-CREATE VIEW dashboard AS
- SELECT ((timezone('GMT'::text, now()))::timestamp(0) without time zone - b.snapshot) AS when_ago, b.sysname, b.snapshot, b.status, b.stage, b.branch, b.build_flags, s.operating_system, COALESCE(b.os_version, s.os_version) AS os_version, s.compiler, COALESCE(b.compiler_version, s.compiler_version) AS compiler_version, s.architecture FROM buildsystems s, (SELECT DISTINCT ON (bs.sysname, bs.branch, bs.report_time) bs.sysname, bs.snapshot, bs.status, bs.stage, bs.branch, bs.build_flags, bs.report_time, p.compiler_version, p.os_version FROM ((build_status bs NATURAL JOIN latest_snapshot m) LEFT JOIN personality p ON (((p.name = bs.sysname) AND (p.effective_date <= bs.report_time)))) WHERE (m.snapshot > (now() - '30 days'::interval)) ORDER BY bs.sysname, bs.branch, bs.report_time, (p.effective_date IS NULL), p.effective_date DESC) b WHERE ((s.name = b.sysname) AND (s.status = 'approved'::text));
-ALTER TABLE public.dashboard OWNER TO pgbuildfarm;
--- Name: dashboard_ex; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: pgbuildfarm
-CREATE VIEW dashboard_ex AS
- SELECT ((timezone('GMT'::text, now()))::timestamp(0) without time zone - b.snapshot) AS when_ago, b.sysname, b.snapshot, b.status, b.stage, b.branch, b.build_flags, s.operating_system, COALESCE(b.os_version, s.os_version) AS os_version, s.compiler, COALESCE(b.compiler_version, s.compiler_version) AS compiler_version, s.architecture, s.sys_notes, (s.sys_notes_ts)::date AS sys_notes_date FROM buildsystems s, (SELECT DISTINCT ON (bs.sysname, bs.branch, bs.report_time) bs.sysname, bs.snapshot, bs.status, bs.stage, bs.branch, bs.build_flags, bs.report_time, p.compiler_version, p.os_version FROM ((build_status bs NATURAL JOIN latest_snapshot m) LEFT JOIN personality p ON (((p.name = bs.sysname) AND (p.effective_date <= bs.report_time)))) WHERE (m.snapshot > (now() - '30 days'::interval)) ORDER BY bs.sysname, bs.branch, bs.report_time, (p.effective_date IS NULL), p.effective_date DESC) b WHERE ((s.name = b.sysname) AND (s.status = 'approved'::text));
-ALTER TABLE public.dashboard_ex OWNER TO pgbuildfarm;
--- Name: dashboard_mat; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: pgbfweb; Tablespace:
-CREATE TABLE dashboard_mat (
- sysname text,
- snapshot timestamp without time zone,
- status integer,
- stage text,
- branch text,
- build_flags text[],
- operating_system text,
- os_version text,
- compiler text,
- compiler_version text,
- architecture text