }
+ check_running_spamassassin();
+ check_running_clamav();
# Test for the basic requirements #
die "** Unable to make patched exim: $!\n"
if (system("sudo ./patchexim $parm_exim") != 0);
+# If TLS-library-specific binaries have been made, grab them too
+$suff = 'openssl';
+$f = $parm_exim . '_' . $suff;
+if (-f $f) {
+ $exim_openssl = "eximdir/exim_$suff";
+ die "** Unable to make patched exim: $!\n"
+ if (system("sudo ./patchexim -o $exim_openssl $f") != 0);
+ }
+$suff = 'gnutls';
+$f = $parm_exim . '_' . $suff;
+if (-f $f) {
+ $exim_gnutls = "eximdir/exim_$suff";
+ die "** Unable to make patched exim: $!\n"
+ if (system("sudo ./patchexim -o $exim_gnutls $f") != 0);
+ }
+if (defined($tls))
+ {
+ die "** Need both $exim_openssl and $exim_gnutls for cross-library teting\n"
+ if ( !defined($exim_openssl) || !defined($exim_gnutls) );
+ if ($tls eq 'openssl')
+ {
+ $exim_client = $exim_openssl;
+ $exim_server = $exim_gnutls;
+ }
+ elsif ($tls eq 'gnutls')
+ {
+ $exim_client = $exim_gnutls;
+ $exim_server = $exim_openssl;
+ }
+ else
+ { die "** need eother openssl or gnutls speified as the client for cross-library testing, saw $tls\n"; }
+ }
+ { $exim_client = $exim_server = 'eximdir/exim'; }
+print ">> \$exim_client <$exim_client>\n";;
+print ">> \$exim_server <$exim_server>\n";;
# From this point on, exits from the program must go via the subroutine
# tests_exit(), so that suitable cleaning up can be done when required.
# Arrange to catch interrupting signals, to assist with this.
$dbm_build_deleted = 1;
-foreach my $tool (qw(exim_dumpdb exim_lock exinext exigrep eximstats)) {
+foreach my $tool (qw(exim_dumpdb exim_lock exinext exigrep eximstats exiqgrep exim_msgdate exim_id_update)) {
cp("$parm_exim_dir/$tool" => "eximdir/$tool")
or tests_exit(-1, "Failed to make a copy of $tool: $!");
# Collect some version information
print '-' x 78, "\n";
print "Perl version for runtest: $]\n";
-foreach (map { "./eximdir/$_" } qw(exigrep exinext eximstats)) {
+foreach (map { "./eximdir/$_" } qw(exigrep exinext eximstats exiqgrep exim_msgdate)) {
# fold (or unfold?) multiline output into a one-liner
print join(', ', map { chomp; $_ } `$_ --version`), "\n";
if (!defined $parm_malware{$1}) { $wantthis = 0; last; }
- elsif (/^feature (.*)$/)
+ elsif (/^(not )?feature (.*)$/)
# move to a subroutine?
- my $eximinfo = "$parm_exim -C $parm_cwd/test-config -DDIR=$parm_cwd -bP macro $1";
+ my $eximinfo = "$parm_exim -C $parm_cwd/test-config -DDIR=$parm_cwd -bP macro $2";
open (IN, "$parm_cwd/confs/0000") ||
tests_exit(-1, "Couldn't open $parm_cwd/confs/0000: $!\n");
system($eximinfo . " >/dev/null 2>&1");
- if ($? != 0) {
- unlink("$parm_cwd/test-config");
+ if (!defined $1 && $? != 0 || defined $1 && $? == 0) {
$wantthis = 0;
- $_ = "feature $1";
+ unlink("$parm_cwd/test-config");
+ $_ = $1 || "" . "feature $2";
# We want the tests from this subdirectory, provided they are in the
# range that was selected.
- @testlist = grep { $_ ~~ @wanted } grep { /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ } map { basename $_ } glob "scripts/$testdir/*";
+ undef @testlist;
+ map { push @testlist, $_ if exists $wanted{$_} } grep { /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ } map { basename $_ } glob "scripts/$testdir/*";
tests_exit(-1, "Failed to read test scripts from `scripts/$testdir/*': $!")
if not @testlist;
# set up the initial sequence strings.
undef %cache;
+ $next_msgid_old = "aX";
$next_msgid = "aX";
$next_pid = 1234;
$next_port = 1111;
$message_skip = 0;
$msglog_skip = 0;
+ $munge_skip = 0;
$stderr_skip = 0;
$stdout_skip = 0;
$rmfiltertest = 0;
if (/^no_message_check/) { $message_skip = 1; next; }
if (/^no_msglog_check/) { $msglog_skip = 1; next; }
+ if (/^no_munge/) { $munge_skip = 1; next; }
if (/^no_stderr_check/) { $stderr_skip = 1; next; }
if (/^no_stdout_check/) { $stdout_skip = 1; next; }
if (/^rmfiltertest/) { $rmfiltertest = 1; next; }
# set above, but doesn't hurt to leave them here.
if (/^no_message_check/) { $message_skip = 1; next; }
if (/^no_msglog_check/) { $msglog_skip = 1; next; }
+ if (/^no_munge/) { $munge_skip = 1; next; }
if (/^no_stderr_check/) { $stderr_skip = 1; next; }
if (/^no_stdout_check/) { $stdout_skip = 1; next; }
if (/^rmfiltertest/) { $rmfiltertest = 1; next; }
# was run and not waited for (usually a daemon or server startup).
my($commandname) = '';
- my($expectrc) = 0;
- my($rc, $run_extra) = run_command($testno, \$subtestno, \$expectrc, \$commandname, $TEST_STATE);
+ my($expectrc, $expect_not) = (0, 0);
+ my($rc, $run_extra) = run_command($testno, \$subtestno, \$expectrc, \$expect_not, \$commandname, $TEST_STATE);
my($cmdrc) = $?;
if ($debug) {
# We ran and waited for a command. Check for the expected result unless
# it died.
- if ($cmdrc != $expectrc && !$sigpipehappened)
+ if (!$sigpipehappened && ($expect_not ? ($cmdrc == $expectrc) : ($cmdrc != $expectrc)))
printf("** Command $commandno (\"$commandname\", starting at line $subtest_startline)\n");
if (($cmdrc & 0xff) == 0)
- printf("** Return code %d (expected %d)", $cmdrc/256, $expectrc/256);
+ if ($expect_not)
+ { printf("** Return code %d (expected anything but that)", $cmdrc/256); }
+ else
+ { printf("** Return code %d (expected %d)", $cmdrc/256, $expectrc/256); }
elsif (($cmdrc & 0xff00) == 0)
{ printf("** Killed by signal %d", $cmdrc & 255); }
+# vi: aw ai sw=2
# End of runtest script