/* $Cambridge: exim/src/src/demime.c,v 2004/12/02 16:33:30 tom Exp $ */ /************************************************* * Exim - an Internet mail transport agent * *************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) Tom Kistner 2003-???? */ /* License: GPL */ /* Code for unpacking MIME containers. Called from acl.c. */ #include "exim.h" #ifdef WITH_OLD_DEMIME #include "demime.h" uschar demime_reason_buffer[1024]; struct file_extension *file_extensions = NULL; int demime(uschar **listptr) { int sep = 0; uschar *list = *listptr; uschar *option; uschar option_buffer[64]; unsigned long long mbox_size; FILE *mbox_file; uschar defer_error_buffer[1024]; int demime_rc = 0; /* reset found_extension variable */ found_extension = NULL; /* try to find 1st option */ if ((option = string_nextinlist(&list, &sep, option_buffer, sizeof(option_buffer))) != NULL) { /* parse 1st option */ if ( (Ustrcmp(option,"false") == 0) || (Ustrcmp(option,"0") == 0) ) { /* explicitly no demimeing */ return FAIL; }; } else { /* no options -> no demimeing */ return FAIL; }; /* make sure the eml mbox file is spooled up */ mbox_file = spool_mbox(&mbox_size); if (mbox_file == NULL) { /* error while spooling */ log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC, "demime acl condition: error while creating mbox spool file"); return DEFER; }; /* call demimer if not already done earlier */ if (!demime_ok) demime_rc = mime_demux(mbox_file, defer_error_buffer); fclose(mbox_file); if (demime_rc == DEFER) { /* temporary failure (DEFER => DEFER) */ log_write(0, LOG_MAIN, "demime acl condition: %s", defer_error_buffer); return DEFER; }; /* set demime_ok to avoid unpacking again */ demime_ok = 1; /* check for file extensions, if there */ while (option != NULL) { struct file_extension *this_extension = file_extensions; /* Look for the wildcard. If it is found, we always return true. The user must then use a custom condition to evaluate demime_errorlevel */ if (Ustrcmp(option,"*") == 0) { found_extension = NULL; return OK; }; /* loop thru extension list */ while (this_extension != NULL) { if (strcmpic(option, this_extension->file_extension_string) == 0) { /* found one */ found_extension = this_extension->file_extension_string; return OK; }; this_extension = this_extension->next; }; /* grab next extension from option list */ option = string_nextinlist(&list, &sep, option_buffer, sizeof(option_buffer)); }; /* nothing found */ return FAIL; } /************************************************* * small hex_str -> integer conversion function * *************************************************/ /* needed for quoted-printable */ unsigned int mime_hstr_i(uschar *cptr) { unsigned int i, j = 0; while (cptr && *cptr && isxdigit(*cptr)) { i = *cptr++ - '0'; if (9 < i) i -= 7; j <<= 4; j |= (i & 0x0f); } return(j); } /************************************************* * decode quoted-printable chars * *************************************************/ /* gets called when we hit a = returns: new pointer position result code in c: -2 - decode error -1 - soft line break, no char 0-255 - char to write */ uschar *mime_decode_qp(uschar *qp_p,int *c) { uschar hex[] = {0,0,0}; int nan = 0; uschar *initial_pos = qp_p; /* advance one char */ qp_p++; REPEAT_FIRST: if ( (*qp_p == '\t') || (*qp_p == ' ') || (*qp_p == '\r') ) { /* tab or whitespace may follow just ignore it, but remember that this is not a valid hex encoding any more */ nan = 1; qp_p++; goto REPEAT_FIRST; } else if ( (('0' <= *qp_p) && (*qp_p <= '9')) || (('A' <= *qp_p) && (*qp_p <= 'F')) || (('a' <= *qp_p) && (*qp_p <= 'f')) ) { /* this is a valid hex char, if nan is unset */ if (nan) { /* this is illegal */ *c = -2; return initial_pos; } else { hex[0] = *qp_p; qp_p++; }; } else if (*qp_p == '\n') { /* hit soft line break already, continue */ *c = -1; return qp_p; } else { /* illegal char here */ *c = -2; return initial_pos; }; if ( (('0' <= *qp_p) && (*qp_p <= '9')) || (('A' <= *qp_p) && (*qp_p <= 'F')) || (('a' <= *qp_p) && (*qp_p <= 'f')) ) { if (hex[0] > 0) { hex[1] = *qp_p; /* do hex conversion */ *c = mime_hstr_i(hex); qp_p++; return qp_p; } else { /* huh ? */ *c = -2; return initial_pos; }; } else { /* illegal char */ *c = -2; return initial_pos; }; } /************************************************* * open new dump file * *************************************************/ /* open new dump file returns: -2 soft error or file #, FILE * in f */ int mime_get_dump_file(uschar *extension, FILE **f, uschar *info) { uschar file_name[1024]; int result; unsigned int file_nr; uschar default_extension[] = ".com"; uschar *p; if (extension == NULL) extension = default_extension; /* scan the proposed extension. if it is longer than 4 chars, or contains exotic chars, use the default extension */ /* if (Ustrlen(extension) > 4) { extension = default_extension; }; */ p = extension+1; while (*p != 0) { *p = (uschar)tolower((uschar)*p); if ( (*p < 97) || (*p > 122) ) { extension = default_extension; break; }; p++; }; /* find a new file to write to */ file_nr = 0; do { struct stat mystat; snprintf(CS file_name,1024,"%s/scan/%s/%s-%05u%s",spool_directory,message_id,message_id,file_nr,extension); file_nr++; if (file_nr >= MIME_SANITY_MAX_DUMP_FILES) { /* max parts reached */ mime_trigger_error(MIME_ERRORLEVEL_TOO_MANY_PARTS); break; }; result = stat(CS file_name,&mystat); } while(result != -1); *f = fopen(CS file_name,"w+"); if (*f == NULL) { /* cannot open new dump file, disk full ? -> soft error */ snprintf(CS info, 1024,"unable to open dump file"); return -2; }; return file_nr; } /************************************************* * Find a string in a mime header * *************************************************/ /* Find a string in a mime header, and optionally fill in the value associated with it into *value returns: 0 - nothing found 1 - found param 2 - found param + value */ int mime_header_find(uschar *header, uschar *param, uschar **value) { uschar *needle; needle = strstric(header,param,FALSE); if (needle != NULL) { if (value != NULL) { needle += Ustrlen(param); if (*needle == '=') { uschar *value_start; uschar *value_end; value_start = needle + 1; value_end = strstric(value_start,US";",FALSE); if (value_end != NULL) { /* allocate mem for value */ *value = (uschar *)malloc((value_end - value_start)+1); if (*value == NULL) return 0; Ustrncpy(*value,value_start,(value_end - value_start)); (*value)[(value_end - value_start)] = '\0'; return 2; }; }; }; return 1; }; return 0; } /************************************************* * Read a line of MIME input * *************************************************/ /* returns status code, one of MIME_READ_LINE_EOF 0 MIME_READ_LINE_OK 1 MIME_READ_LINE_OVERFLOW 2 In header mode, the line will be "cooked". */ int mime_read_line(FILE *f, int mime_demux_mode, uschar *buffer, long *num_copied) { int c = EOF; int done = 0; int header_value_mode = 0; int header_open_brackets = 0; *num_copied = 0; while(!done) { c = fgetc(f); if (c == EOF) break; /* --------- header mode -------------- */ if (mime_demux_mode == MIME_DEMUX_MODE_MIME_HEADERS) { /* always skip CRs */ if (c == '\r') continue; if (c == '\n') { if ((*num_copied) > 0) { /* look if next char is '\t' or ' ' */ c = fgetc(f); if (c == EOF) break; if ( (c == '\t') || (c == ' ') ) continue; ungetc(c,f); }; /* end of the header, terminate with ';' */ c = ';'; done = 1; }; /* skip control characters */ if (c < 32) continue; /* skip whitespace + tabs */ if ( (c == ' ') || (c == '\t') ) continue; if (header_value_mode) { /* --------- value mode ----------- */ /* skip quotes */ if (c == '"') continue; /* leave value mode on ';' */ if (c == ';') { header_value_mode = 0; }; /* -------------------------------- */ } else { /* -------- non-value mode -------- */ if (c == '\\') { /* quote next char. can be used to escape brackets. */ c = fgetc(f); if (c == EOF) break; } else if (c == '(') { header_open_brackets++; continue; } else if ((c == ')') && header_open_brackets) { header_open_brackets--; continue; } else if ( (c == '=') && !header_open_brackets ) { /* enter value mode */ header_value_mode = 1; }; /* skip chars while we are in a comment */ if (header_open_brackets > 0) continue; /* -------------------------------- */ }; } /* ------------------------------------ */ else { /* ----------- non-header mode -------- */ /* break on '\n' */ if (c == '\n') done = 1; /* ------------------------------------ */ }; /* copy the char to the buffer */ buffer[*num_copied] = (uschar)c; /* raise counter */ (*num_copied)++; /* break if buffer is full */ if (*num_copied > MIME_SANITY_MAX_LINE_LENGTH-1) { done = 1; }; } /* 0-terminate */ buffer[*num_copied] = '\0'; if (*num_copied > MIME_SANITY_MAX_LINE_LENGTH-1) return MIME_READ_LINE_OVERFLOW; else if (c == EOF) return MIME_READ_LINE_EOF; else return MIME_READ_LINE_OK; } /************************************************* * Check for a MIME boundary * *************************************************/ /* returns: 0 - no boundary found 1 - start boundary found 2 - end boundary found */ int mime_check_boundary(uschar *line, struct boundary *boundaries) { struct boundary *thisboundary = boundaries; uschar workbuf[MIME_SANITY_MAX_LINE_LENGTH+1]; unsigned int i,j=0; /* check for '--' first */ if (Ustrncmp(line,"--",2) == 0) { /* strip tab and space */ for (i = 2; i < Ustrlen(line); i++) { if ((line[i] != ' ') && (line[i] != '\t')) { workbuf[j] = line[i]; j++; }; }; workbuf[j+1]='\0'; while(thisboundary != NULL) { if (Ustrncmp(workbuf,thisboundary->boundary_string,Ustrlen(thisboundary->boundary_string)) == 0) { if (Ustrncmp(&workbuf[Ustrlen(thisboundary->boundary_string)],"--",2) == 0) { /* final boundary found */ return 2; }; return 1; }; thisboundary = thisboundary->next; }; }; return 0; } /************************************************* * Check for start of a UUENCODE block * *************************************************/ /* returns 0 for no hit, >0 for hit */ int mime_check_uu_start(uschar *line, uschar *uu_file_extension, int *has_tnef) { if ( (strncmpic(line,US"begin ",6) == 0)) { uschar *uu_filename = &line[6]; /* skip perms, if present */ Ustrtoul(&line[6],&uu_filename,10); /* advance one char */ uu_filename++; /* This should be the filename. Check if winmail.dat is present, which indicates TNEF. */ if (strncmpic(uu_filename,US"winmail.dat",11) == 0) { *has_tnef = 1; }; /* reverse to dot if present, copy up to 4 chars for the extension */ if (Ustrrchr(uu_filename,'.') != NULL) uu_filename = Ustrrchr(uu_filename,'.'); return sscanf(CS uu_filename, "%4[.0-9A-Za-z]",CS uu_file_extension); } else { /* nothing found */ return 0; }; } /************************************************* * Decode a uu line * *************************************************/ /* returns number of decoded bytes -2 for soft errors */ int warned_about_uudec_line_sanity_1 = 0; int warned_about_uudec_line_sanity_2 = 0; long uu_decode_line(uschar *line, uschar **data, long line_len, uschar *info) { uschar *p; long num_decoded = 0; uschar tmp_c; uschar *work; int uu_decoded_line_len, uu_encoded_line_len; /* allocate memory for data and work buffer */ *data = (uschar *)malloc(line_len); if (*data == NULL) { snprintf(CS info, 1024,"unable to allocate %lu bytes",line_len); return -2; }; work = (uschar *)malloc(line_len); if (work == NULL) { snprintf(CS info, 1024,"unable to allocate %lu bytes",line_len); return -2; }; memcpy(work,line,line_len); /* First char is line length This is microsofts way of getting it. Scary. */ if (work[0] < 32) { /* ignore this line */ return 0; } else { uu_decoded_line_len = uudec[work[0]]; }; p = &work[1]; while (*p > 32) { *p = uudec[*p]; p++; }; uu_encoded_line_len = (p - &work[1]); p = &work[1]; /* check that resulting line length is a multiple of 4 */ if ( ( uu_encoded_line_len % 4 ) != 0) { if (!warned_about_uudec_line_sanity_1) { mime_trigger_error(MIME_ERRORLEVEL_UU_MISALIGNED); warned_about_uudec_line_sanity_1 = 1; }; return -1; }; /* check that the line length matches */ if ( ( (((uu_encoded_line_len/4)*3)-2) > uu_decoded_line_len ) || (((uu_encoded_line_len/4)*3) < uu_decoded_line_len) ) { if (!warned_about_uudec_line_sanity_2) { mime_trigger_error(MIME_ERRORLEVEL_UU_LINE_LENGTH); warned_about_uudec_line_sanity_2 = 1; }; return -1; }; while ( ((p - &work[1]) < uu_encoded_line_len) && (num_decoded < uu_decoded_line_len)) { /* byte 0 ---------------------- */ if ((p - &work[1] + 1) >= uu_encoded_line_len) { return 0; } (*data)[num_decoded] = *p; (*data)[num_decoded] <<= 2; tmp_c = *(p+1); tmp_c >>= 4; (*data)[num_decoded] |= tmp_c; num_decoded++; p++; /* byte 1 ---------------------- */ if ((p - &work[1] + 1) >= uu_encoded_line_len) { return 0; } (*data)[num_decoded] = *p; (*data)[num_decoded] <<= 4; tmp_c = *(p+1); tmp_c >>= 2; (*data)[num_decoded] |= tmp_c; num_decoded++; p++; /* byte 2 ---------------------- */ if ((p - &work[1] + 1) >= uu_encoded_line_len) { return 0; } (*data)[num_decoded] = *p; (*data)[num_decoded] <<= 6; (*data)[num_decoded] |= *(p+1); num_decoded++; p+=2; }; return uu_decoded_line_len; } /************************************************* * Decode a b64 or qp line * *************************************************/ /* returns number of decoded bytes -1 for hard errors -2 for soft errors */ int warned_about_b64_line_length = 0; int warned_about_b64_line_sanity = 0; int warned_about_b64_illegal_char = 0; int warned_about_qp_line_sanity = 0; long mime_decode_line(int mime_demux_mode,uschar *line, uschar **data, long max_data_len, uschar *info) { uschar *p; long num_decoded = 0; int offset = 0; uschar tmp_c; /* allocate memory for data */ *data = (uschar *)malloc(max_data_len); if (*data == NULL) { snprintf(CS info, 1024,"unable to allocate %lu bytes",max_data_len); return -2; }; if (mime_demux_mode == MIME_DEMUX_MODE_BASE64) { /* ---------------------------------------------- */ /* NULL out trailing '\r' and '\n' chars */ while (Ustrrchr(line,'\r') != NULL) { *(Ustrrchr(line,'\r')) = '\0'; }; while (Ustrrchr(line,'\n') != NULL) { *(Ustrrchr(line,'\n')) = '\0'; }; /* check maximum base 64 line length */ if (Ustrlen(line) > MIME_SANITY_MAX_B64_LINE_LENGTH ) { if (!warned_about_b64_line_length) { mime_trigger_error(MIME_ERRORLEVEL_B64_LINE_LENGTH); warned_about_b64_line_length = 1; }; }; p = line; offset = 0; while (*(p+offset) != '\0') { /* hit illegal char ? */ if (b64[*(p+offset)] == 128) { if (!warned_about_b64_illegal_char) { mime_trigger_error(MIME_ERRORLEVEL_B64_ILLEGAL_CHAR); warned_about_b64_illegal_char = 1; }; offset++; } else { *p = b64[*(p+offset)]; p++; }; }; *p = 255; /* check that resulting line length is a multiple of 4 */ if ( ( (p - &line[0]) % 4 ) != 0) { if (!warned_about_b64_line_sanity) { mime_trigger_error(MIME_ERRORLEVEL_B64_MISALIGNED); warned_about_b64_line_sanity = 1; }; }; /* line is translated, start bit shifting */ p = line; num_decoded = 0; while(*p != 255) { /* byte 0 ---------------------- */ if (*(p+1) == 255) { break; } (*data)[num_decoded] = *p; (*data)[num_decoded] <<= 2; tmp_c = *(p+1); tmp_c >>= 4; (*data)[num_decoded] |= tmp_c; num_decoded++; p++; /* byte 1 ---------------------- */ if (*(p+1) == 255) { break; } (*data)[num_decoded] = *p; (*data)[num_decoded] <<= 4; tmp_c = *(p+1); tmp_c >>= 2; (*data)[num_decoded] |= tmp_c; num_decoded++; p++; /* byte 2 ---------------------- */ if (*(p+1) == 255) { break; } (*data)[num_decoded] = *p; (*data)[num_decoded] <<= 6; (*data)[num_decoded] |= *(p+1); num_decoded++; p+=2; }; return num_decoded; /* ---------------------------------------------- */ } else if (mime_demux_mode == MIME_DEMUX_MODE_QP) { /* ---------------------------------------------- */ p = line; while (*p != 0) { if (*p == '=') { int decode_qp_result; p = mime_decode_qp(p,&decode_qp_result); if (decode_qp_result == -2) { /* Error from decoder. p is unchanged. */ if (!warned_about_qp_line_sanity) { mime_trigger_error(MIME_ERRORLEVEL_QP_ILLEGAL_CHAR); warned_about_qp_line_sanity = 1; }; (*data)[num_decoded] = '='; num_decoded++; p++; } else if (decode_qp_result == -1) { /* End of the line with soft line break. Bail out. */ goto QP_RETURN; } else if (decode_qp_result >= 0) { (*data)[num_decoded] = decode_qp_result; num_decoded++; }; } else { (*data)[num_decoded] = *p; num_decoded++; p++; }; }; QP_RETURN: return num_decoded; /* ---------------------------------------------- */ }; return 0; } /************************************************* * Log demime errors and set mime error level * *************************************************/ /* This sets the global demime_reason expansion variable and the demime_errorlevel gauge. */ void mime_trigger_error(int level, uschar *format, ...) { char *f; va_list ap; if( (f = malloc(16384+23)) != NULL ) { /* first log the incident */ sprintf(f,"demime acl condition: "); f+=22; va_start(ap, format); vsnprintf(f, 16383,(char *)format, ap); va_end(ap); f-=22; log_write(0, LOG_MAIN, f); /* then copy to demime_reason_buffer if new level is greater than old level */ if (level > demime_errorlevel) { demime_errorlevel = level; Ustrcpy(demime_reason_buffer, US f); demime_reason = demime_reason_buffer; }; free(f); }; } /************************************************* * Demultiplex MIME stream. * *************************************************/ /* We can handle BASE64, QUOTED-PRINTABLE, and UUENCODE. UUENCODE does not need to have a proper transfer-encoding header, we detect it with "begin" This function will report human parsable errors in *info. returns DEFER -> soft error (see *info) OK -> EOF hit, all ok */ int mime_demux(FILE *f, uschar *info) { int mime_demux_mode = MIME_DEMUX_MODE_MIME_HEADERS; int uu_mode = MIME_UU_MODE_OFF; FILE *mime_dump_file = NULL; FILE *uu_dump_file = NULL; uschar *line; int mime_read_line_status = MIME_READ_LINE_OK; long line_len; struct boundary *boundaries = NULL; struct mime_part mime_part_p; int has_tnef = 0; int has_rfc822 = 0; /* allocate room for our linebuffer */ line = (uschar *)malloc(MIME_SANITY_MAX_LINE_LENGTH); if (line == NULL) { snprintf(CS info, 1024,"unable to allocate %u bytes",MIME_SANITY_MAX_LINE_LENGTH); return DEFER; }; /* clear MIME header structure */ memset(&mime_part_p,0,sizeof(mime_part)); /* ----------------------- start demux loop --------------------- */ while (mime_read_line_status == MIME_READ_LINE_OK) { /* read a line of input. Depending on the mode we are in, the returned format will differ. */ mime_read_line_status = mime_read_line(f,mime_demux_mode,line,&line_len); if (mime_read_line_status == MIME_READ_LINE_OVERFLOW) { mime_trigger_error(MIME_ERRORLEVEL_LONG_LINE); /* despite the error, continue .. */ mime_read_line_status = MIME_READ_LINE_OK; continue; } else if (mime_read_line_status == MIME_READ_LINE_EOF) { break; }; if (mime_demux_mode == MIME_DEMUX_MODE_MIME_HEADERS) { /* -------------- header mode --------------------- */ /* Check for an empty line, which is the end of the headers. In HEADER mode, the line is returned "cooked", with the final '\n' replaced by a ';' */ if (line_len == 1) { int tmp; /* We have reached the end of the headers. Start decoding with the collected settings. */ if (mime_part_p.seen_content_transfer_encoding > 1) { mime_demux_mode = mime_part_p.seen_content_transfer_encoding; } else { /* default to plain mode if no specific encoding type found */ mime_demux_mode = MIME_DEMUX_MODE_PLAIN; }; /* open new dump file */ tmp = mime_get_dump_file(mime_part_p.extension, &mime_dump_file, info); if (tmp < 0) { return DEFER; }; /* clear out mime_part */ memset(&mime_part_p,0,sizeof(mime_part)); } else { /* Another header to check for file extensions, encoding type and boundaries */ if (strncmpic(US"content-type:",line,Ustrlen("content-type:")) == 0) { /* ---------------------------- Content-Type header ------------------------------- */ uschar *value = line; /* check for message/partial MIME type and reject it */ if (mime_header_find(line,US"message/partial",NULL) > 0) mime_trigger_error(MIME_ERRORLEVEL_MESSAGE_PARTIAL); /* check for TNEF content type, remember to unpack TNEF later. */ if (mime_header_find(line,US"application/ms-tnef",NULL) > 0) has_tnef = 1; /* check for message/rfcxxx attachments */ if (mime_header_find(line,US"message/rfc822",NULL) > 0) has_rfc822 = 1; /* find the file extension, but do not fill it in it is already set, since content-disposition has precedence. */ if (mime_part_p.extension == NULL) { if (mime_header_find(line,US"name",&value) == 2) { if (Ustrlen(value) > MIME_SANITY_MAX_FILENAME) mime_trigger_error(MIME_ERRORLEVEL_FILENAME_LENGTH); mime_part_p.extension = value; mime_part_p.extension = Ustrrchr(value,'.'); if (mime_part_p.extension == NULL) { /* file without extension, setting NULL will use the default extension later */ mime_part_p.extension = NULL; } else { struct file_extension *this_extension = (struct file_extension *)malloc(sizeof(file_extension)); this_extension->file_extension_string = (uschar *)malloc(Ustrlen(mime_part_p.extension)+1); Ustrcpy(this_extension->file_extension_string, mime_part_p.extension+1); this_extension->next = file_extensions; file_extensions = this_extension; }; }; }; /* find a boundary and add it to the list, if present */ value = line; if (mime_header_find(line,US"boundary",&value) == 2) { struct boundary *thisboundary; if (Ustrlen(value) > MIME_SANITY_MAX_BOUNDARY_LENGTH) { mime_trigger_error(MIME_ERRORLEVEL_BOUNDARY_LENGTH); } else { thisboundary = (struct boundary*)malloc(sizeof(boundary)); thisboundary->next = boundaries; thisboundary->boundary_string = value; boundaries = thisboundary; }; }; if (mime_part_p.seen_content_type == 0) { mime_part_p.seen_content_type = 1; } else { mime_trigger_error(MIME_ERRORLEVEL_DOUBLE_HEADERS); }; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ } else if (strncmpic(US"content-transfer-encoding:",line,Ustrlen("content-transfer-encoding:")) == 0) { /* ---------------------------- Content-Transfer-Encoding header -------------- */ if (mime_part_p.seen_content_transfer_encoding == 0) { if (mime_header_find(line,US"base64",NULL) > 0) { mime_part_p.seen_content_transfer_encoding = MIME_DEMUX_MODE_BASE64; } else if (mime_header_find(line,US"quoted-printable",NULL) > 0) { mime_part_p.seen_content_transfer_encoding = MIME_DEMUX_MODE_QP; } else { mime_part_p.seen_content_transfer_encoding = MIME_DEMUX_MODE_PLAIN; }; } else { mime_trigger_error(MIME_ERRORLEVEL_DOUBLE_HEADERS); }; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ } else if (strncmpic(US"content-disposition:",line,Ustrlen("content-disposition:")) == 0) { /* ---------------------------- Content-Disposition header -------------------- */ uschar *value = line; if (mime_part_p.seen_content_disposition == 0) { mime_part_p.seen_content_disposition = 1; if (mime_header_find(line,US"filename",&value) == 2) { if (Ustrlen(value) > MIME_SANITY_MAX_FILENAME) mime_trigger_error(MIME_ERRORLEVEL_FILENAME_LENGTH); mime_part_p.extension = value; mime_part_p.extension = Ustrrchr(value,'.'); if (mime_part_p.extension == NULL) { /* file without extension, setting NULL will use the default extension later */ mime_part_p.extension = NULL; } else { struct file_extension *this_extension = (struct file_extension *)malloc(sizeof(file_extension)); this_extension->file_extension_string = (uschar *)malloc(Ustrlen(mime_part_p.extension)+1); Ustrcpy(this_extension->file_extension_string, mime_part_p.extension+1); this_extension->next = file_extensions; file_extensions = this_extension; }; }; } else { mime_trigger_error(MIME_ERRORLEVEL_DOUBLE_HEADERS); }; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ }; }; /* End of header checks */ /* ------------------------------------------------ */ } else { /* -------------- non-header mode ----------------- */ int tmp; if (uu_mode == MIME_UU_MODE_OFF) { uschar uu_file_extension[5]; /* We are not currently decoding UUENCODE Check for possible UUENCODE start tag. */ if (mime_check_uu_start(line,uu_file_extension,&has_tnef)) { /* possible UUENCODING start detected. Set unconfirmed mode first. */ uu_mode = MIME_UU_MODE_UNCONFIRMED; /* open new uu dump file */ tmp = mime_get_dump_file(uu_file_extension, &uu_dump_file, info); if (tmp < 0) { free(line); return DEFER; }; }; } else { uschar *data; long data_len = 0; if (uu_mode == MIME_UU_MODE_UNCONFIRMED) { /* We are in unconfirmed UUENCODE mode. */ data_len = uu_decode_line(line,&data,line_len,info); if (data_len == -2) { /* temp error, turn off uudecode mode */ if (uu_dump_file != NULL) { fclose(uu_dump_file); uu_dump_file = NULL; }; uu_mode = MIME_UU_MODE_OFF; return DEFER; } else if (data_len == -1) { if (uu_dump_file != NULL) { fclose(uu_dump_file); uu_dump_file = NULL; }; uu_mode = MIME_UU_MODE_OFF; data_len = 0; } else if (data_len > 0) { /* we have at least decoded a valid byte turn on confirmed mode */ uu_mode = MIME_UU_MODE_CONFIRMED; }; } else if (uu_mode == MIME_UU_MODE_CONFIRMED) { /* If we are in confirmed UU mode, check for single "end" tag on line */ if ((strncmpic(line,US"end",3) == 0) && (line[3] < 32)) { if (uu_dump_file != NULL) { fclose(uu_dump_file); uu_dump_file = NULL; }; uu_mode = MIME_UU_MODE_OFF; } else { data_len = uu_decode_line(line,&data,line_len,info); if (data_len == -2) { /* temp error, turn off uudecode mode */ if (uu_dump_file != NULL) { fclose(uu_dump_file); uu_dump_file = NULL; }; uu_mode = MIME_UU_MODE_OFF; return DEFER; } else if (data_len == -1) { /* skip this line */ data_len = 0; }; }; }; /* write data to dump file, if available */ if (data_len > 0) { if (fwrite(data,1,data_len,uu_dump_file) < data_len) { /* short write */ snprintf(CS info, 1024,"short write on uudecode dump file"); free(line); return DEFER; }; }; }; if (mime_demux_mode != MIME_DEMUX_MODE_SCANNING) { /* Non-scanning and Non-header mode. That means we are currently decoding data to the dump file. */ /* Check for a known boundary. */ tmp = mime_check_boundary(line,boundaries); if (tmp == 1) { /* We have hit a known start boundary. That will put us back in header mode. */ mime_demux_mode = MIME_DEMUX_MODE_MIME_HEADERS; if (mime_dump_file != NULL) { /* if the attachment was a RFC822 message, recurse into it */ if (has_rfc822) { has_rfc822 = 0; rewind(mime_dump_file); mime_demux(mime_dump_file,info); }; fclose(mime_dump_file); mime_dump_file = NULL; }; } else if (tmp == 2) { /* We have hit a known end boundary. That puts us into scanning mode, which will end when we hit another known start boundary */ mime_demux_mode = MIME_DEMUX_MODE_SCANNING; if (mime_dump_file != NULL) { /* if the attachment was a RFC822 message, recurse into it */ if (has_rfc822) { has_rfc822 = 0; rewind(mime_dump_file); mime_demux(mime_dump_file,info); }; fclose(mime_dump_file); mime_dump_file = NULL; }; } else { uschar *data; long data_len = 0; /* decode the line with the appropriate method */ if (mime_demux_mode == MIME_DEMUX_MODE_PLAIN) { /* in plain mode, just dump the line */ data = line; data_len = line_len; } else if ( (mime_demux_mode == MIME_DEMUX_MODE_QP) || (mime_demux_mode == MIME_DEMUX_MODE_BASE64) ) { data_len = mime_decode_line(mime_demux_mode,line,&data,line_len,info); if (data_len < 0) { /* Error reported from the line decoder. */ data_len = 0; }; }; /* write data to dump file */ if (data_len > 0) { if (fwrite(data,1,data_len,mime_dump_file) < data_len) { /* short write */ snprintf(CS info, 1024,"short write on dump file"); free(line); return DEFER; }; }; }; } else { /* Scanning mode. We end up here after a end boundary. This will usually be at the end of a message or at the end of a MIME container. We need to look for another start boundary to get back into header mode. */ if (mime_check_boundary(line,boundaries) == 1) { mime_demux_mode = MIME_DEMUX_MODE_MIME_HEADERS; }; }; /* ------------------------------------------------ */ }; }; /* ----------------------- end demux loop ----------------------- */ /* close files, they could still be open */ if (mime_dump_file != NULL) fclose(mime_dump_file); if (uu_dump_file != NULL) fclose(uu_dump_file); /* release line buffer */ free(line); /* FIXME: release boundary buffers. Not too much of a problem since this instance of exim is not resident. */ if (has_tnef) { uschar file_name[1024]; /* at least one file could be TNEF encoded. attempt to send all decoded files thru the TNEF decoder */ snprintf(CS file_name,1024,"%s/scan/%s",spool_directory,message_id); /* Removed FTTB. We need to decide on TNEF inclusion */ /* mime_unpack_tnef(file_name); */ }; return 0; } #endif