#use strict;
use v5.10.1;
use warnings;
-use if $^V >= v5.19.11, experimental => 'smartmatch';
use Errno;
use FileHandle;
# mailq times change with when the run is done, vs. static-source spoolfiles
- s/\s*\d*[hd](?= 317 [0-9A-Za-z\-]{23} <nobody\@test.ex>)/DDd/;
+ s/\s*\d*[hd](?= 317 (?:[-0-9A-Za-z]{23}|[-0-9A-Za-z]{16}) <nobody\@test.ex>)/DDd/;
+ # mailq sizes change with caller running the test
+ s/\s[01]m [34]\d\d(?= (?:[-0-9A-Za-z]{23}|[-0-9A-Za-z]{16}) <CALLER\@the.local.host.name>)/ 1m 396/;
# Not all builds include EXPERIMENTAL_DSN_INFO (1 of 2)
if (/^X-Exim-Diagnostic:/)
print "Exim binary is `$parm_exim'\n" if defined $parm_exim;
+my %wanted;
my @wanted = sort numerically uniq
@tests_wanted ? @tests_wanted : (),
@range_wanted ? $range_wanted[0] .. $range_wanted[1] : (),
0+$ARGV[0]..0+$ARGV[1] # add 0 to cope with test numbers starting with zero
: ();
@wanted = 1..TEST_TOP if not @wanted;
+map { $wanted{sprintf("%04d",$_)}= $_; } @wanted;
# Check for sudo access to root #
# We want the tests from this subdirectory, provided they are in the
# range that was selected.
- @testlist = grep { $_ ~~ @wanted } grep { /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ } map { basename $_ } glob "scripts/$testdir/*";
+ undef @testlist;
+ map { push @testlist, $_ if exists $wanted{$_} } grep { /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ } map { basename $_ } glob "scripts/$testdir/*";
tests_exit(-1, "Failed to read test scripts from `scripts/$testdir/*': $!")
if not @testlist;