#! /bin/sh

# This script scans the directories of Exim test scripts and lists the first
# comment line of each one, which gives a description. The output is piped via
# "more". If the script has an argument, it is a pattern that is used to select
# only certain subdirectories. If the script has a second argument, it is a
# pattern that is used to select only certain test titles from the selected
# directories.

/usr/bin/perl -w - "$1" "$2" <<'PerlEnd' | less

$dirpat = "$ARGV[0]";
$filpat = "$ARGV[1]";

opendir(SCRIPTS, "scripts") || die "** Failed to opendir(SCRIPTS): $!\n";
@subdirs = readdir(SCRIPTS);

foreach $subdir (sort @subdirs)
  my($first) = 1;

  next if $subdir =~ /^\./;
  next if $dirpat ne "" && $subdir !~ /$dirpat/i;

  opendir(TESTS, "scripts/$subdir") ||
    die "** Failed to opendir(scripts/$subdir): $!\n";
  @tests = readdir(TESTS);

  foreach $file (sort @tests)
    next if $file !~ /^\d\d\d\d$/;

    open(IN, "scripts/$subdir/$file") ||
      die "** Failed to open scripts/$subdir/$file: $!\n";
    my($heading) = substr(<IN>, 2);

    if ($filpat eq "" || $heading =~ /$filpat/i)
      if ($first)
        print "\n=== $subdir ===\n";
        if (open(REQUIRES, "scripts/$subdir/REQUIRES"))
          my($indent) = "";
          print "=== Requires: ";
          while (<REQUIRES>)
            print $indent, $_;
            $indent = "              ";
          print "\n" if $indent eq "";
          close (REQUIRES);
        $first = 0;
      printf("%s/%s %s", (substr $subdir, 5), $file, $heading);

# End