-$Cambridge: exim/doc/doc-txt/ChangeLog,v 1.410 2006/10/16 15:44:36 ph10 Exp $
+$Cambridge: exim/doc/doc-txt/ChangeLog,v 1.411 2006/10/18 08:55:37 ph10 Exp $
Change log file for Exim from version 4.21
local IP, and the "valid-client-cert option" if a client certificate has
been verified.
-PH/22 As suggested by Denis Davies, added a server_condition option to *all*
+PH/22 As suggested by Dennis Davis, added a server_condition option to *all*
authenticators. This can be used for authorization after authentication
succeeds. (In the case of plaintext, it servers for both authentication
and authorization.)
+PH/23 Testing for tls_required and lost_connection in a retry rule didn't work
+ if any retry times were supplied.
Exim version 4.63