+# Usage: [TARGET=…] $0 [ref]
+# - Build from either the ref (or refs/heads/master) or from the current working directory
+# - Can be used as a post-update hook
-exec &>/tmp/website-$(date +%s).log
+set -eu
+shopt -s extglob
-LATEST=`(cd docbook; ls -1dv [0-9].[0-9]* | tail -1)`
+tmp=$(mktemp -d)
+trap "rm -rf '$tmp'" EXIT INT
+staging="$tmp/staging" # the temporary build dir
+pubdir=${TARGET:-/srv/www/vhosts/www.exim.org} # publish here
+if [[ $(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree) != true ]]
+ workdir=$tmp/workdir
+ install -d "$workdir"
+ git --work-tree="$workdir" checkout -f refs/heads/master # FIXME: use the receiving branch
+ cd "$workdir"
+if ! test -d "$pubdir"
+ echo "Warning: $pubdir does not exist. Did you forget to set the TARGET env in \"local\" mode?" >&2
+ exit 1
+if getent group eximdev
+then install -m 02775 -g eximdev -d "$staging"
+else install -d "$staging"
+cp -r --preserve=timestamps "$pubdir"/exim-+(html|pdf)-* "$staging/" ||:
+# start working
+latest=$(cd docbook && compgen -G '[45].*' | sort -V | tail -n1)
script/gen \
--web \
- --spec docbook/*/spec.xml \
- --filter docbook/*/filter.xml \
+ --spec docbook/[45]*/spec.xml \
+ --filter docbook/[45]*/filter.xml \
--tmpl templates \
- --latest "$LATEST" \
- --docroot "$TARGET"
+ --latest "$latest" \
+ --docroot "$staging"
+mv "$staging" "$pubdir.$$" # may take some time (tmp -> data volume)
+mv "$pubdir" "$pubdir.$(date -Isecond)" # backup
+mv "$pubdir.$$" "$pubdir" # should be fast
+echo "*** updated into $pubdir"