-CREATE TABLE personality (
- name text NOT NULL,
- os_version text NOT NULL,
- compiler_version text NOT NULL,
- effective_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone NOT NULL
+CREATE VIEW recent_failures AS
+ SELECT build_status.sysname, build_status.snapshot, build_status.stage, build_status.conf_sum, build_status.branch, build_status.changed_this_run, build_status.changed_since_success, build_status.log_archive_filenames, build_status.build_flags, build_status.report_time, build_status.log FROM build_status WHERE ((((build_status.stage <> 'OK'::text) AND (build_status.stage !~~ 'CVS%'::text)) AND (build_status.report_time IS NOT NULL)) AND ((build_status.snapshot + '3 mons'::interval) > ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone));
+ALTER TABLE public.recent_failures OWNER TO eximbuild;
+-- Name: script_versions; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: eximbuild
+CREATE VIEW script_versions AS
+ SELECT b.sysname, b.snapshot, b.branch, (script_version(b.conf_sum))::numeric AS script_version, (web_script_version(b.conf_sum))::numeric AS web_script_version FROM (build_status b JOIN dashboard_mat d ON (((b.sysname = d.sysname) AND (b.snapshot = d.snapshot))));
+ALTER TABLE public.script_versions OWNER TO eximbuild;
+-- Name: script_versions2; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: eximbuild
+CREATE VIEW script_versions2 AS
+ SELECT b.sysname, b.snapshot, b.branch, script_version(b.conf_sum) AS script_version, web_script_version(b.conf_sum) AS web_script_version FROM (build_status b JOIN dashboard_mat d ON (((b.sysname = d.sysname) AND (b.snapshot = d.snapshot))));