/* * The RSA public-key cryptosystem * * Based on XySSL: Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Christophe Devine * * Copyright (C) 2009 Paul Bakker * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* * RSA was designed by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Len Adleman. * * http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~rivest/rsapaper.pdf * http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/about/chap8.pdf */ /* $Cambridge: exim/src/src/pdkim/rsa.c,v 2009/04/09 07:49:11 tom Exp $ */ #include "rsa.h" #include "base64.h" #include #include #include /* * ASN.1 DER decoding routines */ static int asn1_get_len( unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end, int *len ) { if( ( end - *p ) < 1 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_ASN1_OUT_OF_DATA ); if( ( **p & 0x80 ) == 0 ) *len = *(*p)++; else { switch( **p & 0x7F ) { case 1: if( ( end - *p ) < 2 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_ASN1_OUT_OF_DATA ); *len = (*p)[1]; (*p) += 2; break; case 2: if( ( end - *p ) < 3 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_ASN1_OUT_OF_DATA ); *len = ( (*p)[1] << 8 ) | (*p)[2]; (*p) += 3; break; default: return( POLARSSL_ERR_ASN1_INVALID_LENGTH ); break; } } if( *len > (int) ( end - *p ) ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_ASN1_OUT_OF_DATA ); return( 0 ); } static int asn1_get_tag( unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end, int *len, int tag ) { if( ( end - *p ) < 1 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_ASN1_OUT_OF_DATA ); if( **p != tag ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_ASN1_UNEXPECTED_TAG ); (*p)++; return( asn1_get_len( p, end, len ) ); } static int asn1_get_int( unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end, int *val ) { int ret, len; if( ( ret = asn1_get_tag( p, end, &len, ASN1_INTEGER ) ) != 0 ) return( ret ); if( len > (int) sizeof( int ) || ( **p & 0x80 ) != 0 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_ASN1_INVALID_LENGTH ); *val = 0; while( len-- > 0 ) { *val = ( *val << 8 ) | **p; (*p)++; } return( 0 ); } static int asn1_get_mpi( unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end, mpi *X ) { int ret, len; if( ( ret = asn1_get_tag( p, end, &len, ASN1_INTEGER ) ) != 0 ) return( ret ); ret = mpi_read_binary( X, *p, len ); *p += len; return( ret ); } /* * Initialize an RSA context */ void rsa_init( rsa_context *ctx, int padding, int hash_id, int (*f_rng)(void *), void *p_rng ) { memset( ctx, 0, sizeof( rsa_context ) ); ctx->padding = padding; ctx->hash_id = hash_id; ctx->f_rng = f_rng; ctx->p_rng = p_rng; } /* * Check a public RSA key */ int rsa_check_pubkey( rsa_context *ctx ) { if( ( ctx->N.p[0] & 1 ) == 0 || ( ctx->E.p[0] & 1 ) == 0 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_KEY_CHECK_FAILED ); if( mpi_msb( &ctx->N ) < 128 || mpi_msb( &ctx->N ) > 4096 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_KEY_CHECK_FAILED ); if( mpi_msb( &ctx->E ) < 2 || mpi_msb( &ctx->E ) > 64 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_KEY_CHECK_FAILED ); return( 0 ); } /* * Check a private RSA key */ int rsa_check_privkey( rsa_context *ctx ) { int ret; mpi PQ, DE, P1, Q1, H, I, G; if( ( ret = rsa_check_pubkey( ctx ) ) != 0 ) return( ret ); mpi_init( &PQ, &DE, &P1, &Q1, &H, &I, &G, NULL ); MPI_CHK( mpi_mul_mpi( &PQ, &ctx->P, &ctx->Q ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_mul_mpi( &DE, &ctx->D, &ctx->E ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_int( &P1, &ctx->P, 1 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_int( &Q1, &ctx->Q, 1 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_mul_mpi( &H, &P1, &Q1 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_mod_mpi( &I, &DE, &H ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_gcd( &G, &ctx->E, &H ) ); if( mpi_cmp_mpi( &PQ, &ctx->N ) == 0 && mpi_cmp_int( &I, 1 ) == 0 && mpi_cmp_int( &G, 1 ) == 0 ) { mpi_free( &G, &I, &H, &Q1, &P1, &DE, &PQ, NULL ); return( 0 ); } cleanup: mpi_free( &G, &I, &H, &Q1, &P1, &DE, &PQ, NULL ); return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_KEY_CHECK_FAILED | ret ); } /* * Do an RSA public key operation */ int rsa_public( rsa_context *ctx, unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output ) { int ret, olen; mpi T; mpi_init( &T, NULL ); MPI_CHK( mpi_read_binary( &T, input, ctx->len ) ); if( mpi_cmp_mpi( &T, &ctx->N ) >= 0 ) { mpi_free( &T, NULL ); return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); } olen = ctx->len; MPI_CHK( mpi_exp_mod( &T, &T, &ctx->E, &ctx->N, &ctx->RN ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_write_binary( &T, output, olen ) ); cleanup: mpi_free( &T, NULL ); if( ret != 0 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_PUBLIC_FAILED | ret ); return( 0 ); } /* * Do an RSA private key operation */ int rsa_private( rsa_context *ctx, unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output ) { int ret, olen; mpi T, T1, T2; mpi_init( &T, &T1, &T2, NULL ); MPI_CHK( mpi_read_binary( &T, input, ctx->len ) ); if( mpi_cmp_mpi( &T, &ctx->N ) >= 0 ) { mpi_free( &T, NULL ); return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); } #if 0 MPI_CHK( mpi_exp_mod( &T, &T, &ctx->D, &ctx->N, &ctx->RN ) ); #else /* * faster decryption using the CRT * * T1 = input ^ dP mod P * T2 = input ^ dQ mod Q */ MPI_CHK( mpi_exp_mod( &T1, &T, &ctx->DP, &ctx->P, &ctx->RP ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_exp_mod( &T2, &T, &ctx->DQ, &ctx->Q, &ctx->RQ ) ); /* * T = (T1 - T2) * (Q^-1 mod P) mod P */ MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_mpi( &T, &T1, &T2 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_mul_mpi( &T1, &T, &ctx->QP ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_mod_mpi( &T, &T1, &ctx->P ) ); /* * output = T2 + T * Q */ MPI_CHK( mpi_mul_mpi( &T1, &T, &ctx->Q ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_add_mpi( &T, &T2, &T1 ) ); #endif olen = ctx->len; MPI_CHK( mpi_write_binary( &T, output, olen ) ); cleanup: mpi_free( &T, &T1, &T2, NULL ); if( ret != 0 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_PRIVATE_FAILED | ret ); return( 0 ); } /* * Add the message padding, then do an RSA operation */ int rsa_pkcs1_encrypt( rsa_context *ctx, int mode, int ilen, unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output ) { int nb_pad, olen; unsigned char *p = output; olen = ctx->len; switch( ctx->padding ) { case RSA_PKCS_V15: if( ilen < 0 || olen < ilen + 11 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); nb_pad = olen - 3 - ilen; *p++ = 0; *p++ = RSA_CRYPT; while( nb_pad-- > 0 ) { do { *p = (unsigned char) rand(); } while( *p == 0 ); p++; } *p++ = 0; memcpy( p, input, ilen ); break; default: return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_INVALID_PADDING ); } return( ( mode == RSA_PUBLIC ) ? rsa_public( ctx, output, output ) : rsa_private( ctx, output, output ) ); } /* * Do an RSA operation, then remove the message padding */ int rsa_pkcs1_decrypt( rsa_context *ctx, int mode, int *olen, unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output, int output_max_len) { int ret, ilen; unsigned char *p; unsigned char buf[512]; ilen = ctx->len; if( ilen < 16 || ilen > (int) sizeof( buf ) ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); ret = ( mode == RSA_PUBLIC ) ? rsa_public( ctx, input, buf ) : rsa_private( ctx, input, buf ); if( ret != 0 ) return( ret ); p = buf; switch( ctx->padding ) { case RSA_PKCS_V15: if( *p++ != 0 || *p++ != RSA_CRYPT ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_INVALID_PADDING ); while( *p != 0 ) { if( p >= buf + ilen - 1 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_INVALID_PADDING ); p++; } p++; break; default: return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_INVALID_PADDING ); } if (ilen - (int)(p - buf) > output_max_len) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_OUTPUT_TO_LARGE ); *olen = ilen - (int)(p - buf); memcpy( output, p, *olen ); return( 0 ); } /* * Do an RSA operation to sign the message digest */ int rsa_pkcs1_sign( rsa_context *ctx, int mode, int hash_id, int hashlen, unsigned char *hash, unsigned char *sig ) { int nb_pad, olen; unsigned char *p = sig; olen = ctx->len; switch( ctx->padding ) { case RSA_PKCS_V15: switch( hash_id ) { case RSA_RAW: nb_pad = olen - 3 - hashlen; break; case RSA_MD2: case RSA_MD4: case RSA_MD5: nb_pad = olen - 3 - 16 - 18; break; case RSA_SHA1: nb_pad = olen - 3 - 20 - 15; break; case RSA_SHA256: nb_pad = olen - 3 - 32 - 19; break; default: return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); } if( nb_pad < 8 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); *p++ = 0; *p++ = RSA_SIGN; memset( p, 0xFF, nb_pad ); p += nb_pad; *p++ = 0; break; default: return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_INVALID_PADDING ); } switch( hash_id ) { case RSA_RAW: memcpy( p, hash, hashlen ); break; case RSA_MD2: memcpy( p, ASN1_HASH_MDX, 18 ); memcpy( p + 18, hash, 16 ); p[13] = 2; break; case RSA_MD4: memcpy( p, ASN1_HASH_MDX, 18 ); memcpy( p + 18, hash, 16 ); p[13] = 4; break; case RSA_MD5: memcpy( p, ASN1_HASH_MDX, 18 ); memcpy( p + 18, hash, 16 ); p[13] = 5; break; case RSA_SHA1: memcpy( p, ASN1_HASH_SHA1, 15 ); memcpy( p + 15, hash, 20 ); break; case RSA_SHA256: memcpy( p, ASN1_HASH_SHA256, 19 ); memcpy( p + 19, hash, 32 ); break; default: return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); } return( ( mode == RSA_PUBLIC ) ? rsa_public( ctx, sig, sig ) : rsa_private( ctx, sig, sig ) ); } /* * Do an RSA operation and check the message digest */ int rsa_pkcs1_verify( rsa_context *ctx, int mode, int hash_id, int hashlen, unsigned char *hash, unsigned char *sig ) { int ret, len, siglen; unsigned char *p, c; unsigned char buf[512]; siglen = ctx->len; if( siglen < 16 || siglen > (int) sizeof( buf ) ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); ret = ( mode == RSA_PUBLIC ) ? rsa_public( ctx, sig, buf ) : rsa_private( ctx, sig, buf ); if( ret != 0 ) return( ret ); p = buf; switch( ctx->padding ) { case RSA_PKCS_V15: if( *p++ != 0 || *p++ != RSA_SIGN ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_INVALID_PADDING ); while( *p != 0 ) { if( p >= buf + siglen - 1 || *p != 0xFF ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_INVALID_PADDING ); p++; } p++; break; default: return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_INVALID_PADDING ); } len = siglen - (int)( p - buf ); if( len == 34 ) { c = p[13]; p[13] = 0; if( memcmp( p, ASN1_HASH_MDX, 18 ) != 0 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_VERIFY_FAILED ); if( ( c == 2 && hash_id == RSA_MD2 ) || ( c == 4 && hash_id == RSA_MD4 ) || ( c == 5 && hash_id == RSA_MD5 ) ) { if( memcmp( p + 18, hash, 16 ) == 0 ) return( 0 ); else return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_VERIFY_FAILED ); } } if( len == 35 && hash_id == RSA_SHA1 ) { if( memcmp( p, ASN1_HASH_SHA1, 15 ) == 0 && memcmp( p + 15, hash, 20 ) == 0 ) return( 0 ); else return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_VERIFY_FAILED ); } if( len == 51 && hash_id == RSA_SHA256 ) { if( memcmp( p, ASN1_HASH_SHA256, 19 ) == 0 && memcmp( p + 19, hash, 32 ) == 0 ) return( 0 ); else return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_VERIFY_FAILED ); } if( len == hashlen && hash_id == RSA_RAW ) { if( memcmp( p, hash, hashlen ) == 0 ) return( 0 ); else return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_VERIFY_FAILED ); } return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_INVALID_PADDING ); } /* * Free the components of an RSA key */ void rsa_free( rsa_context *ctx ) { mpi_free( &ctx->RQ, &ctx->RP, &ctx->RN, &ctx->QP, &ctx->DQ, &ctx->DP, &ctx->Q, &ctx->P, &ctx->D, &ctx->E, &ctx->N, NULL ); } /* * Parse a public RSA key OpenSSL RSA public key ASN1 container 0:d=0 hl=3 l= 159 cons: SEQUENCE 3:d=1 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE 5:d=2 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT:rsaEncryption 16:d=2 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL 18:d=1 hl=3 l= 141 prim: BIT STRING:RSAPublicKey (below) RSAPublicKey ASN1 container 0:d=0 hl=3 l= 137 cons: SEQUENCE 3:d=1 hl=3 l= 129 prim: INTEGER:Public modulus 135:d=1 hl=2 l= 3 prim: INTEGER:Public exponent */ int rsa_parse_public_key( rsa_context *rsa, unsigned char *buf, int buflen ) { unsigned char *p, *end; int ret, len; p = buf; end = buf+buflen; if( ( ret = asn1_get_tag( &p, end, &len, ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | ASN1_SEQUENCE ) ) != 0 ) { return( POLARSSL_ERR_X509_KEY_INVALID_FORMAT | ret ); } if( ( ret = asn1_get_tag( &p, end, &len, ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | ASN1_SEQUENCE ) ) == 0 ) { /* Skip over embedded rsaEncryption Object */ p+=len; /* The RSAPublicKey ASN1 container is wrapped in a BIT STRING */ if( ( ret = asn1_get_tag( &p, end, &len, ASN1_BIT_STRING ) ) != 0 ) { return( POLARSSL_ERR_X509_KEY_INVALID_FORMAT | ret ); } /* Limit range to that BIT STRING */ end = p + len; p++; if( ( ret = asn1_get_tag( &p, end, &len, ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | ASN1_SEQUENCE ) ) != 0 ) { return( POLARSSL_ERR_X509_KEY_INVALID_FORMAT | ret ); } } if ( ( ( ret = asn1_get_mpi( &p, end, &(rsa->N) ) ) == 0 ) && ( ( ret = asn1_get_mpi( &p, end, &(rsa->E) ) ) == 0 ) ) { rsa->len = mpi_size( &rsa->N ); return 0; } return( POLARSSL_ERR_X509_KEY_INVALID_FORMAT | ret ); } /* * Parse a private RSA key */ int rsa_parse_key( rsa_context *rsa, unsigned char *buf, int buflen, unsigned char *pwd, int pwdlen ) { int ret, len, enc; unsigned char *s1, *s2; unsigned char *p, *end; s1 = (unsigned char *) strstr( (char *) buf, "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" ); if( s1 != NULL ) { s2 = (unsigned char *) strstr( (char *) buf, "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" ); if( s2 == NULL || s2 <= s1 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_X509_KEY_INVALID_PEM ); s1 += 31; if( *s1 == '\r' ) s1++; if( *s1 == '\n' ) s1++; else return( POLARSSL_ERR_X509_KEY_INVALID_PEM ); enc = 0; if( memcmp( s1, "Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED", 22 ) == 0 ) { return( POLARSSL_ERR_X509_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE ); } len = 0; ret = base64_decode( NULL, &len, s1, s2 - s1 ); if( ret == POLARSSL_ERR_BASE64_INVALID_CHARACTER ) return( ret | POLARSSL_ERR_X509_KEY_INVALID_PEM ); if( ( buf = (unsigned char *) malloc( len ) ) == NULL ) return( 1 ); if( ( ret = base64_decode( buf, &len, s1, s2 - s1 ) ) != 0 ) { free( buf ); return( ret | POLARSSL_ERR_X509_KEY_INVALID_PEM ); } buflen = len; if( enc != 0 ) { return( POLARSSL_ERR_X509_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE ); } } memset( rsa, 0, sizeof( rsa_context ) ); p = buf; end = buf + buflen; /* * RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE { * version Version, * modulus INTEGER, -- n * publicExponent INTEGER, -- e * privateExponent INTEGER, -- d * prime1 INTEGER, -- p * prime2 INTEGER, -- q * exponent1 INTEGER, -- d mod (p-1) * exponent2 INTEGER, -- d mod (q-1) * coefficient INTEGER, -- (inverse of q) mod p * otherPrimeInfos OtherPrimeInfos OPTIONAL * } */ if( ( ret = asn1_get_tag( &p, end, &len, ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | ASN1_SEQUENCE ) ) != 0 ) { if( s1 != NULL ) free( buf ); rsa_free( rsa ); return( POLARSSL_ERR_X509_KEY_INVALID_FORMAT | ret ); } end = p + len; if( ( ret = asn1_get_int( &p, end, &rsa->ver ) ) != 0 ) { if( s1 != NULL ) free( buf ); rsa_free( rsa ); return( POLARSSL_ERR_X509_KEY_INVALID_FORMAT | ret ); } if( rsa->ver != 0 ) { if( s1 != NULL ) free( buf ); rsa_free( rsa ); return( ret | POLARSSL_ERR_X509_KEY_INVALID_VERSION ); } if( ( ret = asn1_get_mpi( &p, end, &rsa->N ) ) != 0 || ( ret = asn1_get_mpi( &p, end, &rsa->E ) ) != 0 || ( ret = asn1_get_mpi( &p, end, &rsa->D ) ) != 0 || ( ret = asn1_get_mpi( &p, end, &rsa->P ) ) != 0 || ( ret = asn1_get_mpi( &p, end, &rsa->Q ) ) != 0 || ( ret = asn1_get_mpi( &p, end, &rsa->DP ) ) != 0 || ( ret = asn1_get_mpi( &p, end, &rsa->DQ ) ) != 0 || ( ret = asn1_get_mpi( &p, end, &rsa->QP ) ) != 0 ) { if( s1 != NULL ) free( buf ); rsa_free( rsa ); return( ret | POLARSSL_ERR_X509_KEY_INVALID_FORMAT ); } rsa->len = mpi_size( &rsa->N ); if( p != end ) { if( s1 != NULL ) free( buf ); rsa_free( rsa ); return( POLARSSL_ERR_X509_KEY_INVALID_FORMAT | POLARSSL_ERR_ASN1_LENGTH_MISMATCH ); } if( ( ret = rsa_check_privkey( rsa ) ) != 0 ) { if( s1 != NULL ) free( buf ); rsa_free( rsa ); return( ret ); } if( s1 != NULL ) free( buf ); return( 0 ); }