package EximBuild;
+use 5.010;
use strict;
+use warnings;
-use vars qw(%conf);
-# use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = 'REL_0.1';
-my $branch;
- no warnings qw(once);
- $branch = $main::branch;
+my $branch = $::branch;
# This template assumes that the user running the buildfarm process is "farm"
-my $farm_user_name = 'farm';
+my $farm_user_name = getpwuid($<) // die "$0: can't get user name from uid $<: $!\n";
-%conf =(
+our %conf =(
scm => 'git',
# default is github mirror of Exim
+ # Only used for the initial clone (?)
scmrepo => '',
# webref for diffs on server - use default for community
scm_url => undef,
tar_log_cmd => undef,
# If running multiple animals, an explicit common directory for
# the lockfile so that runs do not conflict. Otherwise, leave unset.
- global_lock_dir => "/home/$farm_user_name",
+ global_lock_dir => $ENV{HOME},
# this directory must exist before anything will work
- build_root => "/home/$farm_user_name/buildfarm",
+ build_root => "$ENV{HOME}/buildfarm",
# set true to do vpath builds
use_vpath => undef,
# Linux style, use "*.core" for BSD
core_file_glob => "core*",
+ # Note about HTTPS: HTTPS support is experimental. For a
+ # limited time you may try to use HTTP, in case HTTPS doesn't
+ # work for you.
# build process will connect to this URL to upload results
- target => "",
+ target => '',
# update_personality uses this when you want to update your
# machine's info (OS, version, compiler, version)
- upgrade_target => "",
+ upgrade_target => '',
# Your host alias and password in the BuildFarm
animal => "alias_assigned_by_build_team",
secret => "secret_assigned_by_build_team",
+ # allow automatic updates of the buildfarm client code.
+ # Leave it *unset* to get the default behaviour, set it
+ # to some false value to disable automatic updates or set it
+ # to the name of the remote Git repo you follow for your
+ # buildfarm-client code.
+ #auto_update => 'origin',
# if force_every is a scalar it will be used on all branches, like this
# for legacy reasons:
# force_every => 336 , # max hours between builds, undef or 0 = unforced
build_env =>{
# use a dedicated cache for the build farm. this should give us
# very high hit rates and slightly faster cache searching.
- CCACHE_DIR => "/home/$farm_user_name/buildfarm/ccache/$branch",
+ CCACHE_DIR => "$ENV{HOME}/buildfarm/ccache/$branch",
### set this if you need a proxy setting for the
# outbound web transaction that reports the results
# Other examples. Could use makefile_regex instead.
+ #
#SUPPORT_TLS => 'yes',
- #USE_OPENSSL_PC => 'openssl',
+ # Enable the proper libs here or see in makefile_regex
+ # for use of pkg-config
+ #USE_GNUTLS => 'yes'
#TLS_LIBS => '-lssl -lcrypto',
+ #
#LOOKUP_LDAP => 'yes',
- #LOOKUP_INCLUDE => '-I/usr/include/mysql',
+ #LOOKUP_INCLUDE => '-I/usr/include/mysql -I/usr/include/postgresql'
#LOOKUP_LIBS => '-lmysqlclient -lpq -lldap -llber',
+ #LOOKUP_MYSQL => 'yes',
+ #LOOKUP_PGSQL => 'yes',
+ #SUPPORT_PROXY => 'yes',
+ #SUPPORT_SOCKS => 'yes',
# Settings to add to Local/Makefile. These will add to variables that
# are already defined earlier in the Makefile. Example:
makefile_regex =>[
# If have perl devel libraries installed, can build embedded perl
#q(s/^# EXIM_PERL=/EXIM_PERL=/),
- # If have mysql devel libraries installed
- # If have postgres devel librarires installed
- # Severl experimental features to consider
- # Proxy causes some extra debug output messing with tests
+ # Use SSL libraries
+ #q(s/^# (USE_GNUTLS(?:_PC)?=.*)/$1/),
+ #q(s/^# (USE_OPENSSL_PC=.*)/$1/),
+ # Several experimental features to consider
+ # May be outdated, please check a current EDITME for
+ # for options.
+ #q(s/^# (EXPERIMENTAL_CERTNAMES.*)/$1/),
+ #q(s/^# (EXPERIMENTAL_DNSSEC.*)/$1/),
# The user compiled as the master exim username.
master_exim_user => "exim",
# Range of tests to run if enable make_test in optional steps.
- #range_num_tests => '1 999',
- range_num_tests => '1 5999',
+ # Start with just a couple while getting the aminal set up,
+ # then enable the full set
+ range_num_tests => '1 2',
+ #range_num_tests => '1 5999',
# Hardcode some valid version for use during make test
exim_test_version => '4.84',