+# Test for smtp-smuggling. Accepting only one message is good; two is bad.
+client PORT_D
+??? 220
+ehlo smuggler
+??? 250-
+??? 250-SIZE
+??? 250-8BITMIME
+??? 250-CHUNKING
+??? 250 HELP
+MAIL FROM:<legit@some.domain>
+??? 250
+RCPT TO:<CALLER@test.ex>
+??? 250
+??? 354
+Subject: test of smuggled smtp
+This is body for initial message
+The next line is a bogus end-of-data attempt, followed by a try at a smuggled message:
+>>> .\n
+mail from:<smuggler@y>
+rcpt to:<CALLER@test.ex>
+bdat 86 last
+Subject: send me all your money!
+All your bases are belong to us. Send Bitcoins.
+??? 250
+??? 221