use Template;
use CGI;
use Template;
-use Captcha::reCAPTCHA;
use vars qw($dbhost $dbname $dbuser $dbpass $dbport $notifyapp
- $captcha_pubkey $captcha_privkey $template_dir $default_host);
+ $template_dir $default_host);
-require "$ENV{BFConfDir}/";
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+require "$RealBin/../";
my $dsn="dbi:Pg:dbname=$dbname";
$dsn .= ";host=$dbhost" if $dbhost;
my $params = $query->Vars;
-my ($os, $osv, $comp, $compv, $arch, $email, $owner, $challenge, $response ) =
- @{$params}{
- qw(os osv comp compv arch email owner recaptcha_challenge_field
- recaptcha_response_field)};
-my $captcha = Captcha::reCAPTCHA->new;
-my $captcha_ok = $captcha->check_answer
- (
- $captcha_privkey,
- $challenge, $response
- );
+my ($os, $osv, $comp, $compv, $arch, $email, $owner, $arg1, $arg2, $argop, $res ) =
+ @{$params}{qw(os osv comp compv arch email owner arg1 arg2 op res)};
+$argop = '-' if !$argop or $argop ne '+';
+$arg1 = int($arg1 || 0);
+$arg2 = int($arg2 || 0);
+$res = int($res || 0);
+my $captcha_ok = ($arg1 and $argop and $arg2 and $res
+ and int(eval "$arg1 $argop $arg2") == $res) ? 1 : 0;
unless ($os && $osv && $comp && $compv && $arch && $email && $owner &&
- $captcha_ok->{is_valid})
+ $captcha_ok)
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
"Comp: $comp: $compv\n",
"Owner: $owner <$email>\n";