my $branch = $::branch;
-# This could be changed to use the standard layout but in a different place
+# This could be changed to use the standard layout but in a different place.
+# Appending /buildfarm is common.
my $basedir = "$ENV{HOME}";
# This template assumes that the user running the buildfarm process is "farm"
our %conf =(
scm => 'git',
# default is github mirror of Exim
- # Only used for the initial clone (?)
+ # Only used for the initial clone (?).
+ # If running multiple animals on a single system,
+ # consider pointing to a local mirror (git clone --mirror)
+ # and separately updating that using cron (git -C /mirrordir fetch).
+ # If running multiple VMs for animals, consider pointing
+ # to a mirror on the hypervisor.
scmrepo => '',
# webref for diffs on server - use default for community
scm_url => undef,
# If running multiple animals, an explicit common directory for
# the lockfile so that runs do not conflict. Otherwise, leave unset.
global_lock_dir => $basedir,
- # this directory must exist before anything will work
+ # If running multiple animals, the root must differ for each.
+ # This directory must exist before anything will work.
build_root => "$basedir/buildfarm",
# set true to do vpath builds
use_vpath => undef,
fail => [], # if this build fails
change => [], # if this build causes a state change
green => [], # if this build causes a state change to/from OK
+ # green => [''],
# env settings to apply within build/report process
# Other examples. Could use makefile_regex instead.
+ #
+ #USE_GDBM = yes
+ #DBMLIB = -lgdbm
- #SUPPORT_TLS => 'yes',
+ #DISABLE_TLS => 'yes',
# Enable the proper libs here or see in makefile_regex
# for use of pkg-config
+ #USE_OPENSSL => 'yes',
#USE_GNUTLS => 'yes',
#TLS_LIBS => '-lssl -lcrypto',
+ # Many testcases need dsearch
+ LOOKUP_DSEARCH => 'yes',
#LOOKUP_LDAP => 'yes',
#LOOKUP_INCLUDE => '-I/usr/include/mysql -I/usr/include/postgresql'
#LOOKUP_LIBS => '-lmysqlclient -lpq -lldap -llber',
# LDFLAGS => '-Wall' will create LDFLAGS+='-Wall'
makefile_add =>{
# Show all warnings and errors
- # Some platforms need the c99 setting enabled
- CFLAGS => '-std=c99 -Wall -Wno-parentheses -Werror=format-security',
+ # Some platforms need the c99 setting enabled; some hate it
+ #CFLAGS => '-std=c99 -Wall -Wno-parentheses -Werror=format-security',
+ CFLAGS => '-Wall -Wno-parentheses -Wno-dangling-else -Werror=format-security',
# Or enable debugging flags
#CFLAGS => '-g -Wall',
#LFLAGS => '-g',