- if (item_key_len == key_len) {
- /* finally check if key matches */
- uschar * item_key = store_get(key_len);
- if (cdb_bread(cdbp->fileno, item_key, key_len) == -1) return DEFER;
- if (Ustrncmp(keystring, item_key, key_len) == 0) {
- /* Reclaim some store */
- store_reset(item_key);
- /* matches - get data length */
- item_dat_len = cdb_unpack(packbuf + 4);
- /* then we build a new result string */
- *result = store_get(item_dat_len + 1);
- if (cdb_bread(cdbp->fileno, *result, item_dat_len) == -1)
- return DEFER;
- (*result)[item_dat_len] = 0;
- return OK;
- }
+ if (item_key_len == key_len)
+ {
+ /* finally check if key matches */
+ if (Ustrncmp(keystring, item_ptr, key_len) == 0)
+ {
+ /* we have a match.... * make item_ptr point to data */
+ item_ptr += item_key_len;
+ /* ... and the returned result */
+ *result = store_get(item_dat_len + 1);
+ memcpy(*result, item_ptr, item_dat_len);
+ (*result)[item_dat_len] = 0;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* handle warp round of table */
+ if (cur_pos == end_pos)
+ cur_pos = cdbp->cdb_map + hash_offset;
+ }
+ /* looks like we failed... */
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+#endif /* HAVE_MMAP */
+for (loop = 0; (loop < hash_offlen); ++loop)
+ {
+ uschar packbuf[8];
+ if (lseek(cdbp->fileno, (off_t) cur_offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) return DEFER;
+ if (cdb_bread(cdbp->fileno, packbuf, 8) == -1) return DEFER;
+ item_hash = cdb_unpack(packbuf);
+ item_posn = cdb_unpack(packbuf + 4);
+ /* if the position is zero then we have a definite miss */
+ if (item_posn == 0)
+ return FAIL;
+ if (item_hash == key_hash)
+ { /* matching hash value */
+ if (lseek(cdbp->fileno, (off_t) item_posn, SEEK_SET) == -1) return DEFER;
+ if (cdb_bread(cdbp->fileno, packbuf, 8) == -1) return DEFER;
+ item_key_len = cdb_unpack(packbuf);
+ /* check key length matches */
+ if (item_key_len == key_len)
+ { /* finally check if key matches */
+ uschar * item_key = store_get(key_len);
+ if (cdb_bread(cdbp->fileno, item_key, key_len) == -1) return DEFER;
+ if (Ustrncmp(keystring, item_key, key_len) == 0) {