use strict;
+use URI::Escape;
use vars qw($dbhost $dbname $dbuser $dbpass $dbport
$all_stat $fail_stat $change_stat $green_stat
my $content =
- "branch=$branch&res=$res&stage=$stage&animal=$animal&".
+ 'branch=' . uri_escape($branch) . "&res=$res&stage=$stage&animal=$animal&".
my $extra_content =
if ($snaptime < ($last_branch_time - 86400))
print "Status: 493 snapshot too old: $1\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\n";
- print "snapshot to old: $1\n";
+ print "snapshot too old: $1\n";
my $logst = <<EOSQL;
insert into build_status
- (sysname, snapshot,status, stage, log,conf_sum, branch,
+ (sysname, snapshot, status, stage, log, conf_sum, branch,
changed_this_run, changed_since_success,
- log_archive_filenames , log_archive, build_flags, scm, scmurl,
- git_head_ref,frozen_conf)
+ log_archive_filenames, log_archive, build_flags, scm, scmurl,
+ git_head_ref, frozen_conf)
$db->do("insert into dashboard_mat select * from dashboard_mat_data");
-if ($stage ne 'OK')
- $db->begin_work;
- # prevent occasional duplication by forcing serialization of this operation
- $db->do("lock table nrecent_failures in share row exclusive mode");
- $db->do("delete from nrecent_failures");
- $db->do("insert into nrecent_failures select bs.sysname, bs.snapshot, bs.branch from build_status bs where bs.stage <> 'OK' and bs.snapshot > now() - interval '90 days'");
- $db->commit;
+#if ($stage ne 'OK') # On Exim build farm nrecent_failures is a view, not table... comment out
+# $db->begin_work;
+# # prevent occasional duplication by forcing serialization of this operation
+# $db->do("lock table nrecent_failures in share row exclusive mode");
+# $db->do("delete from nrecent_failures");
+# $db->do("insert into nrecent_failures select bs.sysname, bs.snapshot, bs.branch from build_status bs where bs.stage <> 'OK' and bs.snapshot > now() - interval '90 days'");
+# $db->commit;
+use HTTP::Tiny;
+use JSON::PP;
+HTTP::Tiny->new(timeout => 5)->post(
+ '', {
+ headers => {'content-type' => 'application/json'},
+ content => encode_json({
+ gateway => 'exim-builds',
+ username => '',
+ text => "$animal [$branch]: @{[lc $stat_type]}: @{[lc $stage]}; commit: https://git.exim.org/@{[substr $githeadref, 0, 10]}",
+ }),
+ }
exit if ($stage eq $prev_stat);
$mailto = [@$change_stat];
+HTTP::Tiny->new(timeout => 5)->post(
+ '', {
+ headers => {'content-type' => 'application/json'},
+ content => encode_json({
+ gateway => 'exim-builds',
+ username => '',
+ text => "$animal [$branch]: status @{[lc $stat_type]}; $url/cgi-bin/show_history.pl?nm=$animal&br=$branch",
+ }),
+ }