use File::Find;
use File::Slurp;
use File::Spec;
+use Getopt::Long;
use JavaScript::Minifier::XS;
use XML::LibXML;
use XML::LibXSLT;
if ( $path =~ /(.+)\.css$/ ) {
print "CSS to : docroot:/$path\n";
my $content = read_file("$opt{tmpl}/web/$path");
- write_file( "$opt{docroot}/$path", CSS::Minifier::XS::minify($content) );
+ write_file( "$opt{docroot}/$path", $opt{minify} ? CSS::Minifier::XS::minify($content) : $content );
elsif ( $path =~ /(.+)\.js$/ ) {
print "JS to : docroot:/$path\n";
my $content = read_file("$opt{tmpl}/web/$path");
- write_file( "$opt{docroot}/$path", JavaScript::Minifier::XS::minify($content) );
+ write_file( "$opt{docroot}/$path", $opt{minify} ? JavaScript::Minifier::XS::minify($content) : $content );
else {
## Copy
foreach my $chapter ( $xml->findnodes('/book/chapter') ) {
- my $chapter_id = $chapter->getAttribute('id');
+ my $chapter_id = $chapter->getAttribute('id');
+ unless ($chapter_id) { # synthesise missing id
+ $chapter_id = sprintf( 'chapter_noid_%04d', $chapter_counter );
+ $chapter->setAttribute( 'id', $chapter_id );
+ }
my $chapter_title = $chapter->findvalue('title');
$index{$chapter_id} = { chapter_id => $chapter_counter, chapter_title => $chapter_title };
foreach my $section ( $chapter->findnodes('section') ) {
- my $section_id = $section->getAttribute('id');
+ my $section_id = $section->getAttribute('id');
+ unless ($section_id) { # synthesise missing id
+ $section_id = sprintf( 'section_noid_%04d_%04d', $chapter_counter, $section_counter );
+ $section->setAttribute( 'id', $section_id );
+ }
my $section_title = $section->findvalue('title');
$index{$section_id} =
## Parse arguments
sub parse_arguments {
- my %opt = ();
- ## --help
- help(0) if int(@ARGV) == 0 || grep( /^--help|-h$/, @ARGV );
- my @collection = @ARGV;
- while (@collection) {
- my $key = shift @collection;
- if ( $key eq '--web' ) {
+ my %opt = ( spec => [], filter => [], help => 0, web => 0, minify => 1 );
+ GetOptions( \%opt, 'help|h!', 'web!', 'spec=s{}', 'filter=s{}', 'latest=s', 'tmpl=s', 'docroot=s', 'minify!' )
+ || help( 1, 'Bad options' );
- ## --web
- $opt{web} = 1;
- }
- elsif ( $key =~ /^--(spec|filter)$/ ) {
- ## --spec and --filter
- my $continue = 1;
- while ( $continue && @collection ) {
- my $value = shift @collection;
- if ( $value =~ /^--/ ) {
- unshift @collection, $value;
- $continue = 0;
- }
- else {
- $value = File::Spec->rel2abs($value);
- help( 1, 'No such file: ' . $value ) unless -f $value;
- push @{ $opt{$1} }, $value unless grep( $_ eq $value, @{ $opt{$1} } );
- }
- }
- help( 1, 'Missing value for ' . $key ) unless exists $opt{$1};
- }
- elsif ( $key eq '--latest' ) {
+ ## --help
+ help(0) if ( $opt{help} );
- ## --latest
- my $value = shift @collection;
- help( 1, 'Missing value for ' . $key ) unless defined $value;
- help( 1, 'Invalid value for ' . $key ) unless $value =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)*$/;
- $opt{latest} = $value;
- }
- elsif ( $key =~ /^--(tmpl|docroot)$/ ) {
- ## --tmpl and --docroot
- my $value = shift @collection;
- help( 1, 'Missing value for ' . $key ) unless defined $value;
- $value = File::Spec->rel2abs($value);
- help( 1, 'No such directory: ' . $value ) unless -d $value;
- $opt{$1} = $value;
- $opt{$1} =~ s#/+$##;
- }
- else {
- help( 1, 'Bad argument: ' . $key );
- }
+ ## --spec and --filter lists
+ foreach my $set (qw[spec filter]) {
+ $opt{$set} = [ map { my $f = File::Spec->rel2abs($_); help( 1, 'No such file: ' . $_ ) unless -f $f; $f } @{ $opt{$set} } ];
+ ## --latest
+ help( 1, 'Missing value for latest' ) unless ( exists( $opt{latest} ) && defined( $opt{latest} ) );
+ help( 1, 'Invalid value for latest' ) unless $opt{latest} =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)*$/;
+ ## --tmpl and --docroot
+ foreach my $set (qw[tmpl docroot]) {
+ help( 1, 'Missing value for ' . $set ) unless ( exists( $opt{$set} ) && defined( $opt{$set} ) );
+ my $f = File::Spec->rel2abs( $opt{$set} );
+ help( 1, 'No such directory: ' . $opt{$set} ) unless -d $f;
+ $opt{$set} = $f;
+ }
+ help( 1, 'Excess arguments' ) if ( scalar(@ARGV) );
help( 1, 'Must include at least one of --web, --spec or --filter' )
- unless exists $opt{web} || exists $opt{spec} || exists $opt{filter};
- foreach (qw( latest tmpl docroot )) {
- help( 1, 'Missing argument: --' . $_ ) unless exists $opt{$_};
- }
+ unless ( defined $opt{web} || scalar( @{ $opt{spec} } ) || scalar( @{ $opt{web} } ) );
return %opt;