# pgsql lookups # # first, populate a DB to test against sudo rm -fr DIR/pgsql perl system 'initdb -D DIR/pgsql/data'; **** background /usr/bin/postgres -D DIR/pgsql/data -p PORT_N -k DIR/pgsql **** perl system 'createdb -h localhost -p PORT_N test'; system 'psql -h localhost -p PORT_N -d test \ -c "CREATE TABLE them ( name text, id text );" \ -c "INSERT INTO them VALUES ( \'Philip Hazel\', \'ph10\' );" \ -c "INSERT INTO them VALUES ( \'\', \'nothing\' );" \ -c "INSERT INTO them VALUES ( \'\"stquot\', \'quote2\' );" \ -c "INSERT INTO them VALUES ( \'before\' || CHR(13) || CHR(10) || \'after\', \'newline\' );" \ -c "INSERT INTO them VALUES ( \'x\' || CHR(9) || \'x\', \'tab\' );" \ -c "INSERT INTO them VALUES ( CHR(39) || \'stquot\', \'quote1\' );" \ '; **** # # now, the tests exim -d-all+lookup -be ${lookup pgsql {select name from them where id='ph10';}} ${lookup pgsql {select name from them where id='ph10';}} ${lookup pgsql {select name from them where id='xxxx';}} ${lookup pgsql {select name from them where id='nothing';}} ${lookup pgsql {select id,name from them where id='nothing';}} ${lookup pgsql {delete from them where id='nonexist';}} ${lookup pgsql {select * from them where id='quote2';}} ${lookup pgsql {select * from them where id='newline';}} ${lookup pgsql {select * from them where id='tab';}} ${lookup pgsql {select * from them where name='${quote_pgsql:'stquot}';}} ${lookup pgsql {servers=x:localhost; select name from them where id='ph10';}} ${lookup pgsql {servers=localhost::PORT_N:x; select name from them where id='ph10';}} ${lookup pgsql {servers=localhost::PORT_N/test/CALLER/:x; select name from them where id='ph10';}} ${lookup pgsql {servers=(DIR/pgsql/.s.PGSQL.PORT_N)/test/CALLER/:x; select name from them where id='ph10';}} **** exim -d -bh mail from: rcpt to: rcpt to: quit **** exim -odi -d CALLER Test message . **** exim -DSERVERS=\(DIR/pgsql/.s.PGSQL.PORT_N\)/test/CALLER/ -d-all+lookup -be ${lookup pgsql {select name from them where id='ph10';}} **** # perl system 'pg_ctl stop -D DIR/pgsql/data -m immediate'; **** killdaemon sudo rm -fr DIR/pgsql