/* $Cambridge: exim/src/src/pdkim/pdkim.c,v 2009/02/24 13:13:47 tom Exp $ */ /* pdkim.c */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pdkim.h" /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* A bunch of list constants */ char *pdkim_querymethods[] = { "dns/txt" }; char *pdkim_algos[] = { "rsa-sha256", "rsa-sha1" }; char *pdkim_canons[] = { "simple", "relaxed" }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Various debugging functions */ #ifdef PDKIM_DEBUG void pdkim_quoteprint(FILE *stream, char *data, int len, int lf) { int i; unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)data; for (i=0;i 127) ) fprintf(stream,"{%02x}",c); else fputc(c,stream); break; } } if (lf) fputc('\n',stream); } #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Simple string list implementation for convinience */ pdkim_stringlist *pdkim_append_stringlist(pdkim_stringlist *base, char *str) { pdkim_stringlist *new_entry = malloc(sizeof(pdkim_stringlist)); if (new_entry == NULL) return NULL; memset(new_entry,0,sizeof(pdkim_stringlist)); new_entry->value = malloc(strlen(str)+1); if (new_entry->value == NULL) return NULL; strcpy(new_entry->value,str); if (base != NULL) { pdkim_stringlist *last = base; while (last->next != NULL) { last = last->next; }; last->next = new_entry; return base; } else return new_entry; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* A small "growing string" implementation to escape malloc/realloc hell */ pdkim_str *pdkim_strnew (char *cstr) { unsigned int len = cstr?strlen(cstr):0; pdkim_str *p = malloc(sizeof(pdkim_str)); if (p == NULL) return NULL; memset(p,0,sizeof(pdkim_str)); p->str = malloc(len+1); if (p->str == NULL) { free(p); return NULL; } p->allocated=(len+1); p->len=len; if (cstr) strcpy(p->str,cstr); return p; }; char *pdkim_strcat(pdkim_str *str, char *cstr) { return pdkim_strncat(str, cstr, strlen(cstr)); }; char *pdkim_strncat(pdkim_str *str, char *data, int len) { if ((str->allocated - str->len) < (len+1)) { /* Extend the buffer */ int num_frags = ((len+1)/PDKIM_STR_ALLOC_FRAG)+1; char *n = realloc(str->str, (str->allocated+(num_frags*PDKIM_STR_ALLOC_FRAG))); if (n == NULL) return NULL; str->str = n; str->allocated += (num_frags*PDKIM_STR_ALLOC_FRAG); } strncpy(&(str->str[str->len]),data,len); str->len+=len; str->str[str->len] = '\0'; return str->str; }; char *pdkim_numcat(pdkim_str *str, unsigned long num) { char minibuf[20]; snprintf(minibuf,20,"%lu",num); return pdkim_strcat(str,minibuf); }; void pdkim_strfree(pdkim_str *str) { if (str == NULL) return; if (str->str != NULL) free(str->str); free(str); }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Matches the name of the passed raw "header" against the passed colon-separated "list". Case-insensitive. Returns '0' for a match. */ int header_name_match(char *header, char *list) { char *hname; char *lcopy; char *p; char *q; int rc = PDKIM_FAIL; char *hcolon = strchr(header,':'); if (hcolon == NULL) return rc; /* This isn't a header */ hname = malloc((hcolon-header)+1); if (hname == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; memset(hname,0,(hcolon-header)+1); strncpy(hname,header,(hcolon-header)); lcopy = malloc(strlen(list)+1); if (lcopy == NULL) { free(hname); return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; } strcpy(lcopy,list); p = lcopy; q = strchr(p,':'); while (q != NULL) { *q = '\0'; if (strcasecmp(p,hname) == 0) { rc = PDKIM_OK; goto BAIL; } p = q+1; q = strchr(p,':'); } if (strcasecmp(p,hname) == 0) rc = PDKIM_OK; BAIL: free(hname); free(lcopy); return rc; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Performs "relaxed" canonicalization of a header. The returned pointer needs to be free()d. */ char *pdkim_relax_header (char *header, int crlf) { int past_field_name = 0; int seen_wsp = 0; char *p = header; char *q; char *relaxed = malloc(strlen(header)); if (relaxed == NULL) return NULL; q = relaxed; while (*p != '\0') { int c = *p; /* Ignore CR & LF */ if ( (c == '\r') || (c == '\n') ) { p++; continue; } if ( (c == '\t') || (c == ' ') ) { c = ' '; /* Turns WSP into SP */ if (seen_wsp) { p++; continue; } else seen_wsp = 1; } else { if ( (!past_field_name) && (c == ':') ) { if (seen_wsp) q--; /* This removes WSP before the colon */ seen_wsp = 1; /* This removes WSP after the colon */ past_field_name = 1; } else seen_wsp = 0; } /* Lowercase header name */ if (!past_field_name) c = tolower(c); *q = c; p++; q++; } *q = '\0'; if (crlf) strcat(relaxed,"\r\n"); return relaxed; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int pdkim_update_bodyhash(pdkim_ctx *ctx, char *data, int len) { pdkim_signature *sig = ctx->sig; /* Cache relaxed version of data */ char *relaxed_data = NULL; int relaxed_len = 0; /* Traverse all signatures, updating their hashes. */ while (sig != NULL) { /* Defaults to simple canon (no further treatment necessary) */ char *canon_data = data; int canon_len = len; if (sig->canon_body == PDKIM_CANON_RELAXED) { /* Relax the line if not done already */ if (relaxed_data == NULL) { int seen_wsp = 0; char *p = data; int q = 0; relaxed_data = malloc(len); if (relaxed_data == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; while (*p != '\0') { char c = *p; if ( (c == '\t') || (c == ' ') ) { c = ' '; /* Turns WSP into SP */ if (seen_wsp) { p++; continue; } else seen_wsp = 1; } else seen_wsp = 0; relaxed_data[q++] = c; p++; } relaxed_data[q] = '\0'; relaxed_len = q; } canon_data = relaxed_data; canon_len = relaxed_len; } /* Make sure we don't exceed the to-be-signed body length */ if (sig->bodylength && ((sig->signed_body_bytes+(unsigned long)canon_len) > sig->bodylength)) canon_len = (sig->bodylength - sig->signed_body_bytes); if (canon_len > 0) { if (sig->algo == PDKIM_ALGO_RSA_SHA1) sha1_update(&(sig->sha1_body),(unsigned char *)canon_data,canon_len); else sha2_update(&(sig->sha2_body),(unsigned char *)canon_data,canon_len); sig->signed_body_bytes += canon_len; #ifdef PDKIM_DEBUG if (ctx->debug_stream!=NULL) pdkim_quoteprint(ctx->debug_stream,canon_data,canon_len,0); #endif } sig = sig->next; } if (relaxed_data != NULL) free(relaxed_data); return PDKIM_OK; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int pdkim_finish_bodyhash(pdkim_ctx *ctx) { pdkim_signature *sig = ctx->sig; /* Traverse all signatures */ while (sig != NULL) { #ifdef PDKIM_DEBUG if (ctx->debug_stream) fprintf(ctx->debug_stream, "PDKIM [%s] Body bytes hashed: %lu\n", sig->domain, sig->signed_body_bytes); #endif /* Finish hashes */ unsigned char bh[32]; /* SHA-256 = 32 Bytes, SHA-1 = 20 Bytes */ if (sig->algo == PDKIM_ALGO_RSA_SHA1) sha1_finish(&(sig->sha1_body),bh); else sha2_finish(&(sig->sha2_body),bh); /* SIGNING -------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (ctx->mode == PDKIM_MODE_SIGN) { /* Build base64 version of body hash and place it in the sig struct */ int slen = (sig->algo == PDKIM_ALGO_RSA_SHA1)?20:32; int dlen = 0; base64_encode(NULL,&dlen,bh,slen); /* Puts needed length in dlen */ sig->bodyhash = malloc(dlen+1); if (sig->bodyhash == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; if (base64_encode((unsigned char *)sig->bodyhash,&dlen,bh,slen) == 0) { sig->bodyhash[dlen] = '\0'; #ifdef PDKIM_DEBUG if (ctx->debug_stream) fprintf(ctx->debug_stream, "PDKIM [%s] body hash: %s\n", sig->domain, sig->bodyhash); #endif return PDKIM_OK; } /* If bodylength limit is set, and we have received less bytes than the requested amount, effectively remove the limit tag. */ if (sig->signed_body_bytes < sig->bodylength) sig->bodylength = 0; } /* VERIFICATION --------------------------------------------------------- */ else { } sig = sig->next; } return PDKIM_OK; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Callback from pdkim_feed below for processing complete body lines */ int pdkim_bodyline_complete(pdkim_ctx *ctx) { char *p = ctx->linebuf; int n = ctx->linebuf_offset; /* Ignore extra data if we've seen the end-of-data marker */ if (ctx->seen_eod) goto BAIL; /* We've always got one extra byte to stuff a zero ... */ ctx->linebuf[(ctx->linebuf_offset)] = '\0'; if (ctx->input_mode == PDKIM_INPUT_SMTP) { /* Terminate on EOD marker */ if (memcmp(p,".\r\n",3) == 0) { ctx->seen_eod = 1; goto BAIL; } /* Unstuff dots */ if (memcmp(p,"..",2) == 0) { p++; n--; } } /* Empty lines need to be buffered until we find a non-empty line */ if (memcmp(p,"\r\n",2) == 0) { ctx->num_buffered_crlf++; goto BAIL; } /* At this point, we have a non-empty line, so release the buffered ones. */ while (ctx->num_buffered_crlf) { pdkim_update_bodyhash(ctx,"\r\n",2); ctx->num_buffered_crlf--; } pdkim_update_bodyhash(ctx,p,n); BAIL: ctx->linebuf_offset = 0; return PDKIM_OK; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Callback from pdkim_feed below for processing complete headers */ int pdkim_header_complete(pdkim_ctx *ctx) { pdkim_signature *sig = ctx->sig; /* Special case: The last header can have an extra \r appended */ if ( (ctx->cur_header->len > 1) && (ctx->cur_header->str[(ctx->cur_header->len)-1] == '\r') ) { ctx->cur_header->str[(ctx->cur_header->len)-1] = '\0'; ctx->cur_header->len--; } /* Traverse all signatures */ while (sig != NULL) { /* SIGNING -------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (ctx->mode == PDKIM_MODE_SIGN) { if (header_name_match(ctx->cur_header->str, sig->sign_headers?sig->sign_headers :PDKIM_DEFAULT_SIGN_HEADERS) == 0) { pdkim_stringlist *list = pdkim_append_stringlist(sig->headers, ctx->cur_header->str); if (list == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; sig->headers = list; } } /* VERIFICATION --------------------------------------------------------- */ else { } sig = sig->next; } ctx->cur_header->len = 0; /* Re-use existing pdkim_str */ return PDKIM_OK; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define HEADER_BUFFER_FRAG_SIZE 256 int pdkim_feed (pdkim_ctx *ctx, char *data, int len) { int p; for (p=0;ppast_headers) { /* Processing body byte */ ctx->linebuf[(ctx->linebuf_offset)++] = c; if (c == '\n') { int rc = pdkim_bodyline_complete(ctx); /* End of line */ if (rc != PDKIM_OK) return rc; } if (ctx->linebuf_offset == (PDKIM_MAX_BODY_LINE_LEN-1)) return PDKIM_ERR_LONG_LINE; } else { /* Processing header byte */ if (c != '\r') { if (c == '\n') { if (ctx->seen_lf) { int rc = pdkim_header_complete(ctx); /* Seen last header line */ if (rc != PDKIM_OK) return rc; ctx->past_headers = 1; ctx->seen_lf = 0; #ifdef PDKIM_DEBUG if (ctx->debug_stream) fprintf(ctx->debug_stream, "PDKIM >> Hashed body data, canonicalized >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"); #endif continue; } else ctx->seen_lf = 1; } else if (ctx->seen_lf) { if (! ((c == '\t') || (c == ' '))) { int rc = pdkim_header_complete(ctx); /* End of header */ if (rc != PDKIM_OK) return rc; } ctx->seen_lf = 0; } } if (ctx->cur_header == NULL) { ctx->cur_header = pdkim_strnew(NULL); if (ctx->cur_header == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; } if (pdkim_strncat(ctx->cur_header,&data[p],1) == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; } } return PDKIM_OK; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ pdkim_str *pdkim_create_header(pdkim_ctx *ctx, int final) { pdkim_str *hdr = pdkim_strnew("DKIM-Signature: v="PDKIM_SIGNATURE_VERSION); if (hdr == NULL) return NULL; /* Required and static bits */ if ( pdkim_strcat(hdr,"; a=") && pdkim_strcat(hdr,pdkim_algos[ctx->sig->algo]) && pdkim_strcat(hdr,"; q=") && pdkim_strcat(hdr,pdkim_querymethods[ctx->sig->querymethod]) && pdkim_strcat(hdr,"; c=") && pdkim_strcat(hdr,pdkim_canons[ctx->sig->canon_headers]) && pdkim_strcat(hdr,"/") && pdkim_strcat(hdr,pdkim_canons[ctx->sig->canon_body]) && pdkim_strcat(hdr,"; d=") && pdkim_strcat(hdr,ctx->sig->domain) && pdkim_strcat(hdr,"; s=") && pdkim_strcat(hdr,ctx->sig->selector) && pdkim_strcat(hdr,";\r\n\th=") && pdkim_strcat(hdr,ctx->sig->headernames) && pdkim_strcat(hdr,"; bh=") && pdkim_strcat(hdr,ctx->sig->bodyhash) && pdkim_strcat(hdr,";\r\n\t") ) { /* Optional bits */ if (ctx->sig->identity != NULL) { if (!( pdkim_strcat(hdr,"i=") && pdkim_strcat(hdr,ctx->sig->identity) && pdkim_strcat(hdr,";") ) ) { return NULL; } } if (ctx->sig->created > 0) { if (!( pdkim_strcat(hdr,"t=") && pdkim_numcat(hdr,ctx->sig->created) && pdkim_strcat(hdr,";") ) ) { return NULL; } } if (ctx->sig->expires > 0) { if (!( pdkim_strcat(hdr,"x=") && pdkim_numcat(hdr,ctx->sig->expires) && pdkim_strcat(hdr,";") ) ) { return NULL; } } if (ctx->sig->bodylength > 0) { if (!( pdkim_strcat(hdr,"l=") && pdkim_numcat(hdr,ctx->sig->bodylength) && pdkim_strcat(hdr,";") ) ) { return NULL; } } /* Extra linebreak */ if (hdr->str[(hdr->len)-1] == ';') { if (!pdkim_strcat(hdr," \r\n\t")) return NULL; } /* Preliminary or final version? */ if (final) { if ( pdkim_strcat(hdr,"b=") && pdkim_strcat(hdr,ctx->sig->sigdata) && pdkim_strcat(hdr,";") ) return hdr; } else { if (pdkim_strcat(hdr,"b=;")) return hdr; } } return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int pdkim_feed_finish(pdkim_ctx *ctx) { /* Check if we must still flush a (partial) header. If that is the case, the message has no body, and we must compute a body hash out of '' */ if (ctx->cur_header->len) { int rc = pdkim_header_complete(ctx); if (rc != PDKIM_OK) return rc; pdkim_update_bodyhash(ctx,"\r\n",2); } else { /* For non-smtp input, check if there's an unfinished line in the body line buffer. If that is the case, we must add a CRLF to the hash to properly terminate the message. */ if ((ctx->input_mode == PDKIM_INPUT_NORMAL) && ctx->linebuf_offset) { pdkim_update_bodyhash(ctx, ctx->linebuf, ctx->linebuf_offset); pdkim_update_bodyhash(ctx,"\r\n",2); } #ifdef PDKIM_DEBUG if (ctx->debug_stream) fprintf(ctx->debug_stream, "\nPDKIM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); #endif } if (pdkim_finish_bodyhash(ctx) != PDKIM_OK) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; /* SIGNING ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (ctx->mode == PDKIM_MODE_SIGN) { pdkim_stringlist *p; pdkim_str *headernames; pdkim_str *hdr; char *canon_signature; unsigned char headerhash[32]; char *headerhash_base64; char *rsa_sig; int sigdata_len = 0; sha1_context sha1_headers; sha2_context sha2_headers; rsa_context rsa; if (ctx->sig->algo == PDKIM_ALGO_RSA_SHA1) sha1_starts(&sha1_headers); else sha2_starts(&sha2_headers,0); /* Run through the accumulated list of to-be-signed headers */ #ifdef PDKIM_DEBUG if (ctx->debug_stream) fprintf(ctx->debug_stream, "PDKIM >> Hashed header data, canonicalized, in sequence >>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"); #endif headernames = pdkim_strnew(NULL); p = ctx->sig->headers; while (p != NULL) { char *rh = p->value; /* Collect header names (Note: colon presence is guaranteed here) */ char *q = strchr(p->value,':'); if (pdkim_strncat(headernames, p->value, (q-(p->value))+((p->next==NULL)?0:1)) == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; /* Cook the header if using relaxed canon */ if (ctx->sig->canon_body == PDKIM_CANON_RELAXED) { rh = pdkim_relax_header(p->value,1); if (rh == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; } /* Feed header to the hash algorithm */ if (ctx->sig->algo == PDKIM_ALGO_RSA_SHA1) sha1_update(&(sha1_headers),(unsigned char *)rh,strlen(rh)); else sha2_update(&(sha2_headers),(unsigned char *)rh,strlen(rh)); #ifdef PDKIM_DEBUG if (ctx->debug_stream) pdkim_quoteprint(ctx->debug_stream, rh, strlen(rh), 1); #endif p = p->next; } #ifdef PDKIM_DEBUG if (ctx->debug_stream) fprintf(ctx->debug_stream, "PDKIM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); #endif /* Copy headernames to signature struct */ ctx->sig->headernames = malloc((headernames->len)+1); if (ctx->sig->headernames == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; strcpy(ctx->sig->headernames, headernames->str); pdkim_strfree(headernames); /* Create signature header with b= omitted */ hdr = pdkim_create_header(ctx,0); if (hdr == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; /* If necessary, perform relaxed canon */ canon_signature = hdr->str; if (ctx->sig->canon_headers == PDKIM_CANON_RELAXED) { canon_signature = pdkim_relax_header(canon_signature,0); if (canon_signature == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; } #ifdef PDKIM_DEBUG if (ctx->debug_stream) { fprintf(ctx->debug_stream, "PDKIM >> Signed DKIM-Signature header, canonicalized >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"); pdkim_quoteprint(ctx->debug_stream, canon_signature, strlen(canon_signature), 1); fprintf(ctx->debug_stream, "PDKIM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); } #endif /* Feed preliminary signature header to the hash algorithm */ if (ctx->sig->algo == PDKIM_ALGO_RSA_SHA1) { int dlen = 0; sha1_update(&(sha1_headers),(unsigned char *)canon_signature,strlen(canon_signature)); sha1_finish(&(sha1_headers),headerhash); base64_encode(NULL,&dlen,headerhash,20); headerhash_base64 = malloc(dlen+1); if (headerhash == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; base64_encode((unsigned char *)headerhash_base64,&dlen,headerhash,20); headerhash_base64[dlen] = '\0'; #ifdef PDKIM_DEBUG if (ctx->debug_stream) fprintf(ctx->debug_stream, "PDKIM SHA1 header hash: %s\n",headerhash_base64); #endif } else { int dlen = 0; sha2_update(&(sha2_headers),(unsigned char *)canon_signature,strlen(canon_signature)); sha2_finish(&(sha2_headers),headerhash); base64_encode(NULL,&dlen,headerhash,32); headerhash_base64 = malloc(dlen+1); if (headerhash == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; base64_encode((unsigned char *)headerhash_base64,&dlen,headerhash,32); headerhash_base64[dlen] = '\0'; #ifdef PDKIM_DEBUG if (ctx->debug_stream) fprintf(ctx->debug_stream, "PDKIM SHA256 header hash: %s\n",headerhash_base64); #endif } if (rsa_parse_key(&rsa, (unsigned char *)ctx->sig->rsa_privkey, strlen(ctx->sig->rsa_privkey), NULL, 0) != 0) { return PDKIM_ERR_RSA_PRIVKEY; } rsa_sig = malloc(mpi_size(&(rsa.N))); if (rsa_sig == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; if (rsa_pkcs1_sign( &rsa, RSA_PRIVATE, ((ctx->sig->algo == PDKIM_ALGO_RSA_SHA1)? RSA_SHA1 : RSA_SHA256 ), 0, headerhash, (unsigned char *)rsa_sig ) != 0) { return PDKIM_ERR_RSA_SIGNING; } base64_encode(NULL,&sigdata_len,(unsigned char *)rsa_sig,mpi_size(&(rsa.N))); ctx->sig->sigdata = malloc(sigdata_len+1); if (ctx->sig->sigdata == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; base64_encode((unsigned char *)ctx->sig->sigdata, &sigdata_len, (unsigned char *)rsa_sig, mpi_size(&(rsa.N))); ctx->sig->sigdata[sigdata_len] = '\0'; #ifdef PDKIM_DEBUG if (ctx->debug_stream) fprintf(ctx->debug_stream, "PDKIM RSA-signed hash: %s\n",ctx->sig->sigdata); #endif /* Recreate signature header with b= included */ pdkim_strfree(hdr); hdr = pdkim_create_header(ctx,1); if (hdr == NULL) return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; #ifdef PDKIM_DEBUG if (ctx->debug_stream) { fprintf(ctx->debug_stream, "PDKIM >> Final DKIM-Signature header >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"); fprintf(ctx->debug_stream,"%s\n",hdr->str); //pdkim_quoteprint(ctx->debug_stream, hdr->str, hdr->len, 1); fprintf(ctx->debug_stream, "PDKIM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); } #endif } return PDKIM_OK; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ pdkim_ctx *pdkim_init_sign(char *domain, char *selector, char *rsa_privkey) { pdkim_ctx *ctx; if (!domain || !selector || !rsa_privkey) return NULL; ctx = malloc(sizeof(pdkim_ctx)); if (ctx == NULL) return NULL; memset(ctx,0,sizeof(pdkim_ctx)); pdkim_signature *sig = malloc(sizeof(pdkim_signature)); if (sig == NULL) { free(ctx); return NULL; } memset(sig,0,sizeof(pdkim_signature)); ctx->mode = PDKIM_MODE_SIGN; ctx->sig = sig; ctx->sig->domain = malloc(strlen(domain)+1); ctx->sig->selector = malloc(strlen(selector)+1); ctx->sig->rsa_privkey = malloc(strlen(rsa_privkey)+1); if (!ctx->sig->domain || !ctx->sig->selector || !ctx->sig->rsa_privkey) { pdkim_free_ctx(ctx); return NULL; } strcpy(ctx->sig->domain, domain); strcpy(ctx->sig->selector, selector); strcpy(ctx->sig->rsa_privkey, rsa_privkey); sha1_starts(&(ctx->sig->sha1_body)); sha2_starts(&(ctx->sig->sha2_body),0); return ctx; }; #ifdef PDKIM_DEBUG /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void pdkim_set_debug_stream(pdkim_ctx *ctx, FILE *debug_stream) { ctx->debug_stream = debug_stream; }; #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int pdkim_set_optional(pdkim_ctx *ctx, char *sign_headers, char *identity, int canon_headers, int canon_body, unsigned long bodylength, int algo, unsigned long created, unsigned long expires) { if (identity != NULL) { ctx->sig->identity = malloc(strlen(identity)+1); if (!ctx->sig->identity) { return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; } strcpy(ctx->sig->identity, identity); } if (sign_headers != NULL) { ctx->sig->sign_headers = malloc(strlen(sign_headers)+1); if (!ctx->sig->sign_headers) { return PDKIM_ERR_OOM; } strcpy(ctx->sig->sign_headers, sign_headers); } ctx->sig->canon_headers = canon_headers; ctx->sig->canon_body = canon_body; ctx->sig->bodylength = bodylength; ctx->sig->algo = algo; ctx->sig->created = created; ctx->sig->expires = expires; return PDKIM_OK; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void pdkim_free_sig(pdkim_signature *sig) { if (sig) { pdkim_signature *next = (pdkim_signature *)sig->next; pdkim_stringlist *e = sig->headers; while(e != NULL) { pdkim_stringlist *c = e; if (e->value != NULL) free(e->value); e = e->next; free(c); } if (sig->sigdata != NULL) free(sig->sigdata); if (sig->bodyhash != NULL) free(sig->bodyhash); if (sig->selector != NULL) free(sig->selector); if (sig->domain != NULL) free(sig->domain); if (sig->identity != NULL) free(sig->identity); if (sig->headernames != NULL) free(sig->headernames); if (sig->copiedheaders != NULL) free(sig->copiedheaders); if (sig->rsa_privkey != NULL) free(sig->rsa_privkey); if (sig->sign_headers != NULL) free(sig->sign_headers); free(sig); if (next != NULL) pdkim_free_sig(next); } }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void pdkim_free_ctx(pdkim_ctx *ctx) { if (ctx) { pdkim_free_sig(ctx->sig); pdkim_strfree(ctx->cur_header); free(ctx); } };