use Mail::Send;
use Safe;
use Time::ParseDate;
+use Storable qw(thaw);
require "$ENV{BFConfDir}/";
my $buildlogs = "$ENV{BFConfDir}/buildlogs";
my $changed_since_success = $query->param('changed_since_success');
my $changed_this_run = $query->param('changed_files');
my $log_archive = $query->param('logtar');
+my $frozen_sconf = $query->param('frozen_sconf') || '';
my $content =
+ "frozen_sconf:$frozen_sconf\n",
# $query->save(\*TX);
# undo escape-proofing of base64 data and decode it
map {tr/$@/+=/; $_ = decode_base64($_); }
- ($log, $conf,$changed_this_run,$changed_since_success,$log_archive);
+ ($log, $conf,$changed_this_run,$changed_since_success,$log_archive, $frozen_sconf);
if ($log =~/Last file mtime in snapshot: (.*)/)
my @log_file_names;
my $dirname = "$buildlogs/tmp.$$.unpacklogs";
+my $githeadref;
if ($log_archive)
my $log_handle;
mkdir $dirname;
@log_file_names = `tar -z -C $dirname -xvf $archname 2>/dev/null`;
map {s/\s+//g; } @log_file_names;
- my @qnames = @log_file_names;
+ my @qnames = grep { $_ ne 'githead.log' } @log_file_names;
map { $_ = qq("$_"); } @qnames;
$log_file_names = '{' . join(',',@qnames) . '}';
+ if (-e "$dirname/githead.log" )
+ {
+ open(my $githead,"$dirname/githead.log");
+ $githeadref = <$githead>;
+ chomp $githeadref;
+ close $githead;
+ }
# unlink $archname;
my $config_flags;
-my $container = new Safe;
-my $sconf = $conf;
-unless ($sconf =~ s/.*(\$Script_Config)/$1/ms )
+my $client_conf;
+if ($frozen_sconf)
- $sconf = '$Script_Config={};';
+ $client_conf = thaw $frozen_sconf;
+ my $container = new Safe;
+ my $sconf = $conf;
+ unless ($sconf =~ s/.*(\$Script_Config)/$1/ms )
+ {
+ $sconf = '$Script_Config={};';
+ }
+ $client_conf = $container->reval("$sconf;");
-my $client_conf = $container->reval("$sconf;");
if ($min_script_version)
insert into build_status
(sysname, snapshot,status, stage, log,conf_sum, branch,
changed_this_run, changed_since_success,
- log_archive_filenames , log_archive, build_flags, scm, scmurl)
- values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
+ log_archive_filenames , log_archive, build_flags, scm, scmurl,
+ git_head_ref,frozen_conf)
+ values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
+$sth->bind_param(16,$frozen_sconf,{ pg_type => DBD::Pg::PG_BYTEA });
foreach my $log_file( @log_file_names )
- my $handle;
- open($handle,"$dirname/$log_file");
- my $mtime = (stat $handle)[9];
- my $stage_interval = $mtime - $stage_start;
- $stage_start = $mtime;
- my $ltext = <$handle>;
- close($handle);
- $ltext =~ s/\x00/\\0/g;
- $sth->execute($animal,$dbdate,$branch,$log_file,$ltext,
- "$stage_interval seconds");
+ next if $log_file =~ /^githead/;
+ my $handle;
+ open($handle,"$dirname/$log_file");
+ my $mtime = (stat $handle)[9];
+ my $stage_interval = $mtime - $stage_start;
+ $stage_start = $mtime;
+ my $ltext = <$handle>;
+ close($handle);
+ $ltext =~ s/\x00/\\0/g;
+ $sth->execute($animal,$dbdate,$branch,$log_file,$ltext,
+ "$stage_interval seconds");