accept: condition test succeeded in ACL "rcpt"
end of ACL "rcpt": ACCEPT
LOG: smtp_connection MAIN
- SMTP connection from CALLER closed by QUIT
+ SMTP connection from CALLER D=qqs closed by QUIT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=p1234 (fresh-exec) terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1999-03-02 09:44:33 ACL "warn" with "message" setting found in a non-message (EHLO or HELO) ACL: cannot specify header lines here: message ignored
Exim version x.yz ....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=p1236 (local-accept-delivery) terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
LOG: smtp_connection MAIN
- SMTP connection from CALLER closed by QUIT
+ SMTP connection from CALLER D=qqs closed by QUIT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=p1235 (fresh-exec) terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1999-03-02 09:44:33 ACL "warn" with "message" setting found in a non-message (EHLO or HELO) ACL: cannot specify header lines here: message ignored
1999-03-02 09:44:33 rcpt accepted C=EHLO,MAIL,RCPT
-1999-03-02 09:44:33 10HmaX-0005vi-00 10HmaX-0005vi-00 no recipients found in headers
+1999-03-02 09:44:33 10HmaX-000000005vi-0000 10HmaX-000000005vi-0000 no recipients found in headers