+ else
+ /* Does not look like a prvs encoded address, return the empty string.
+ We need to make sure all subs are expanded first, so as to skip over
+ the entire item. */
+ switch(read_subs(sub_arg, 2, 1, &s, skipping, TRUE, US"prvs", &resetok))
+ {
+ case 1: goto EXPAND_FAILED_CURLY;
+ case 2:
+ case 3: goto EXPAND_FAILED;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Handle "readfile" to insert an entire file */
+ {
+ FILE *f;
+ uschar *sub_arg[2];
+ if ((expand_forbid & RDO_READFILE) != 0)
+ {
+ expand_string_message = US"file insertions are not permitted";
+ }
+ switch(read_subs(sub_arg, 2, 1, &s, skipping, TRUE, US"readfile", &resetok))
+ {
+ case 1: goto EXPAND_FAILED_CURLY;
+ case 2:
+ case 3: goto EXPAND_FAILED;
+ }
+ /* If skipping, we don't actually do anything */
+ if (skipping) continue;
+ /* Open the file and read it */
+ if (!(f = Ufopen(sub_arg[0], "rb")))
+ {
+ expand_string_message = string_open_failed(errno, "%s", sub_arg[0]);
+ }
+ yield = cat_file(f, yield, sub_arg[1]);
+ (void)fclose(f);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Handle "readsocket" to insert data from a socket, either
+ Inet or Unix domain */
+ {
+ client_conn_ctx cctx;
+ int timeout = 5;
+ int save_ptr = yield->ptr;
+ FILE * fp = NULL;
+ uschar * arg;
+ uschar * sub_arg[4];
+ uschar * server_name = NULL;
+ host_item host;
+ BOOL do_shutdown = TRUE;
+ BOOL do_tls = FALSE; /* Only set under ! DISABLE_TLS */
+ blob reqstr;
+ if (expand_forbid & RDO_READSOCK)
+ {
+ expand_string_message = US"socket insertions are not permitted";
+ }
+ /* Read up to 4 arguments, but don't do the end of item check afterwards,
+ because there may be a string for expansion on failure. */
+ switch(read_subs(sub_arg, 4, 2, &s, skipping, FALSE, US"readsocket", &resetok))
+ {
+ case 1: goto EXPAND_FAILED_CURLY;
+ case 2: /* Won't occur: no end check */
+ case 3: goto EXPAND_FAILED;
+ }
+ /* Grab the request string, if any */
+ reqstr.data = sub_arg[1];
+ reqstr.len = Ustrlen(sub_arg[1]);
+ /* Sort out timeout, if given. The second arg is a list with the first element
+ being a time value. Any more are options of form "name=value". Currently the
+ only option recognised is "shutdown". */
+ if (sub_arg[2])
+ {
+ const uschar * list = sub_arg[2];
+ uschar * item;
+ int sep = 0;
+ item = string_nextinlist(&list, &sep, NULL, 0);
+ if ((timeout = readconf_readtime(item, 0, FALSE)) < 0)
+ {
+ expand_string_message = string_sprintf("bad time value %s", item);
+ }
+ while ((item = string_nextinlist(&list, &sep, NULL, 0)))
+ if (Ustrncmp(item, US"shutdown=", 9) == 0)
+ { if (Ustrcmp(item + 9, US"no") == 0) do_shutdown = FALSE; }
+#ifndef DISABLE_TLS
+ else if (Ustrncmp(item, US"tls=", 4) == 0)
+ { if (Ustrcmp(item + 9, US"no") != 0) do_tls = TRUE; }
+ }
+ else
+ sub_arg[3] = NULL; /* No eol if no timeout */
+ /* If skipping, we don't actually do anything. Otherwise, arrange to
+ connect to either an IP or a Unix socket. */
+ if (!skipping)
+ {
+ /* Handle an IP (internet) domain */
+ if (Ustrncmp(sub_arg[0], "inet:", 5) == 0)
+ {
+ int port;
+ uschar * port_name;
+ server_name = sub_arg[0] + 5;
+ port_name = Ustrrchr(server_name, ':');
+ /* Sort out the port */
+ if (!port_name)
+ {
+ expand_string_message =
+ string_sprintf("missing port for readsocket %s", sub_arg[0]);
+ }
+ *port_name++ = 0; /* Terminate server name */
+ if (isdigit(*port_name))
+ {
+ uschar *end;
+ port = Ustrtol(port_name, &end, 0);
+ if (end != port_name + Ustrlen(port_name))
+ {
+ expand_string_message =
+ string_sprintf("invalid port number %s", port_name);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ struct servent *service_info = getservbyname(CS port_name, "tcp");
+ if (!service_info)
+ {
+ expand_string_message = string_sprintf("unknown port \"%s\"",
+ port_name);
+ }
+ port = ntohs(service_info->s_port);
+ }
+ /*XXX we trust that the request is idempotent for TFO. Hmm. */
+ cctx.sock = ip_connectedsocket(SOCK_STREAM, server_name, port, port,
+ timeout, &host, &expand_string_message,
+ do_tls ? NULL : &reqstr);
+ callout_address = NULL;
+ if (cctx.sock < 0)
+ goto SOCK_FAIL;
+ if (!do_tls)
+ reqstr.len = 0;
+ }
+ /* Handle a Unix domain socket */
+ else
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_un sockun; /* don't call this "sun" ! */
+ int rc;
+ if ((cctx.sock = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
+ {
+ expand_string_message = string_sprintf("failed to create socket: %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+ goto SOCK_FAIL;
+ }
+ sockun.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
+ sprintf(sockun.sun_path, "%.*s", (int)(sizeof(sockun.sun_path)-1),
+ sub_arg[0]);
+ server_name = US sockun.sun_path;
+ sigalrm_seen = FALSE;
+ ALARM(timeout);
+ rc = connect(cctx.sock, (struct sockaddr *)(&sockun), sizeof(sockun));
+ if (sigalrm_seen)
+ {
+ expand_string_message = US "socket connect timed out";
+ goto SOCK_FAIL;
+ }
+ if (rc < 0)
+ {
+ expand_string_message = string_sprintf("failed to connect to socket "
+ "%s: %s", sub_arg[0], strerror(errno));
+ goto SOCK_FAIL;
+ }
+ host.name = server_name;
+ host.address = US"";
+ }
+ DEBUG(D_expand) debug_printf_indent("connected to socket %s\n", sub_arg[0]);
+#ifndef DISABLE_TLS
+ if (do_tls)
+ {
+ smtp_connect_args conn_args = {.host = &host };
+ tls_support tls_dummy = {.sni=NULL};
+ uschar * errstr;
+ if (!tls_client_start(&cctx, &conn_args, NULL, &tls_dummy, &errstr))
+ {
+ expand_string_message = string_sprintf("TLS connect failed: %s", errstr);
+ goto SOCK_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Allow sequencing of test actions */
+ testharness_pause_ms(100);
+ /* Write the request string, if not empty or already done */
+ if (reqstr.len)
+ {
+ DEBUG(D_expand) debug_printf_indent("writing \"%s\" to socket\n",
+ reqstr.data);
+ if ( (
+#ifndef DISABLE_TLS
+ do_tls ? tls_write(cctx.tls_ctx, reqstr.data, reqstr.len, FALSE) :
+ write(cctx.sock, reqstr.data, reqstr.len)) != reqstr.len)
+ {
+ expand_string_message = string_sprintf("request write to socket "
+ "failed: %s", strerror(errno));
+ goto SOCK_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Shut down the sending side of the socket. This helps some servers to
+ recognise that it is their turn to do some work. Just in case some
+ system doesn't have this function, make it conditional. */
+#ifdef SHUT_WR
+ if (!do_tls && do_shutdown) shutdown(cctx.sock, SHUT_WR);
+ testharness_pause_ms(100);
+ /* Now we need to read from the socket, under a timeout. The function
+ that reads a file can be used. */
+ if (!do_tls)
+ fp = fdopen(cctx.sock, "rb");
+ sigalrm_seen = FALSE;
+ ALARM(timeout);
+ yield =
+#ifndef DISABLE_TLS
+ do_tls ? cat_file_tls(cctx.tls_ctx, yield, sub_arg[3]) :
+ cat_file(fp, yield, sub_arg[3]);
+#ifndef DISABLE_TLS
+ if (do_tls)
+ {
+ tls_close(cctx.tls_ctx, TRUE);
+ close(cctx.sock);
+ }
+ else
+ (void)fclose(fp);
+ /* After a timeout, we restore the pointer in the result, that is,
+ make sure we add nothing from the socket. */
+ if (sigalrm_seen)
+ {
+ yield->ptr = save_ptr;
+ expand_string_message = US "socket read timed out";
+ goto SOCK_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ /* The whole thing has worked (or we were skipping). If there is a
+ failure string following, we need to skip it. */
+ if (*s == '{')
+ {
+ if (!expand_string_internal(s+1, TRUE, &s, TRUE, TRUE, &resetok))
+ if (*s++ != '}')
+ {
+ expand_string_message = US"missing '}' closing failstring for readsocket";
+ }
+ while (isspace(*s)) s++;
+ }
+ if (*s++ != '}')
+ {
+ expand_string_message = US"missing '}' closing readsocket";
+ }