use vars qw($dbhost $dbname $dbuser $dbpass $dbport
$template_dir @log_file_names $local_git_clone);
-require "$ENV{BFConfDir}/";
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+require "$RealBin/../";
my $template_opts = { INCLUDE_PATH => $template_dir, EVAL_PERL => 1};
my $template = new Template($template_opts);
my $last_build_statement = q{
- select distinct on (sysname) sysname, snapshot, stage, git_head_ref
- from build_status
- where sysname = ? and branch = ? and snapshot < ?
- order by sysname, snapshot desc limit 1
+ select git_head_ref
+ from build_status
+ where sysname = ? and branch = ? and snapshot =
+ (select max(snapshot)
+ from build_status
+ where sysname = ? and branch = ? and snapshot < ?)
my $last_success_statement = q{
- select distinct on (sysname) sysname, snapshot, git_head_ref
- from build_status
- where sysname = ? and branch = ? and snapshot < ? and stage = 'OK'
- order by sysname, snapshot desc limit 1
+ select git_head_ref
+ from build_status
+ where sysname = ? and branch = ? and snapshot =
+ (select max(snapshot)
+ from build_status
+ where sysname = ? and branch = ? and snapshot < ? and stage = 'OK')
my $sth=$db->prepare($statement);
$last_build_row =
- $system,$branch,$logdate);
+ $system, $branch,$system,$branch,$logdate);
$last_build_git_ref = $last_build_row->{git_head_ref}
if $last_build_row;
$last_success_row =
- $system,$branch,$logdate);
+ $system,$branch,$system,$branch,$logdate);
$last_success_git_ref = $last_success_row->{git_head_ref}
if $last_success_row;
$scm = $row->[7];
$scm ||= 'cvs'; # legacy scripts
$scmurl = $row->[8];
+ $scmurl = undef unless $scmurl =~ /^http/; # slight sanity check
+ $scmurl = ';a=commit;h='
+ if ($scmurl eq '');
$log_file_names =~ s/^\{(.*)\}$/$1/;
if $log_file_names;
return (\@changed_rows,\@commit_logs);