/* $Cambridge: exim/src/src/tls-openssl.c,v 2009/05/20 14:30:14 tom Exp $ */ /************************************************* * Exim - an Internet mail transport agent * *************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) University of Cambridge 1995 - 2007 */ /* See the file NOTICE for conditions of use and distribution. */ /* This module provides the TLS (aka SSL) support for Exim using the OpenSSL library. It is #included into the tls.c file when that library is used. The code herein is based on a patch that was originally contributed by Steve Haslam. It was adapted from stunnel, a GPL program by Michal Trojnara. No cryptographic code is included in Exim. All this module does is to call functions from the OpenSSL library. */ /* Heading stuff */ #include #include #include #include /* Structure for collecting random data for seeding. */ typedef struct randstuff { time_t t; pid_t p; } randstuff; /* Local static variables */ static BOOL verify_callback_called = FALSE; static const uschar *sid_ctx = US"exim"; static SSL_CTX *ctx = NULL; static SSL *ssl = NULL; static char ssl_errstring[256]; static int ssl_session_timeout = 200; static BOOL verify_optional = FALSE; /************************************************* * Handle TLS error * *************************************************/ /* Called from lots of places when errors occur before actually starting to do the TLS handshake, that is, while the session is still in clear. Always returns DEFER for a server and FAIL for a client so that most calls can use "return tls_error(...)" to do this processing and then give an appropriate return. A single function is used for both server and client, because it is called from some shared functions. Argument: prefix text to include in the logged error host NULL if setting up a server; the connected host if setting up a client msg error message or NULL if we should ask OpenSSL Returns: OK/DEFER/FAIL */ static int tls_error(uschar *prefix, host_item *host, uschar *msg) { if (msg == NULL) { ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), ssl_errstring); msg = ssl_errstring; } if (host == NULL) { uschar *conn_info = smtp_get_connection_info(); if (strncmp(conn_info, "SMTP ", 5) == 0) conn_info += 5; log_write(0, LOG_MAIN, "TLS error on %s (%s): %s", conn_info, prefix, msg); return DEFER; } else { log_write(0, LOG_MAIN, "TLS error on connection to %s [%s] (%s): %s", host->name, host->address, prefix, msg); return FAIL; } } /************************************************* * Callback to generate RSA key * *************************************************/ /* Arguments: s SSL connection export not used keylength keylength Returns: pointer to generated key */ static RSA * rsa_callback(SSL *s, int export, int keylength) { RSA *rsa_key; export = export; /* Shut picky compilers up */ DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("Generating %d bit RSA key...\n", keylength); rsa_key = RSA_generate_key(keylength, RSA_F4, NULL, NULL); if (rsa_key == NULL) { ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), ssl_errstring); log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC, "TLS error (RSA_generate_key): %s", ssl_errstring); return NULL; } return rsa_key; } /************************************************* * Callback for verification * *************************************************/ /* The SSL library does certificate verification if set up to do so. This callback has the current yes/no state is in "state". If verification succeeded, we set up the tls_peerdn string. If verification failed, what happens depends on whether the client is required to present a verifiable certificate or not. If verification is optional, we change the state to yes, but still log the verification error. For some reason (it really would help to have proper documentation of OpenSSL), this callback function then gets called again, this time with state = 1. In fact, that's useful, because we can set up the peerdn value, but we must take care not to set the private verified flag on the second time through. Note: this function is not called if the client fails to present a certificate when asked. We get here only if a certificate has been received. Handling of optional verification for this case is done when requesting SSL to verify, by setting SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT in the non-optional case. Arguments: state current yes/no state as 1/0 x509ctx certificate information. Returns: 1 if verified, 0 if not */ static int verify_callback(int state, X509_STORE_CTX *x509ctx) { static uschar txt[256]; X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(x509ctx->current_cert), CS txt, sizeof(txt)); if (state == 0) { log_write(0, LOG_MAIN, "SSL verify error: depth=%d error=%s cert=%s", x509ctx->error_depth, X509_verify_cert_error_string(x509ctx->error), txt); tls_certificate_verified = FALSE; verify_callback_called = TRUE; if (!verify_optional) return 0; /* reject */ DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("SSL verify failure overridden (host in " "tls_try_verify_hosts)\n"); return 1; /* accept */ } if (x509ctx->error_depth != 0) { DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("SSL verify ok: depth=%d cert=%s\n", x509ctx->error_depth, txt); } else { DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("SSL%s peer: %s\n", verify_callback_called? "" : " authenticated", txt); tls_peerdn = txt; } if (!verify_callback_called) tls_certificate_verified = TRUE; verify_callback_called = TRUE; return 1; /* accept */ } /************************************************* * Information callback * *************************************************/ /* The SSL library functions call this from time to time to indicate what they are doing. We copy the string to the debugging output when the level is high enough. Arguments: s the SSL connection where ret Returns: nothing */ static void info_callback(SSL *s, int where, int ret) { where = where; ret = ret; DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("SSL info: %s\n", SSL_state_string_long(s)); } /************************************************* * Initialize for DH * *************************************************/ /* If dhparam is set, expand it, and load up the parameters for DH encryption. Arguments: dhparam DH parameter file host connected host, if client; NULL if server Returns: TRUE if OK (nothing to set up, or setup worked) */ static BOOL init_dh(uschar *dhparam, host_item *host) { BOOL yield = TRUE; BIO *bio; DH *dh; uschar *dhexpanded; if (!expand_check(dhparam, US"tls_dhparam", &dhexpanded)) return FALSE; if (dhexpanded == NULL) return TRUE; if ((bio = BIO_new_file(CS dhexpanded, "r")) == NULL) { tls_error(string_sprintf("could not read dhparams file %s", dhexpanded), host, strerror(errno)); yield = FALSE; } else { if ((dh = PEM_read_bio_DHparams(bio, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) { tls_error(string_sprintf("could not read dhparams file %s", dhexpanded), host, NULL); yield = FALSE; } else { SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(ctx, dh); DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("Diffie-Hellman initialized from %s with %d-bit key\n", dhexpanded, 8*DH_size(dh)); DH_free(dh); } BIO_free(bio); } return yield; } /************************************************* * Initialize for TLS * *************************************************/ /* Called from both server and client code, to do preliminary initialization of the library. Arguments: host connected host, if client; NULL if server dhparam DH parameter file certificate certificate file privatekey private key addr address if client; NULL if server (for some randomness) Returns: OK/DEFER/FAIL */ static int tls_init(host_item *host, uschar *dhparam, uschar *certificate, uschar *privatekey, address_item *addr) { SSL_load_error_strings(); /* basic set up */ OpenSSL_add_ssl_algorithms(); /* Create a context */ ctx = SSL_CTX_new((host == NULL)? SSLv23_server_method() : SSLv23_client_method()); if (ctx == NULL) return tls_error(US"SSL_CTX_new", host, NULL); /* It turns out that we need to seed the random number generator this early in order to get the full complement of ciphers to work. It took me roughly a day of work to discover this by experiment. On systems that have /dev/urandom, SSL may automatically seed itself from there. Otherwise, we have to make something up as best we can. Double check afterwards. */ if (!RAND_status()) { randstuff r; r.t = time(NULL); r.p = getpid(); RAND_seed((uschar *)(&r), sizeof(r)); RAND_seed((uschar *)big_buffer, big_buffer_size); if (addr != NULL) RAND_seed((uschar *)addr, sizeof(addr)); if (!RAND_status()) return tls_error(US"RAND_status", host, "unable to seed random number generator"); } /* Set up the information callback, which outputs if debugging is at a suitable level. */ SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(ctx, (void (*)())info_callback); /* The following patch was supplied by Robert Roselius */ #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER > 0x00906040L /* Enable client-bug workaround. Versions of OpenSSL as of 0.9.6d include a "CBC countermeasure" feature, which causes problems with some clients (such as the Certicom SSL Plus library used by Eudora). This option, SSL_OP_DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS, disables the coutermeasure allowing Eudora to connect. Some poppers and MTAs use SSL_OP_ALL, which enables all such bug workarounds. */ /* XXX (Silently?) ignore failure here? XXX*/ if (!(SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, SSL_OP_DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS))) return tls_error(US"SSL_CTX_set_option", host, NULL); #endif /* Initialize with DH parameters if supplied */ if (!init_dh(dhparam, host)) return DEFER; /* Set up certificate and key */ if (certificate != NULL) { uschar *expanded; if (!expand_check(certificate, US"tls_certificate", &expanded)) return DEFER; if (expanded != NULL) { DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("tls_certificate file %s\n", expanded); if (!SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx, CS expanded)) return tls_error(string_sprintf( "SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file file=%s", expanded), host, NULL); } if (privatekey != NULL && !expand_check(privatekey, US"tls_privatekey", &expanded)) return DEFER; /* If expansion was forced to fail, key_expanded will be NULL. If the result of the expansion is an empty string, ignore it also, and assume the private key is in the same file as the certificate. */ if (expanded != NULL && *expanded != 0) { DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("tls_privatekey file %s\n", expanded); if (!SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, CS expanded, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) return tls_error(string_sprintf( "SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file file=%s", expanded), host, NULL); } } /* Set up the RSA callback */ SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback(ctx, rsa_callback); /* Finally, set the timeout, and we are done */ SSL_CTX_set_timeout(ctx, ssl_session_timeout); DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("Initialized TLS\n"); return OK; } /************************************************* * Get name of cipher in use * *************************************************/ /* The answer is left in a static buffer, and tls_cipher is set to point to it. Argument: pointer to an SSL structure for the connection Returns: nothing */ static void construct_cipher_name(SSL *ssl) { static uschar cipherbuf[256]; SSL_CIPHER *c; uschar *ver; int bits; switch (ssl->session->ssl_version) { case SSL2_VERSION: ver = US"SSLv2"; break; case SSL3_VERSION: ver = US"SSLv3"; break; case TLS1_VERSION: ver = US"TLSv1"; break; default: ver = US"UNKNOWN"; } c = SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl); SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(c, &bits); string_format(cipherbuf, sizeof(cipherbuf), "%s:%s:%u", ver, SSL_CIPHER_get_name(c), bits); tls_cipher = cipherbuf; DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("Cipher: %s\n", cipherbuf); } /************************************************* * Set up for verifying certificates * *************************************************/ /* Called by both client and server startup Arguments: certs certs file or NULL crl CRL file or NULL host NULL in a server; the remote host in a client optional TRUE if called from a server for a host in tls_try_verify_hosts; otherwise passed as FALSE Returns: OK/DEFER/FAIL */ static int setup_certs(uschar *certs, uschar *crl, host_item *host, BOOL optional) { uschar *expcerts, *expcrl; if (!expand_check(certs, US"tls_verify_certificates", &expcerts)) return DEFER; if (expcerts != NULL) { struct stat statbuf; if (!SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctx)) return tls_error(US"SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths", host, NULL); if (Ustat(expcerts, &statbuf) < 0) { log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC, "failed to stat %s for certificates", expcerts); return DEFER; } else { uschar *file, *dir; if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) { file = NULL; dir = expcerts; } else { file = expcerts; dir = NULL; } /* If a certificate file is empty, the next function fails with an unhelpful error message. If we skip it, we get the correct behaviour (no certificates are recognized, but the error message is still misleading (it says no certificate was supplied.) But this is better. */ if ((file == NULL || statbuf.st_size > 0) && !SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, CS file, CS dir)) return tls_error(US"SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations", host, NULL); if (file != NULL) { SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list(ctx, SSL_load_client_CA_file(CS file)); } } /* Handle a certificate revocation list. */ #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER > 0x00907000L /* This bit of code is now the version supplied by Lars Mainka. (I have * merely reformatted it into the Exim code style.) * "From here I changed the code to add support for multiple crl's * in pem format in one file or to support hashed directory entries in * pem format instead of a file. This method now uses the library function * X509_STORE_load_locations to add the CRL location to the SSL context. * OpenSSL will then handle the verify against CA certs and CRLs by * itself in the verify callback." */ if (!expand_check(crl, US"tls_crl", &expcrl)) return DEFER; if (expcrl != NULL && *expcrl != 0) { struct stat statbufcrl; if (Ustat(expcrl, &statbufcrl) < 0) { log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC, "failed to stat %s for certificates revocation lists", expcrl); return DEFER; } else { /* is it a file or directory? */ uschar *file, *dir; X509_STORE *cvstore = SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(ctx); if ((statbufcrl.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) { file = NULL; dir = expcrl; DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("SSL CRL value is a directory %s\n", dir); } else { file = expcrl; dir = NULL; DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("SSL CRL value is a file %s\n", file); } if (X509_STORE_load_locations(cvstore, CS file, CS dir) == 0) return tls_error(US"X509_STORE_load_locations", host, NULL); /* setting the flags to check against the complete crl chain */ X509_STORE_set_flags(cvstore, X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK|X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK_ALL); } } #endif /* OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER > 0x00907000L */ /* If verification is optional, don't fail if no certificate */ SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER | (optional? 0 : SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT), verify_callback); } return OK; } /************************************************* * Start a TLS session in a server * *************************************************/ /* This is called when Exim is running as a server, after having received the STARTTLS command. It must respond to that command, and then negotiate a TLS session. Arguments: require_ciphers allowed ciphers ------------------------------------------------------ require_mac list of allowed MACs ) Not used require_kx list of allowed key_exchange methods ) for require_proto list of allowed protocols ) OpenSSL ------------------------------------------------------ Returns: OK on success DEFER for errors before the start of the negotiation FAIL for errors during the negotation; the server can't continue running. */ int tls_server_start(uschar *require_ciphers, uschar *require_mac, uschar *require_kx, uschar *require_proto) { int rc; uschar *expciphers; /* Check for previous activation */ if (tls_active >= 0) { tls_error("STARTTLS received after TLS started", NULL, ""); smtp_printf("554 Already in TLS\r\n"); return FAIL; } /* Initialize the SSL library. If it fails, it will already have logged the error. */ rc = tls_init(NULL, tls_dhparam, tls_certificate, tls_privatekey, NULL); if (rc != OK) return rc; if (!expand_check(require_ciphers, US"tls_require_ciphers", &expciphers)) return FAIL; /* In OpenSSL, cipher components are separated by hyphens. In GnuTLS, they are separated by underscores. So that I can use either form in my tests, and also for general convenience, we turn underscores into hyphens here. */ if (expciphers != NULL) { uschar *s = expciphers; while (*s != 0) { if (*s == '_') *s = '-'; s++; } DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("required ciphers: %s\n", expciphers); if (!SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, CS expciphers)) return tls_error(US"SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list", NULL, NULL); } /* If this is a host for which certificate verification is mandatory or optional, set up appropriately. */ tls_certificate_verified = FALSE; verify_callback_called = FALSE; if (verify_check_host(&tls_verify_hosts) == OK) { rc = setup_certs(tls_verify_certificates, tls_crl, NULL, FALSE); if (rc != OK) return rc; verify_optional = FALSE; } else if (verify_check_host(&tls_try_verify_hosts) == OK) { rc = setup_certs(tls_verify_certificates, tls_crl, NULL, TRUE); if (rc != OK) return rc; verify_optional = TRUE; } /* Prepare for new connection */ if ((ssl = SSL_new(ctx)) == NULL) return tls_error(US"SSL_new", NULL, NULL); SSL_clear(ssl); /* Set context and tell client to go ahead, except in the case of TLS startup on connection, where outputting anything now upsets the clients and tends to make them disconnect. We need to have an explicit fflush() here, to force out the response. Other smtp_printf() calls do not need it, because in non-TLS mode, the fflush() happens when smtp_getc() is called. */ SSL_set_session_id_context(ssl, sid_ctx, Ustrlen(sid_ctx)); if (!tls_on_connect) { smtp_printf("220 TLS go ahead\r\n"); fflush(smtp_out); } /* Now negotiate the TLS session. We put our own timer on it, since it seems that the OpenSSL library doesn't. */ SSL_set_wfd(ssl, fileno(smtp_out)); SSL_set_rfd(ssl, fileno(smtp_in)); SSL_set_accept_state(ssl); DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("Calling SSL_accept\n"); sigalrm_seen = FALSE; if (smtp_receive_timeout > 0) alarm(smtp_receive_timeout); rc = SSL_accept(ssl); alarm(0); if (rc <= 0) { tls_error(US"SSL_accept", NULL, sigalrm_seen ? US"timed out" : NULL); return FAIL; } DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("SSL_accept was successful\n"); /* TLS has been set up. Adjust the input functions to read via TLS, and initialize things. */ construct_cipher_name(ssl); DEBUG(D_tls) { uschar buf[2048]; if (SSL_get_shared_ciphers(ssl, CS buf, sizeof(buf)) != NULL) debug_printf("Shared ciphers: %s\n", buf); } ssl_xfer_buffer = store_malloc(ssl_xfer_buffer_size); ssl_xfer_buffer_lwm = ssl_xfer_buffer_hwm = 0; ssl_xfer_eof = ssl_xfer_error = 0; receive_getc = tls_getc; receive_ungetc = tls_ungetc; receive_feof = tls_feof; receive_ferror = tls_ferror; receive_smtp_buffered = tls_smtp_buffered; tls_active = fileno(smtp_out); return OK; } /************************************************* * Start a TLS session in a client * *************************************************/ /* Called from the smtp transport after STARTTLS has been accepted. Argument: fd the fd of the connection host connected host (for messages) addr the first address dhparam DH parameter file certificate certificate file privatekey private key file verify_certs file for certificate verify crl file containing CRL require_ciphers list of allowed ciphers ------------------------------------------------------ require_mac list of allowed MACs ) Not used require_kx list of allowed key_exchange methods ) for require_proto list of allowed protocols ) OpenSSL ------------------------------------------------------ timeout startup timeout Returns: OK on success FAIL otherwise - note that tls_error() will not give DEFER because this is not a server */ int tls_client_start(int fd, host_item *host, address_item *addr, uschar *dhparam, uschar *certificate, uschar *privatekey, uschar *verify_certs, uschar *crl, uschar *require_ciphers, uschar *require_mac, uschar *require_kx, uschar *require_proto, int timeout) { static uschar txt[256]; uschar *expciphers; X509* server_cert; int rc; rc = tls_init(host, dhparam, certificate, privatekey, addr); if (rc != OK) return rc; tls_certificate_verified = FALSE; verify_callback_called = FALSE; if (!expand_check(require_ciphers, US"tls_require_ciphers", &expciphers)) return FAIL; /* In OpenSSL, cipher components are separated by hyphens. In GnuTLS, they are separated by underscores. So that I can use either form in my tests, and also for general convenience, we turn underscores into hyphens here. */ if (expciphers != NULL) { uschar *s = expciphers; while (*s != 0) { if (*s == '_') *s = '-'; s++; } DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("required ciphers: %s\n", expciphers); if (!SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, CS expciphers)) return tls_error(US"SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list", host, NULL); } rc = setup_certs(verify_certs, crl, host, FALSE); if (rc != OK) return rc; if ((ssl = SSL_new(ctx)) == NULL) return tls_error(US"SSL_new", host, NULL); SSL_set_session_id_context(ssl, sid_ctx, Ustrlen(sid_ctx)); SSL_set_fd(ssl, fd); SSL_set_connect_state(ssl); /* There doesn't seem to be a built-in timeout on connection. */ DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("Calling SSL_connect\n"); sigalrm_seen = FALSE; alarm(timeout); rc = SSL_connect(ssl); alarm(0); if (rc <= 0) return tls_error(US"SSL_connect", host, sigalrm_seen ? US"timed out" : NULL); DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("SSL_connect succeeded\n"); server_cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate (ssl); tls_peerdn = US X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(server_cert), CS txt, sizeof(txt)); tls_peerdn = txt; construct_cipher_name(ssl); /* Sets tls_cipher */ tls_active = fd; return OK; } /************************************************* * TLS version of getc * *************************************************/ /* This gets the next byte from the TLS input buffer. If the buffer is empty, it refills the buffer via the SSL reading function. Arguments: none Returns: the next character or EOF */ int tls_getc(void) { if (ssl_xfer_buffer_lwm >= ssl_xfer_buffer_hwm) { int error; int inbytes; DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("Calling SSL_read(%lx, %lx, %u)\n", (long)ssl, (long)ssl_xfer_buffer, ssl_xfer_buffer_size); if (smtp_receive_timeout > 0) alarm(smtp_receive_timeout); inbytes = SSL_read(ssl, CS ssl_xfer_buffer, ssl_xfer_buffer_size); error = SSL_get_error(ssl, inbytes); alarm(0); /* SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN appears to mean that the SSL session has been closed down, not that the socket itself has been closed down. Revert to non-SSL handling. */ if (error == SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN) { DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("Got SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN\n"); receive_getc = smtp_getc; receive_ungetc = smtp_ungetc; receive_feof = smtp_feof; receive_ferror = smtp_ferror; receive_smtp_buffered = smtp_buffered; SSL_free(ssl); ssl = NULL; tls_active = -1; tls_cipher = NULL; tls_peerdn = NULL; return smtp_getc(); } /* Handle genuine errors */ else if (error != SSL_ERROR_NONE) { DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("Got SSL error %d\n", error); ssl_xfer_error = 1; return EOF; } #ifndef DISABLE_DKIM dkim_exim_verify_feed(ssl_xfer_buffer, inbytes); #endif ssl_xfer_buffer_hwm = inbytes; ssl_xfer_buffer_lwm = 0; } /* Something in the buffer; return next uschar */ return ssl_xfer_buffer[ssl_xfer_buffer_lwm++]; } /************************************************* * Read bytes from TLS channel * *************************************************/ /* Arguments: buff buffer of data len size of buffer Returns: the number of bytes read -1 after a failed read */ int tls_read(uschar *buff, size_t len) { int inbytes; int error; DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("Calling SSL_read(%lx, %lx, %u)\n", (long)ssl, (long)buff, (unsigned int)len); inbytes = SSL_read(ssl, CS buff, len); error = SSL_get_error(ssl, inbytes); if (error == SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN) { DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("Got SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN\n"); return -1; } else if (error != SSL_ERROR_NONE) { return -1; } return inbytes; } /************************************************* * Write bytes down TLS channel * *************************************************/ /* Arguments: buff buffer of data len number of bytes Returns: the number of bytes after a successful write, -1 after a failed write */ int tls_write(const uschar *buff, size_t len) { int outbytes; int error; int left = len; DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("tls_do_write(%lx, %d)\n", (long)buff, left); while (left > 0) { DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("SSL_write(SSL, %lx, %d)\n", (long)buff, left); outbytes = SSL_write(ssl, CS buff, left); error = SSL_get_error(ssl, outbytes); DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("outbytes=%d error=%d\n", outbytes, error); switch (error) { case SSL_ERROR_SSL: ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), ssl_errstring); log_write(0, LOG_MAIN, "TLS error (SSL_write): %s", ssl_errstring); return -1; case SSL_ERROR_NONE: left -= outbytes; buff += outbytes; break; case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: log_write(0, LOG_MAIN, "SSL channel closed on write"); return -1; default: log_write(0, LOG_MAIN, "SSL_write error %d", error); return -1; } } return len; } /************************************************* * Close down a TLS session * *************************************************/ /* This is also called from within a delivery subprocess forked from the daemon, to shut down the TLS library, without actually doing a shutdown (which would tamper with the SSL session in the parent process). Arguments: TRUE if SSL_shutdown is to be called Returns: nothing */ void tls_close(BOOL shutdown) { if (tls_active < 0) return; /* TLS was not active */ if (shutdown) { DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("tls_close(): shutting down SSL\n"); SSL_shutdown(ssl); } SSL_free(ssl); ssl = NULL; tls_active = -1; } /* End of tls-openssl.c */